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#52 Sep 29 2004 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
Yeah, where are all those Holier-than-thou PLD's anyway. I never see any all decide to become punkass DRK's? Keeping your *** alive is easy xano..just spamming cure iv's is not very efficient after you stuck your backhoe up a mob's *ss. I probably have more DEF than you do

And I rated everyone up again

And Sioux...what the F*uck is up with you avatar?..Is that F*cking Hanson? geez, i would make fun of it, but you probably already have a LOT of issues to deal with.

/takes a break to do work...

for sure Xano..I'll be on tomorrow afternoon..we can try to get a few genkai items and what not
#53 Sep 29 2004 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
Why is Dragoon soo bad as second Job?

I also thought to have it for my Warrior as second Job. But on another board they allready told me, that the Wyvern-thingy dont works. But they still have the Accuracy up (if I remind right), so Dragoon would be a good second Job for Rangers, aint?
#54 Sep 29 2004 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
I wanted to take a moment out of the flame fest to say that this is the funniest *ucking thing I've read in a very long time ^^

Sioux the Silent wrote:
Hey, you know what else? Windhurst, you blow. You blow more than Shanghai at midnight.
The toilets in Windhurst probably require you to go up three floors, past various obstacles not marked on the map, go around the toilet four times, do a little dance, complete a quest, kill Kirin, take the airship back and forth to Jeuno twice, ride the boat, and THEN use the potty.Edited, Wed Sep 29 06:07:56 2004 by Sioux
#55 Sep 29 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Grimley. accuracy and ranged accuracy are two different things I would think rangers need ranged accuracy up more than anything.. and the Dragoon doesn't bring that to the table. Along with nothing else for a sub... If you subbed monk you would at least get counter and such... I would go with ninja or something for ranger.... you would be uber buff then

I agree with wintaru that is hilarious!

Edited, Wed Sep 29 10:55:06 2004 by OmniscientUnlimited
#56 Sep 29 2004 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
BTW Triz.... NOFX sucks so bad... worst band ever... who would ever listen to music that sounds like **** hitting the toilet...
plus, "I heard the suck live"

on a serious note.... I did see them live and they far from suck

Edited, Wed Sep 29 10:55:37 2004 by OmniscientUnlimited
#57 Sep 29 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
I got a new one. Fu[/b]ck high level AF wearing pu[b]ssy THFs.

Your level 65 and you can't kill sh[/b]it over lvl 25? Stay the fu[b]ck outta Pashhow and and leave my Goobbues alone! If I could kill Goob Farmers effectively, why wouldn't I? I mean, the competition is half as bad...are you just being as[/b]sholes?

And ***** your Flee. You look like a 17 yr. old girl running from a prom dance. I'd love to go at you in Ballista when your SATA is fu[b]
ckin' useless.

And for you, Sioux, don't be a hater. You know you love and crave little {Taru Taru} {Pole}.

Edited, Wed Sep 29 11:17:34 2004 by Trizzoro
#58 Sep 29 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
B'out time you show Triz...was gonna start calling you Trizzoro the Slow
#59 Sep 29 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Vimien wrote:
B'out time you show Triz...was gonna start calling you Trizzoro the Slow

Blow me spe[/b]rm gurgling gutter ****.

Actually, just got into work and this guy has been asking me dumb questions for 45 minutes, he is still here talking to me as I type this. Fu[b]
ck this guy right here.
#60 Sep 29 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
690 posts
I'd just like to take this moment to say:


--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#61 Sep 29 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
wow this thread is very interesting...even though it sucks!
#62 Sep 29 2004 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
690 posts
And another thing that no one's brought up. F*CK Kazham. What the f*ck is up with this place? Whoever f*cking designed was either f*cking drugged up to no end or just f*cking retarded (or English).

First of all, you get three f*cking parties all standing next to each other at the gates, with half the f*cking people not knowing what the f*ck they're doing. It's f*cking impossible to do anything there. Then out of nowhere, you get some assclown running to the gates with a train of smithies behind him...

...which brings me to my other point. F*CK Goblin Smithies! Literally. F*CK them! That's all they want. Just some attention. Maybe if we f*ck them hard enough, they'll leave us the f*ck alone.

And f*ck powerleveled ******** Go earn your own f*cking levels. You should be ashamed of being powerleveled, not parading around announcing it like you've just f*cking won the presidency (although with Bush in office, it's proven that winning an election is not that hard). Have some decency and go play hide and go f*ck yourselves.

