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#77 Oct 01 2014 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:
You honestly don't see a problem with those statements? If she believes that the purpose of the hearings/investigation is "to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again", isn't determining the motivations of those who attacked us kinda important? Her statements are nonsensical.

The motivation behind the attack wouldn't be the starting point of the conversation,it would be closer to the end as we already know that they are terrorists. Just think if someone got on a plane with an M16 and started shooting people. The first question to answer is how that individual got on a plane with an M16. Why that individual did it is secondary background noise, as it will most certainly fall in the "crazy" category.

I see no problem with her statement.

Gbaji wrote:
The point being that by attempting to spin the cause of the attack for political reasons during an election campaign the Obama administration was not just being dishonest with the American people, but also making it more likely that we'll suffer similar attacks in the future because people like Clinton are now forced to follow along with the narrative. That's why this is a problem. She's covering for the administration, and in so doing refusing to even allow discussion of the key purpose she herself states the investigation should focus on. Why did this happen? Kinda important, right? But she has to paint this into some kind of partisan political thing, which then turns the entire subject toxic. End result is that we don't learn from our mistakes and will likely repeat them again.

This is all political. It is impossible to take you seriously when you try to pretend that it's not. The Obama administration downplayed the event because of the election while the Republicans were trying ramp it up because of the election.

Gbaji wrote:
To be fair, I don't really blame Clinton for this. She was put in an impossible position because of this. That's why I said earlier that the Obama administration basically sabotaged her. I'm not even saying this was deliberate. She just happened to be in that position when one of the administrations many lies required her to say something completely ridiculous and damaging to her own career. She's not the only person that's been thrown under the bus in this manner, and if Obama's recent interview on 60 minutes is any indication, will not be the last (really? Blaming the intelligence agencies for not seeing ISIS? Lol!).

It's not the White House sabotaging Clinton, it's the Republicans attacking her for political gain. It's really that simple.

Gbaji wrote:
Huh? Why can't we be concerned about all of those things? I'm not saying that the only thing that matters is "why". I'm saying that it's wrong to insist that the "why" doesn't matter at all. Which is what Clinton was claiming.

It can very well include the why, but at that point of the hearing, the focus is on the disaster. Going back to the mass shooter scenario. That would be like FOX News saying that the shooter killed everyone because of reason x, but later found out that it was because of reason y. People would primarily be concerned on how the individual got an M16 on an aircraft and less on the why.
Furthermore, the talking points don't neglect the why!!! So, if the consensus is that the attack weren't due to the video, but a well planned executed attack, then isn't that YOUR ANSWER? Why then are people asking why she said what she said when she said it, if we found out the truth, UNLESS your point was to attack one's character as either incompetent or as a liar?

Gbaji wrote:
Huh? What facts? She said "What does it matter <why we were attacked>?". WTF? It's right there in the **** quote.

Correction, let me rephrase that, "not if you can read". My mistake. Are you seriously suggesting that Senator Clinton, during a hearing (which she apparently faked an injury only to later have "brain damage") said that it doesn't matter that we got attacked as opposed to the fact that the motive of a terrorist attack is irrelevant? What is this? Dr. Phil? You want to have an interview with the terrorists and ask their feelings and get an understanding on why they want to kill us?

Gbaji wrote:
Wow is that not the point. She doesn't need *any* knowledge about the attack to know that determining why the attack happened does, in fact, matter.

So, let's assume that the reason why were the video. What actions would differ if it the reason why were due to a random attack, a planned attack or a combination of all three?
#78 Oct 01 2014 at 5:23 AM Rating: Good
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
To answer your question, the answer "why" is the same reason why they attacked all of the other embassies under President Bush. Funny how that why isn't important..
#79 Oct 01 2014 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
To answer your question, the answer "why" is the same reason why they attacked all of the other embassies under President Bush. Funny how that why isn't important..

It's important in that the Obama administration spent a significant amount of effort lying about it. That's the point you seem to keep missing. It's not about the attack happening. That's bad. It reflects mistakes that were made along the way. But, as you say, we've had consulate buildings attacked in the past. The primary issue is that the Obama administration attempted to lie about why it happened. They attempted to blame the attack on protests related to a video rather than a straight up attack (like all the others btw).

