Planetside 7-Day Trial on

PlanetSide is available for download and a 7-day trial to FilePlanet subscribers. Download the trial version and recruit a friend to help fight the war for Auraxis!

Recent Patch Messages

Here are a few patch messages from the past few days. Each contained more optimization fixes:
Test Server Patch - July 10, 2003 A patch to the Test Server is currently available that should resolve crash issues related to sound cards. Please post your feedback on the Test Patch to the Test Server Feedback Forum. July 9, 2003 - Small client patch A small patch went in today that improves framerate in certain problem situations. We will also continue in improving framerate optimizations. There are no other changes associated with this patch.

New Planetside Test Server

This was taken from the July 2nd patch message: Today, we are introducing the much anticipated Test Server for PlanetSide. Stop in and preview the new features, content and fixes before they hit the live server. The Liberator will be making its debut on the Test Server today as well. Here's how to get to the PlanetSide Test Server preview: - Patch Planetside normally. - Copy (do not move) the entire Planetside directory to a new location on your computer. - In the PS directory, find "PlanetSideTest.exe" - Make a shortcut to the test patcher on your desktop. - Run the patcher and, if desired, hit "play" to enter the Planetside test environment. - You'll go to a server selection where three servers will be listed. Select the "Public Test" server. - At this point you'll be able to enter "Public Test" normally.

New Movies

We've updated the movies page with two new movies which have been sent to us. Xen of Onslaught by Malvision a beautifully choreographed movie of an epic NC/VS battle. Least 'till TR joins it that is... Ant Combat Training by takes combat choreography to a new level, in this detailed look into the training habits of the Vanu team. Enjoy!

Patch notes for Upcoming Patch on Monday, 6/9/03

The Monday patch was changed to Tuesday, and some new features were added:

Upcoming Patch on Tuesday, 6/10/03 ***NOTE: This patch not available until Tuesday. This patch was originally scheduled for Monday, but was delayed to fine-tune a couple of features.*** Version 1.4 (6/10/03) 1) Continental Population Cap is now shown on the overhead map interface. This is designed to give you warning when your Empire has enough people on a continent that it is "population locked" and you won't be able to get there via Warpgate or Instant Action or Shuttle. The overhead map now shows you the percentage of maximum at a specific continent so you can easily make travelling decisions before you arrive at a warpgate. 2) The vehicle queuing system is now in place. When you select a vehicle, you will be immediately transported to the driver seat and then the vehicle will autodrive off the purchase pad (air vehicles will fly upward and away) before you gain active control of the vehicle. In addition, your purchasing request enters a "queue" if there are other players in line ahead of you. All you have to do is stay near the vehicle pad and when your turn arrives you will instantly transport to the driver's seat, as normal. If you leave the area, or if you are killed, your purchase request will be voided and your vehicle won't be created. 3) If you hit Grief Level 4 (a very rare has only happened a couple times) you will no longer be able to reenter the game. Your account will be banned. (There was a circumstance where the account wasn't being completely banned. This is now fixed.) 4) Outfit decals now work properly. Previously, only the Outfit leader saw them properly. Additionally, the outfit decals have been positioned more prominently on vehicles so that it shows off better. (NOTE to all users: If you don't see Outfit Names on players, try hitting ALT+N a couple times. One of the Name toggle settings shows player names AND outfit names.) There will be modifications to the way Outfit icons are shown on individual armors in the next patch to improve the aesthetics. 5) The Decimator icon (in your holster) now properly disappears once all three shots have been fired and the weapon is discarded automatically. 6) You can no longer /ignore GM broadcasts. (Not that you would want to...right?) 7) You should no longer see the energy coils inside the Amp Station sorting through the building walls so they are visible from outside. 8) Users are now prevented from ever being able to end up beneath the world after respawning. 9) TR MAX Dual-Cycler has been changed to do less damage per shot against infantry targets. 10) TR MAX Pounder has been changed so its explosion is slightly smaller and so that its damage-at-edge-of-explosion is slightly less also. This brings the Pounder back into balance a bit, and also reduces its grief potential somewhat. 11) The secondary firing mode of the Rocklet didn't have proper delays set on its aesthetic qualities. That has been fixed now to match the actual function of the weapon. 12) Bridges now show up on the VR Driving area map screen. 13) Added a title to the Sanctuary Respawn window so it's more obvious to most users. 14) WARNING! The Phalanx wall turrets WILL fire automatically again...if your Empire owns an Interlink Facility somewhere on the same continent. Beware the auto-turrets if you're in a flying craft! 15) The exploit with the ACE which allowed users to lay mines inside buildings has been fixed. This will no longer be possible. 16) The Boomer explosion effect now occurs as it should. The explosion will now be visible again. 17) Due to legal requirements, the ESRB logo splash screen at the start of the game now requires a 4-second delay before you can "pound" through it with the spacebar. (This is a new regulation we need to comply with...we wouldn't saddle you with a delay like this without reason.)

Patch notes for Server-side fix (6/7/03, 3am)

A new patch message is available:

***NOTE: This server-side update will occur at 3am Pacific Time on 6/7/03. It is not present on existing servers yet.***

1) A fix was made that prevents characters from being "stuck in the world" and unable to log onto a specific server. This patch doesn't affect very many players, but they were unable to play while this bug existed. It's resolved now.

2) An extremely rare server performance issue occurred today on Markov. That is now resolved.

Actiontrip Reviews Planetside

Actiontrip did a review on Planetside, with two of their editors agreeing that they love the game. You can read the entire review by going to this link.

Add Your Outfit Link

I just wanted to post to remind you that you can add your Outfit Link to our links database. To do so, go to the Outfit Links Section. Then click on your server and alliance and hit add a link and fill in the information. That way people looking for an outfit will know where to find you.

Patch notes for Server-side Fixes (5/30/03)

A new patch message is available:

1) The "first-time experience" exploits are prevented. In addition to the fixes made yesterday (that sealed up 90+% of those exploits) we have also resolved an issue affecting some users where the first-time event wouldn't be permanently registered. That's resolved now and first-time experience is (properly) one-time only.

2) A large memory leak was located and squashed on the servers. This stabilizes our worlds further.

3) A logic error in base capture experience has been found. The system is now changed so that a) squads that participate in captures will typically gain more xp than in the previous system, and b) the exploitability of the system by "cap squatters" (individuals from squads slipping in at the last minute to rake xp without risk and sharing that bonus with other squadmembers who were also not at risk) are virtually eliminated.

4) Additionally, the xp awards for resecuring a base (hacking the console back after attackers have initially hacked it) have been increased substantially, so defenders that stick around and fight to retake a base should see increased xp awards for doing so.

NOTE: These xp changes apply equally to lone wolves as well as squads. Both will see increases.

Patch notes for Server-side Fixes (5/26/03)

A new patch message is available:

Happy Memorial Day!

There was a data value out of whack with the amount of NTU drained when a Matrix Panel was autorepaired. This was allowing people to exploit the ANT/Silo recharging experience. This is now sealed and the Matrix Paneluses NTU at the proper level now.

Additionally, we found that a source of the zone crashes that had been occurring over the weekend. That has been eliminated as well.

Enjoy the rest of your three-day weekend!