Category:Battles Without Prize Wheel (FR)  

Free Realms
Admin Pages
This category exists only to make it easier to find Battles that need the Prize Wheel added.

This page last modified 2010-01-14 12:39:23.

Articles in category "Battles Without Prize Wheel (FR)"

There are 45 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Alpha Wolf! (FR Battle)
Band of Robgoblins! (FR Battle)
Bixies Gone Wild! (FR Battle)
Brugo's Fishing Spot (FR Battle)
Brutus the Brute! (FR Battle)
Feisty Floren! (FR Battle)
Fleetfoot Ninja! (FR Battle)
Frostfang Snarlers! (FR Battle)
Grave Danger! (FR Battle)
Introducing Bullseye! (FR Battle)
Moldy Shamblers! (FR Battle)
Nettleseed Nibblers! (FR Battle)
Robgoblin Adept Trouble! (FR Battle)
Robgoblin Geomancer! (FR Battle)
Robgoblin Troublemakers! (FR Battle)
Seaside Swoopers (FR Battle)
Shady Smugglers! (FR Battle)
Spawn of Necrosis (FR Battle)
Stealthy Despoilers (FR Battle)
Stone Heart's Hideaway (FR Battle)
The Missing Sisters (FR Battle)
The Mushroom Gigas! (FR Battle)
Thugamug (FR Battle)
Thugawug Sneak! (FR Battle)
Thugawug Thug! (FR Battle)
Troll Summoner Madness! (FR Battle)
Venomous Frogs! (FR Battle)