Category:Orog (CoS Race)  

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City of Steam
As with much of the life on the Mechanism, the exact origins of the Orog race is unknown. What is known is the way these once simple brutes were enslaved and trained to kill in staged arenas of carnage for the pleasure of the more ‘civilized’ races. The horrid tragedy is just how well they adapted and excelled in melee combat, learned to construct weapons, and eventually rebelled against their masters in legendary massacres. Unfortunately, their ferocity has only increased in the wild.

Categories: Races (CoS) | City of Steam
This page last modified 2013-05-21 01:12:35.

Articles in category "Orog (CoS Race)"

There are 6 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Orog Bruiser (CoS Mob)
Orog Guardian (CoS Mob)
Orog Pitfighter (CoS Mob)
The Mangler (CoS Mob)
The Mangler III (CoS Mob)
The Mangler II (CoS Mob)