Want to know what's different between all those other attacks and the one in Benghazi? Bush didn't lie about why they happened to the American people. Get it? That's why instead of this just being an event that would mostly just have been talked about by those with an interest in security policy (ie: a very small circle of people), it's being talked about by people with an interest in government dishonesty (a much much larger circle). We can sit here and discuss and debate why the administration chose to do what they did, but by doing so they mislead the American people, and it appears as though it was done deliberately and for political reasons. So yeah. Scandal and coverup. And Clinton's outburst was part of that coverup. By saying "what does it matter", she was attempting to deflect questions about why one thing was reported as the reason, when something completely different actually happened.

And in the process, she made her own position even worse. Because by covering for Rice's false statements about the attack, she had to make a very public statement that why we were attacked wasn't important. Which, as I've said repeatedly, is political opposition gold.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#80 Oct 01 2014 at 8:59 PM Rating: Excellent
30,086 posts

Want to know what's different between all those other attacks and the one in Benghazi? Bush didn't lie about why they happened to the American people.

Right, Saddam was softening us up for his nuclear missile attack. Couldn't have been more clearly communicated at the time.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#81 Oct 01 2014 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Just think if someone got on a plane with an M16 and started shooting people. The first question to answer is how that individual got on a plane with an M16. Why that individual did it is secondary background noise, as it will most certainly fall in the "crazy" category.

Sure. If the government told us that the man snuck an M16 onto the plane and deliberately shot people with it. If they instead attempted to tell us 5 days after the attack that another man said something offensive to him, and he got angry, and then a fist fight broke out, and then an M16 magically appeared out of thin air, and he grabbed it and started shooting, well... I might have issues with the story.

I see no problem with her statement.

You've got some serious blinders on then.

It's not the White House sabotaging Clinton, it's the Republicans attacking her for political gain. It's really that simple.

Republicans were going to attack Clinton if she ran regardless. That's, as you say, politics. However, the Obama administration gift wrapped a big massive piece of ammunition for the GOP to use. That, as I say, is sabotage. Whether intentional or not, the whole sequence of events really did ***** over Clinton politically.

It can very well include the why, but at that point of the hearing, the focus is on the disaster.

That's absolutely false. Here's a transcript of the conversation. The entire point of the line of questioning was about why we were attacked, and why the State Department didn't spend any effort to make that determination prior to sending Rice out with false information 5 days later. At no point does Johnson ask her about failures of security, or whether additional forces could have been sent in time. His entire line of questioning was about why Rice gave false information to the public.

So, if the consensus is that the attack weren't due to the video, but a well planned executed attack, then isn't that YOUR ANSWER? Why then are people asking why she said what she said when she said it, if we found out the truth, UNLESS your point was to attack one's character as either incompetent or as a liar?

Because there's a strong suspicion than "when she said it", those who sent her out there to say what she said already knew that it was not true. The fact that we later found out the truth does not change the fact that we were initially lied to.

Are you seriously suggesting that Senator Clinton, during a hearing (which she apparently faked an injury only to later have "brain damage") said that it doesn't matter that we got attacked as opposed to the fact that the motive of a terrorist attack is irrelevant?

NO. Why we were attacked. Why. Why. Why. Do you have a problem reading?

The issue is about an apparent attempt by the White House to lie to the public about why the attack happened. How the hell do you still not understand this? That's the scandal and coverup. The attack itself, and any failures of security policy that may have lead to it, are just that: Failures of security policy. Those are the kinds of mistakes that can happen, but are excusable, because mistakes happen. What's not excusable is lying about the attack, and then attempting to cover up the fact that you lied about it.

That's why this is a big deal. It's the lie.

Edited, Oct 1st 2014 8:07pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#82 Oct 01 2014 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
The All Knowing
10,265 posts

So, let's assume that the reason why were the video. What actions would differ if it the reason why were due to a random attack, a planned attack or a combination of all three?
#83 Oct 09 2014 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:

So, let's assume that the reason why were the video. What actions would differ if it the reason why were due to a random attack, a planned attack or a combination of all three?

