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Gil $$ its not that hard? or is it..........Follow

#1 Oct 01 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
Many people on my friendslist have been asking me for money lately.

First of all, I dont have a problem with it, i just dont understand it, because beetween my lvlin and what not, i farm like a mad man until i can be able to get the best gear possible,

I believe many people only think about lvlin as fast as they can, and then when they reach oh say the crawlers nest they have outdated gear.

I usually take a breather after every 5 lvl's and farm for a few days till im gil comfy.

How do you all manage your GIL?

#2 Oct 01 2004 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
well, being that i'm high level, it is easier to farm money, but i just dont have the time anymore. I usually look for people in jueno paying for help with AF's and such. Hey, if they are offering money, i'll take it =)

another thing too is i'm looking to do some BCNM 60/70's. I hear you can get 1-2mil a piece from those.
#3 Oct 01 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
/sigh I'd be happy with winning a BCNM20. /emote flips off the Burning Circle. 0/22 or so here.

Money wise. Well... Between leveling 6 jobs and Cooking, I'm a broke elf. I even farm a LOT but I'm still hurting. Oh well.

Side Note: When DRK hits 45 next week I'm selling the gear and getting Jujitsu gi!!! Finally!!! Anyone selling it cheap? :ob
#4 Oct 01 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
I think having an abundance of jobs totally ruins your gil situation.

I've found that crafting totally helps out the gil situation, but you have to be WISE about what you make. I kept on scratching my head when I was crafting because I was always losing SOOO much money. I finally got so damn frustrated that I decided to scrap the leveling guides in the trade forums and make my OWN leveling guides. I haven't lost a dime in crafting ever since I have done this (even buying crystals and materials off the AH). I pull the entire guild recipe list, sit at the AH for 5 minutes calculating how much each ingredient is vs. what the end result sells for on the AH. I said this in the trade skill forums as well - As JACKED UP as this economy seems, it does work both ways. There's a lot of stuff out there that people are WAY overpaying for from what it actually costs to make the item. The trick to making money is just finding those items!!!! (hint: Popular items usually don't make that much dough. You would think that anyone doing Alchemy would make a lot of money off silent potions and prism powders. Those are two of the biggest moneypits you could ever waste your gil on. Unless you're high lvl you don't make jack even in the 4x recipes).

Gardening is also a big one. if you log on everyday and have mules there's no reason you shouldn't be gardening. if you're good enough and have proper equipment you can essentially garden your gil and not have to farm at all.

#5 Oct 01 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Excellent
1,632 posts
clockworkss the Quick wrote:
I pull the entire guild recipe list, sit at the AH for 5 minutes calculating how much each ingredient is vs. what the end result sells for on the AH.

It would also be wise to consider how fast or slow the item sells on the AH. If it sells incredibly slow, it's not worth it.

Edited, Fri Oct 1 13:25:06 2004 by Orikenus
#6 Oct 01 2004 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
1,230 posts
When San D'Oria (or your country) is in first you get a few of the items that are only available when your country is in first, and upgrade them. So that way you get a 4k item for free (-cp) and sell the upgrade for 15k. I won't say exactly which items i do, but I usually sell 4 of em, and it nets 90k when my country is in first (which is about every 3 weeks).

Also another tip is that when your country is in first, certain raw materials are abundantly available at the airship vendor. And these can be turned into a finished product that crafters will easily buy in other cities, but are unavailable to them so cheaply.

Good thing this week Sandy is in first. Next week... back to farming probably.
#7 Oct 01 2004 at 1:50 PM Rating: Excellent
219 posts
Bah, just buy your gil. It's only, what, around $200 per million or some such. How bad can it be?

Need 10M for a new staff? Spend $2,000 for it. So what if you don't make your car payment, or your mortgage: at least you'll get a +10% elemental damage bonus on your spells.

Armor falling a bit behind, and you need 2.5M to upgrade? It's only $500! Let the water bill slide a little, and you'll be fine. And don't worry about laundry -- just wear everything 2 or 3 times before you wash it.

