AoC: Where Hyboria is Going! Clan of Conan #17

Funcom has a handle on where they want to take Age of Conan, including bringing dancing into the world.  Beyond that, here's what they're looking to do!
After the incredible initial success for Age of Conan, a whole world of MMO players are eagerly anticipating the future plans for one of the most popular online games ever released. While Age of Conan has already evolved massively since launch, numerous expansive additions are yet to come. Funcom and Eidos are therefore proud to lift the veil on Age of Conan’s promising future, and today the two companies reveal selected features which are now in production.

“While we have enjoyed the initial success for Age of Conan, we know that a solid launch is but the start when it comes to the MMO genre,” said Gaute Godager, Game Director on Age of Conan. ”As we look ahead we are preparing a huge amount of new content, and what we are presenting today will evolve Age of Conan even further. It’s naturally an incredibly ambitious update plan for a live MMO game, but we are certain our players would want nothing less.”

Without further ado, here are some of the cool things to expect in the months to come:
Read on for the list!  To check out the Clan of Conan issue 17, click here!

Age of Conan: Hooked Gamers Review

The good folks over at Hooked Gamers have posted a review on the wildly popular and fast-selling Age of Conan. Here's a taste of what they had to say:


When most people think fantasy, Robert E. Howard’s Hyboria probably isn’t the first setting that springs to mind, and all’s the more unfortunate for that. With the MMORPG market saturated with Tolkien-inspired settings, less the expertly crafted mythology and cultural diversity, a game that features a setting that speaks to the manliness in each of us, even the women-folk, has been long overdue. Fortunately for our testosterone-deprived selves, Funcom has deigned to answer our calls for help with the release of their latest MMO, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures.

So why should you spend your money on Age of Conan with so many other online experiences vying for your income? Well, aside from the aforementioned manliness, of which this game exudes, Age of Conan has been able to break out of much of the usual MMO rigmarole to provide its players with one of the most engaging experiences the genre has had for some time. Age of Conan manages to make its players feel more like some legendary hero, some unstoppable force of nature, better than any MMO to date. With a plotline that truly centers itself on the player’s chosen avatar and a combat system that exists to do away with the whole notion of auto-attacking, few MMOs are as immersive as Age of Conan.
Read the entire review here.