Just FYI. I've been avoiding answering this question because I feel that it should be taken out back and shot. What do the members of the Asylum think?

What should be done with this question?
You should guess at what it means and answer it honestly:0 (0.0%)
You should make something up and answer that instead:0 (0.0%)
You should replace every third word with a random word from the dictionary and see if it makes sense:0 (0.0%)
You should take it out back and shoot it:4 (80.0%)
Fried Chicken!:1 (20.0%)
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#84 Oct 09 2014 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Admittedly, it reads funny. Let me rephrase it, so you can stop avoiding the question.

What actions should we do if the reason for the attack were based on the video?

What actions should we do if the reason for the attack were a planned attack?

What actions should we do if the reason for the attack were just a random angry mob.

What actions should we do if the reason for the attack were a combination of all the above.
#85 Oct 09 2014 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Admittedly, it reads funny. Let me rephrase it, so you can stop avoiding the question.

I'm sorry. When I said "because" earlier, I should have put the word "mostly" in front of it. The other reason is because the question itself ignores the point I've been making all along: That her "what does it matter?" outburst hurts her politically because it shows that she doesn't care if the government is truthful with the people it governs. That's it.

What actions should we do if the reason for the attack were based on the video?

Don't claim it wasn't based on the video.

What actions should we do if the reason for the attack were a planned attack?

Don't claim it wasn't a planned attack.

What actions should we do if the reason for the attack were just a random angry mob.

Don't claim it wasn't a random angry mob.

What actions should we do if the reason for the attack were a combination of all the above.

Don't claim it wasn't a combination of the above.

Most importantly, when caught lying about it, don't say "what does it matter?".
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#86 Oct 09 2014 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:
I'm sorry. When I said "because" earlier, I should have put the word "mostly" in front of it. The other reason is because the question itself ignores the point I've been making all along: That her "what does it matter?" outburst hurts her politically because it shows that she doesn't care if the government is truthful with the people it governs. That's it.

Gbaji originally wrote:
See why "why" matters? No one was confused about "how" we were attacked. A bunch of people armed with mortars and assault rifles attacked the compound. Why they did so is the more important question. The State Department is not the Defense Department. The latter might be more concerned about military hardware and how to defend against it. The State Department deals with diplomacy. And for that, knowing "why" we were attacked is of paramount importance.

Don't try to change the subject. Regardless of what you were saying with others, this is what YOU responded to ME with. This is what WE were discussing. You argued that the "why" is more important to know IN GENERAL. I argued that the WHY is secondary to "how they were successful", especially when dealing with terrorists. The "why" for terrorists usually involve terrorizing.

Gbaji wrote:

Don't claim it wasn't based on the video. Don't claim it wasn't a planned attack. Don't claim it wasn't a random angry mob. Don't claim it wasn't a combination of the above. Most importantly, when caught lying about it, don't say "what does it matter?".

So you admit that all of this Benghazi outcry has nothing to do with the embassy being attacked, it's security or the deaths that occurred, but what was SAID AFTERWARDS. If not, then please provide actions that would correlate with those scenarios (based on video, planned attack, angry mob, combination of all of the above) that would assist preventing the embassy being attacked, enhancing the security and/or preventing deaths.

Edited, Oct 10th 2014 9:30am by Almalieque
#87 Oct 10 2014 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
30,086 posts

I'm sorry. When I said "because" earlier, I should have put the word "mostly" in front of it. The other reason is because the question itself ignores the point I've been making all along: That her "what does it matter?" outburst hurts her politically

It doesn't. No. One. Cares. I'm not sure why you insist on playing pretend that they do. There are literally zero voters who might have votes for Clinton who will be dissuaded from doing so because of this. Zero. Not one. I'm not really sure what the purpose of ginning it around is, honestly, raising money for the GOP maybe? The only people stupid enough to think it's significant are the names on GOP donor lists, so maybe it's effective for that.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#88 Oct 10 2014 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
The other reason is because the question itself ignores the point I've been making all along: That her "what does it matter?" outburst hurts her politically because it shows that she doesn't care if the government is truthful with the people it governs.
Lies don't hurt politicians politically. I know there is an eight year period you had your head stuck in the sand, but that's just the way it is.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#89 Oct 10 2014 at 8:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Smasharoo wrote:
I'm not sure why you insist on playing pretend that they do.

Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#90 Oct 10 2014 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

It doesn't. No. One. Cares. I'm not sure why you insist on playing pretend that they do. There are literally zero voters who might have votes for Clinton who will be dissuaded from doing so because of this. Zero. Not one. I'm not really sure what the purpose of ginning it around is, honestly, raising money for the GOP maybe? The only people stupid enough to think it's significant are the names on GOP donor lists, so maybe it's effective for that.

Given the fact that her approval rating was still through the roof until her book tour, I will say that the fickle minds of the population are as capricious as expected. SQUIRREL!
#91 Oct 10 2014 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Don't try to change the subject.

It's my subject. I brought it up. I get to say what it's about. I'm the one telling you why I think Hillary's statement is damaging to her career. I'm not changing the subject. You keep insisting on arguing about something I'm not talking about.

You argued that the "why" is more important to know IN GENERAL.

No. I said it's more important in the context of why her statement "what does it matter? is damaging to her career. For the love of God, can you please at least try to follow a simple train of thought? While I'm sure there's a whole bunch of other things about Benghazi which we could discuss, in this specific case, I'm talking about her statement "what does it matter?", which, as I've already provided a complete quote in context for you, was in response to a line of questioning, not about the security decisions prior to the attack, and not about the response during the attack, but about Susan Rice's incorrect statements to the media 5 days after the attack.

That's what I'm talking about. Period. You're free to have a conversation with yourself about something else if you want, but "we" are not having that conversation. Get it? If you want to respond to my point, then you are free to do so, but actually respond to the point I'm making. Ok?

So you admit that all of this Benghazi outcry has nothing to do with the embassy being attacked, it's security or the deaths that occurred, but what was SAID AFTERWARDS.

Nope. I'm just talking about her "what does it matter?" statement. I'm sure there's a bunch of other things to be upset about with regard to Benghazi, but I'm not actually talking about any of those right now. Do you understand this yet? Her statement wasn't in response to a question about any of those other things, so bringing them up is "changing the subject". Her statement was in response to a question about how Rice ended out on TV telling the media false information. That's it. Try to stay on topic.

Edited, Oct 10th 2014 4:40pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#92 Oct 10 2014 at 6:24 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:

It's my subject. I brought it up. I get to say what it's about. I'm the one telling you why I think Hillary's statement is damaging to her career. I'm not changing the subject. You keep insisting on arguing about something I'm not talking about.

You responded to me. Regardless of what your point was with others, you can't pretend that I got off on a tangent when 'twas YOU who made that argument with ME. You simply decided to change topics when it wasn't going the way you wanted.

Gbaji wrote:
No. I said it's more important in the context of why her statement "what does it matter? is damaging to her career. For the love of God, can you please at least try to follow a simple train of thought? While I'm sure there's a whole bunch of other things about Benghazi which we could discuss, in this specific case, I'm talking about her statement "what does it matter?", which, as I've already provided a complete quote in context for you, was in response to a line of questioning, not about the security decisions prior to the attack, and not about the response during the attack, but about Susan Rice's incorrect statements to the media 5 days after the attack.

That's what I'm talking about. Period. You're free to have a conversation with yourself about something else if you want, but "we" are not having that conversation. Get it? If you want to respond to my point, then you are free to do so, but actually respond to the point I'm making. Ok?

Gbaji wrote:
See why "why" matters? No one was confused about "how" we were attacked. A bunch of people armed with mortars and assault rifles attacked the compound. Why they did so is the more important question. The State Department is not the Defense Department. The latter might be more concerned about military hardware and how to defend against it. The State Department deals with diplomacy. And for that, knowing "why" we were attacked is of paramount importance.