But what about the in-game economy? Who cares!? You'll have all the best equipment, and look mightily impressive when people examine you.

Oh, and at least do a few quests...being Rank 1 and having the title "Mog's Master" might just leave you out of a few party invites...but not until about level 70 or so, so don't let it bother you too much. After all, you're just here to look good, right? Right!?? [/Joke]Smiley: jester [/Sarcasm]Smiley: oyvey

NOTE: That's not targeted at anyone that's posted in this thread. It's just what popped into my head after reading various other threads concerning gil and such. Smiley: grin

EDIT: Typos. #!@$#!^%$

Edited, Fri Oct 1 15:04:20 2004 by LordHighWarlock
#8 Oct 01 2004 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
lol rate up warlock!
#9 Oct 01 2004 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
Need 10M for a new staff? Spend $2,000 for it. So what if you don't make your car payment, or your mortgage: at least you'll get a +10% elemantal damage bonus on your spells.

lol too funny

You're describing the type of people that have Emporer's hairpins, Hawkers Knives +1, Peacocks Charm, and drive a GEO to work.

#10 Oct 01 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
219 posts
Heh. Thanks, guys. Glad ya enjoyed it.
#11 Oct 01 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
for me, money is becoming harder and harder to make. mostly because dumb people, who dont understand how farming to sell on AH works, consistantly ruin my farming by undercutting AH prices to the point where the items im farming arent profitable.

i was making good gil off selling hides in sandy, and the crafters were buuing me and the few other farmers hides within a day. but in a single day 2 people proceded to lower the price by 33% to 2k, to sell the small handful of ones they had before everyone elses. they still sell just as slow, but now the gil/hour is too low for me to waste my time on.

i personally have been farming for the last 2 months(minus the ~2 weeks iv been doing nothing but promyvion's) to buy my ochiudos kote(which i have), the sniper ring i still need, and to finance my promyvion climbs(cleared 2/3). now im to the point where ill be completly broke by the time i clear promyvion holla, and the prices of the items i usually farm have fallen so low its a waste of time.

now ill have to take time to wanser around areas that are in the middle of nowhere, in search of new farming, again. iv had to do this twice already, because every time i start farming omething, it becomes the new farming fad with 2 weeks.

well, thats all for my rant, hopefully my next prospective farming area will work out better.
#12 Oct 01 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Default
661 posts
Gil is hard to make, like it or not. Camp a NM, go mining, do something, if all else fails, beg.

And there you have it folks, Desta's guide to making money.
#13 Oct 01 2004 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
IT'S SO SIMPLE if you're a taru.
You run around jeuno doing a /shout saying WILL DANCE FOR GIL WILL DANCE FOR GIL!!!

that is why tarus rock ^_~
#14 Oct 01 2004 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
489 posts
Gil is not hard when u have the time and patience to get it. I do gardening and spent at least 25 to 30 min of my play time taking care of my plants. It was a lucrative business until we started to get more people planting, prices are low, so now I trying to do some crafting. I farm once in a while (havent done it very often). But I guess it is part of the game and is enjoyable, not to mention that if u want to level another job or skill a weapon is it even more fun. You are doing more than just "trying to get som gil".
#15 Oct 04 2004 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
544 posts
ok... so.. Can I PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get this off of my chest since we're talking about farming and people who DONT farm.

I was in a few Prom Alliances and I have to vent about this.
If you DO NOT have the money to do these, then DISBAND.
I thought it sad to see one person who didnt have the money to buy the Poison Potions or the Holy Waters, everyone chipped in and bought them or gave them what they needed.
But now, every freakin time I do this these alliances there are always about 5 or 6 people saying that they cannot afford the potions and that if we want their help we have to pay for their stuff. (I've even heard horror stories of folks getting to the top and then realize that members of their parties didnt even have gear... I guess with 18 people running around you don't really see your party until you get up there)

But I'm sorry... thats like the WHM who tried to get us to pay for our protects because he needed money for protect 2.

If you want to complete these missions, you must be prepared for them... FARM FARM FARM.