And another thing F*CK YOU!

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#63 Sep 29 2004 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
Sioux, don't be a hater. You know you love and crave little {Taru Taru} {Pole}.

You makin me an offer there or what, Triz? ~_^

And back down off my avatar Vimien, I don't see your pic up here, fu[b][/b]ckstickalicious. Oh crap, that's right, Tweedius is using it.

And ***** your Flee. You look like a 17 yr. old girl running from a prom dance.

#64 Sep 29 2004 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Sioux if only I was Taru...

IRL I'm hung like a midget on steroids, so it may be applicable.

I hate when suddenly everyone and their brother decides to start flighting me /tells at the same damn time. All the sudden I have mistells shooting right and left (you know I have to look at my two fingers to type, of course) and I end up looking like a fu[/b]cking tool. So, if after you write 3 full paragraphs to me and I give you basically 3 one word, disinterested answers, get the damn hint. I'm busy. Fu[b]ck off. (For now, I'll get back to you later!^^).

And ***** Ledo's. I order the same sh[/b]it every time I order from there and they always leave out the Bleu Cheese dressing. How fu[b]cking hard is it to make chicken fingers and an italian sub? I mean, are the ingredients so complicated that you forget the sides? Blargh.
#65 Sep 29 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
690 posts
But Sioux... I mean... c'mon...

You really do look like Hanson. All 3 of them. Put together. With crazy glue. Holy jesus...

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#66 Sep 29 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
230 posts
**** Qufim...and its many Wars/other misc tanks

stupid n00bs wont let me level my sub (wich happens to be War...since Sam sucks) Id rather lvl in the Dunes than ******* banshee ridden Krakan training Qufim (Kazham) (Can I have it?)
#67 Sep 29 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
It's the hair, isn't it. I'm gonna get a mohawk just to hear you boobers tell me I look like Rancid. ^^

And you know what? F*ck the Valkurm Emperor. Fifteen guys in level 75 rocket-pants gear waiting around on a big ugly pink and green bug. Holy sh[b][/b]it, I'm glad I didn't name my character Valkurm Emperor, I'd be pregnant every other day with some Fungus-hat wearin' Galka's baby.

And f*ck Mithras. You think just because I'm not half housecat I'm not hot? Huh? Well how about I tape my goddamn sword to my *** and strip naked, how's that? Here, I have some leftover Coerl Whiskers, I'll glue these babies on, and why don't I drape the hide over my head. Huh? Sexy? Wtf man, you guys get hard watching Meow Mix commercials, don'tcha.

F*ck my shoulders. I look like a goddamn quarterback.

And one more thing, f*ck Hanson.

(Although if you want a good laugh and you have Adobe Premiere and skillz, dub 'Mmmbop" over the "Poison" video by Prodigy. Play with it a little until it syncs up, and it will. You'll laugh your *** off.)

Edit: forgot to tell everything to f*ck off.

Edited, Wed Sep 29 13:43:02 2004 by Sioux
#68 Sep 29 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Sioux the Silent wrote:
It's the hair, isn't it. I'm gonna get a mohawk just to hear you boobers tell me I look like Rancid. ^^

You would then also have to dye it red and gain about 65 lbs.

I bet Arondight looks like this guy.
#69 Sep 29 2004 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
690 posts
(Although if you want a good laugh and you have Adobe Premiere and skillz, dub 'Mmmbop" over the "Poison" video by Prodigy. Play with it a little until it syncs up, and it will. You'll laugh your *** off.)

Ah ha. I knew you were a Hanson fan! Anyone who looks like that HAS to be a Hanson fan and this proves it. Who else but a Hanson fan could come up with something so f*cking obscure like that? What a loser.

Triz, where did you get that picture!? I swear I deleted my glamour shot off my computer months ago! Who f*cking told!?

Well... I'd rather look like that guy than Gary Coleman. Tell me, do you stalk him? I bet you have all the Different Strokes episodes on tape and you have a little shrine to him in your basement where you spend hours each day watching TV and ************ to paused screens of Gary. I got news for you, buddy. You're nothing but a f*cking ******* Just like Gary.

So f*ck off, the both of you, and go back to your Hanson and Coleman worshipping respectfully.

Edit: Maybe you two could hook up and form the Hanson/Coleman worshipping club of f*cktard rejects. Just a thought.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Stop stealing my small print sardonic statements, Sioux. There's a little thing called originality that you might want to practice. Jesus.