This is EXACTLY what you said. The state department deals with diplomacy and the Defense Department deals with defense, as a result the "why" is of paramount importance. That is generally speaking. This is what I'm countering because it's what you said to me.

Gbaji wrote:
Nope. I'm just talking about her "what does it matter?" statement. I'm sure there's a bunch of other things to be upset about with regard to Benghazi, but I'm not actually talking about any of those right now. Do you understand this yet? Her statement wasn't in response to a question about any of those other things, so bringing them up is "changing the subject". Her statement was in response to a question about how Rice ended out on TV telling the media false information. That's it. Try to stay on topic.

It's not changing the subject because you said "knowing 'why" we were attacked is of paramount importance". So, if that's true, I'm asking you how the "why" would change any actions by the state department. Given the fact that you are unable to answer, only proves the point that the "why" is completely irrelevant. Given its complete irrelevancy, focusing on "why" during a hearing after such a travesty is a waste of time. Hence, why Hillary Clinton said "What difference does it make", because the "why" is completely irrelevant. Because of that, she will not be politically damaged. So even with your pitiful attempt to change the topic, it still counters your argument.

Edited, Oct 11th 2014 2:36am by Almalieque
#93 Oct 10 2014 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
You really do have no concept of context, do you?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#94 Oct 10 2014 at 8:50 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
gbaji wrote:
You really do have no concept of context, do you?
Of course I do, that's why you're unable to change the subject to your needs. You claim that the "why" is of importance, but you're unable to provide a realistic scenario on when it would provide anything important.
#95 Oct 13 2014 at 5:00 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
gbaji wrote:
You really do have no concept of context, do you?
Of course I do, that's why you're unable to change the subject to your needs. You claim that the "why" is of importance, but you're unable to provide a realistic scenario on when it would provide anything important.

Huh? How about when an official representative of the State Department goes on 5 different talk shows and tells the American people that "why" the attack in Benghazi happened was the result of a protest over an offensive video that got out of hand. She told us the wrong "why". She did so days after it should have been abundantly obvious that the version of "why" she was telling us was wrong. Yet, she did so anyway.

When Hillary was asked about this, she responded with "what difference does it make <why we were attacked>?". There's your context. WTF? Do you even understand the sequence of events here? A member of the state department gave the American public directly false information about an attack on our embassy buildings, which resulted in 4 American deaths, including our ambassador *. Dismissing this false information by basically saying that it doesn't matter is ridiculous. If it didn't matter, why did every single interviewer ask the question? Why did Rice have a prepared answer? And not just a prepared answer, but she actively told the interviewers that the correct reason was wrong, and the wrong reason was correct.

Someone clearly thought that "why" was important enough to lie about at the time.

EDIT * It just occurred to me that someone might just be stupid enough to think that I'm saying that giving the American public false information resulted in 4 American deaths, including our ambassador. So just in case (and for the grammatically absurd), let me clearly state for the record that it was the attack on our embassy building which resulted in those deaths, not the false information said about it later. Just covering all the bases here.

Edited, Oct 13th 2014 4:03pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#96 Oct 13 2014 at 5:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I think it's a bad comma between "buildings" and "which".
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#97 Oct 13 2014 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Yup. That's it.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#98 Oct 13 2014 at 9:16 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:
Huh? How about when an official representative of the State Department goes on 5 different talk shows and tells the American people that "why" the attack in Benghazi happened was the result of a protest over an offensive video that got out of hand. She told us the wrong "why". She did so days after it should have been abundantly obvious that the version of "why" she was telling us was wrong. Yet, she did so anyway.

When Hillary was asked about this, she responded with "what difference does it make <why we were attacked>?". There's your context. WTF? Do you even understand the sequence of events here? A member of the state department gave the American public directly false information about an attack on our embassy buildings, which resulted in 4 American deaths, including our ambassador *. Dismissing this false information by basically saying that it doesn't matter is ridiculous. If it didn't matter, why did every single interviewer ask the question? Why did Rice have a prepared answer? And not just a prepared answer, but she actively told the interviewers that the correct reason was wrong, and the wrong reason was correct.

Someone clearly thought that "why" was important enough to lie about at the time.