Please let me know if I'm wrong in saying this... show me the light.
#16 Oct 04 2004 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
me being a whm, what do you think i should be for these missions?
#17 Oct 04 2004 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
mattea, i feel your pain. iv been on so many promyvion holla alliances, where the party leaders seem to misunderstand the importance of everyint having all the supplys needed. people come out with crap like "i cant afford ethers" or "poison pots are too much for me to buy 3".
if you cant afford the 20-30k each promyvion cilmb will cost you, then stay home and farm. dont get everyone else in your party killed at the NM, because you couldnt afford to have what you needed.
#18 Oct 04 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Not only there will be more death... More importantly, that will also cost more play time and gil. Say party lost BCNM because one person did not buy the potions, that means other will need to buy more potions to complete the mission or to wait to longer to get booted out from the BC (to get a raise) and to regain their 2 hour.

Edited, Mon Oct 4 11:23:16 2004 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

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Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
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- George Sand

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but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#19 Oct 05 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
765 posts
IT'S SO SIMPLE if you're a taru.
You run around jeuno doing a /shout saying WILL DANCE FOR GIL WILL DANCE FOR GIL!!!

that is why tarus rock ^_~

I have in my bazaar comment :

Will /panic for gil

So far i have collected about 3+k. Granted, most of the time its in 1-100 gil a shot, but hey, sometimes ppl give that nice 500 gil check.
Oh, this is over about 60 levels of having it in my comment, so it might take ya awhile to raise up the gil for that emp pin.
#20 Oct 05 2004 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
661 posts
So far i have collected about 3+k. Granted, most of the time its in 1-100 gil a shot, but hey, sometimes ppl give that nice 500 gil check.
Oh, this is over about 60 levels of having it in my comment, so it might take ya awhile to raise up the gil for that emp pin.

{All right!}
#21 Oct 06 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
189 posts
I make gil three ways...

1. camping NMs.. for example me and 2 friends camped Stroper Chyme last night and we got the archers ring on our second claim.. i know that is lucky but there is 550k/3 in 5min of work.

2. mining.. at a high enough level (46-75) mining in gusgen can be pretty rewarding. gil sellers can be annoying to compete with, but dont give up.. then they win ><

3. sellin teleports.. when i really have nothin better to do and i want a little extra money for crafting i usually sell teleports..
#22 Oct 06 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
a gil thread... no!!!

simple. 3 stpes.

Farm as low lvl job for crystals and quest drops. This gets you startup gil, and a bit of fame. XD

Pick and start a craft. Use your startup gil to begin or test which craft you want to do. Then look on the AH for things that are in slow but steady supply and sell at least 5 times a day. Then farm that item until you have more crafting money.

When all of this becomes boring camp a NM or two. I believe this is the true intent of NMs, as a break from the crafting/farming grind, not a sole source of gil.

Those three steps I was able to repeat multiple times with a lvl 4-10 mnk. I did have to use another char to camp the NM, but you see my point.
#23 Oct 07 2004 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
1,230 posts
Mattea wrote:
ok... so.. Can I PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get this off of my chest since we're talking about farming and people who DONT farm.

I was in a few Prom Alliances and I have to vent about this.
If you DO NOT have the money to do these, then DISBAND.
I thought it sad to see one person who didnt have the money to buy the Poison Potions or the Holy Waters, everyone chipped in and bought them or gave them what they needed.
But now, every freakin time I do this these alliances there are always about 5 or 6 people saying that they cannot afford the potions and that if we want their help we have to pay for their stuff. (I've even heard horror stories of folks getting to the top and then realize that members of their parties didnt even have gear... I guess with 18 people running around you don't really see your party until you get up there)

But I'm sorry... thats like the WHM who tried to get us to pay for our protects because he needed money for protect 2.

If you want to complete these missions, you must be prepared for them... FARM FARM FARM.

Please let me know if I'm wrong in saying this... show me the light.

I agree.

The same can be said for leveling, if you can't spend the time to get gil for:
1) up to date gear (i'm not talking 2 snipers rings, but try your best).
2) up to date spells
3) food
4) (and a leveled subjob)

Please, please, please don't even bother leveling.
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