EDIT * It just occurred to me that someone might just be stupid enough to think that I'm saying that giving the American public false information resulted in 4 American deaths, including our ambassador. So just in case (and for the grammatically absurd), let me clearly state for the record that it was the attack on our embassy building which resulted in those deaths, not the false information said about it later. Just covering all the bases here.
Your inability to differentiate the public's curiosity from the actual attack is not an answer to the question. Please provide a scenario where the reason why the terrorists attacking the US embassy would make a difference.
#99 Oct 14 2014 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
You really do have no concept of context, do you?
You could both be separated at birth.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#100 Oct 14 2014 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Your inability to differentiate the public's curiosity from the actual attack is not an answer to the question. Please provide a scenario where the reason why the terrorists attacking the US embassy would make a difference.

Wait! You're seriously asking this question? Um... Ok, how about this scenario:

There's a group of "bad guys"(tm) who are engaging in an evil plot to destroy the US by attacking and destroying our embassies around the world. They've been growing their organization and are ready to begin their evil master plan. The US intelligence services have gotten a few bits of information about this group and that it has this goal, but nothing super concrete in terms of operational capabilities. Then, this group orchestrates a planned attack on one of our embassies, killing our ambassador. As it happens, the US is in the middle of an election and the current president is already viewed as weak on foreign policy and doesn't want the public to view this attack as a (further) failure of his foreign policy approach. As luck would have it, on the same day the attack on this embassy occurred, there was a protest at another embassy in response to an offensive video that someone in the US made. The administration decides to try to convince the public that the attack also was in response to that offensive video rather than planned as this would make it less about foreign policy and more about hate speech.

How does this make a difference? Because if we actually succeed in convincing everyone that the attack was in response to a video, then we're going to spend our efforts in legal actions against the guy who made it instead of spending them trying to find out more information about the group that attacked us. In order to maintain the lie, the government would have to direct its response in ways that would significantly increase the odds of another attack happening. And in fact, had you lifted your head out of the liberal echo chamber on this one, you might have heard about how, when the father of one of the SEALs killed in the attack was met by Clinton when the body of his son arrived home, she leaned in to him, presumably to comfort him and told him "We're going to make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted". Not "We're going to get the guys who killed your son", but "We're going to get the guy who said something that pissed off the guys who killed your son". That's outrageous and offensive already. But, when you add in the fact that the attack quite obviously had nothing at all to do with the video, then the question of whether Clinton knew this at the time and was lying, or was herself just mislead becomes somewhat critically important.

I know that liberals hate this comparison, but Watergate started with a far less problematic event. It was the coverup that got Nixon, not the event. Similarly, in this case, while the failure to prevent the attack is bad, it really is all the false information about the attack, and the the attempt to cover up where that false information came from that is the problem here. Liberals love to say that Benghazi is old news and sweep it under the rug, and it's entirely possible that they're right in terms of its effect on Obama (largely due to a massive willingness of most of the media to just look the other way), but if Clinton runs for president, this whole thing will once again be front and center. And I just don't think the media will go to bat for Clinton in the same way they will for Obama.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#101 Oct 14 2014 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:
How does this make a difference? Because if we actually succeed in convincing everyone that the attack was in response to a video, then we're going to spend our efforts in legal actions against the guy who made it instead of spending them trying to find out more information about the group that attacked us..


Your inability to differentiate the public's curiosity from the actual attack is not an answer to the question. Convincing the people that it was a video doesn't protect the embassies. None of your concerns are connected with protecting the embassy, yet you claim it's about the embassy. The fact that you're unable to provide a scenario where the "why" matters is evident that the Republicans only cared about midterms the election and 2016. It's obvious that the Democrats tried to play it off, but they couldn't. The Republicans did a good job in applying the pressure, but now they're just being hypocritically political.

Gbaji wrote:
And in fact, had you lifted your head out of the liberal echo chamber on this one,
Funny thing, when this happened, FOX News was the only news network that I was watching. I wasn't a news junkie yet and I didn't differentiate between liberal and conservative.

Edited, Oct 15th 2014 3:38am by Almalieque
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