Edited, Wed Sep 29 19:17:18 2004 by sagashe
Nothing that is so, is so.
#70 Sep 30 2004 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
And back down off my avatar Vimien, I don't see your pic up here, ****************** Oh crap, that's right, Tweedius is using it.

Yeah that's right, I'd bet you'd love to have swinging balls like that. I bet you love salty nuts, isn't it your favorite dish when you and you buddies Hanson have your 'exploring your body' meetings every week (Sioux-"you gat a perdy mouth <insert Hanson brother here>"). Have the 'boys' hit puberty yet? Must have since you don't hear their crap on the radio anymore

You know what, F*ck the guy who tells me when the f*cking airship will arrive...why the f*ck can he tell me i have to wait 10 f*cking minutes for the next goddamn ride BEFORE i pay my 200 gil.

Oh yeah, and f*ck PL'ing. Like my favorite thing to do is sit and cast cure's on a puss who can't get himself a group for 4 hours. I'd rather spend a weekend at 'neverland' with MJ and Sioux.

Oh yeah, f*ck my moogle too, the little pissant. I ask for f*cking 2 toasts, and orange juice WITHOUT pulp for breakfest. I mean, GAWD, is it that f*cking hard. I give the little tele-tubass free f*cking rent. Clean the goddamn place every once and a while too. He better shape the f*ck up before I kick his *** back to the curb and goes back to sucking nut for {white}{powder}(oh, and i don't give a f*ck if those words aren't in the translator)

Cid from Bastok-F*ck off. You're the f*cking president of that ********* Stop being such a p*ssy. Oh, and your daughter's a *****. Every Galka and hume in town has done her...twice. Ask Triz, he's {sharpshot}{barrage} her a couple times.

Arondight-Go F*ck yourself
Sioux- I can't say anything...I feel to bad for you already after your Hanson 'encounters'...want a medical donut for sitting?
Triz-F*ck off
Boston Red Sox fans- F*ck have no chance, stop living in a dream. You're cursed..accept it.
Yankee fans-I hate you. You are worst than gil farmer's.
Cub fans- Go f*ck your cursed sheep
Detroit Red wing fans- see Yankee fans
Wrestling fans- go watch 'Days of our lives'. At least they admit they are a soap opera. F*ck you

#71 Sep 30 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Detroit Red wing fans- see Yankee fans

You got a problem with the Red Wings? Take it up with my fists *****.
#72 Sep 30 2004 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
This is a RL bi[/b]tch. My girlfriend is making me go to a wedding. I hate weddings. Especially because I don't drink anymore, and I won't know anyone there anyhow.

I would rather comb my fu[b]
cking pubic hair with an old candle than go to a wedding.

I would rather brush my teeth with a sheet of fu[/b]cking rust than go to a wedding.

I would rather suck the puss out of a staff infection than go to a wedding.

I would rather party with this guy then go to a wedding....

Oh yeah, fu[b]
ck Detroit and the whole state of Michigan (especially the Southfield & Livonia areas).

Edited, Thu Sep 30 11:55:09 2004 by Trizzoro
#73 Sep 30 2004 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
I dont even want to know where you got the picture....

your dad?
#74 Sep 30 2004 at 6:08 PM Rating: Good
228 posts
**** people who ask for dispel!! Maybe if you didn't hit like a little girl that scissor guard wouldn't be as effective huh?? but no, you gotta blame it on the RDM.

and wtf is with the Taru pole-hating...geez..

and I definitely second what Sioux ************ Zovriace. Dude just wathces newbs get ripped in half by orcs...geez at least I try and help em...what an *******.

and **** Trizzoro...for being a ranger. And a good ranger too. Nothing pisses me off more than a good ranger. He's almost as cocky as me wtf. lol
on a fairly more positive and less flamatory note...this thread is hella fun...and YAY I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAUGHT THE MORON BROS REFERENCE. You're right...they most definitely do not suck live. lol arite...enough **** talking for me for now :)

No wait....I lied. **** whoever is responsible for me not getting on FF! Whether it's Optimum's or SE's *********** em either way >:P

hehe now I'm done forreal

Edited, Thu Sep 30 19:47:52 2004 by Arelios
#75 Sep 30 2004 at 10:35 PM Rating: Good
First of all, Hanson is the sh*t and the lead singer chick is soooo f*ckin hot, I can't wait for their next album.

Trizz, change your god damn avatar back to that f*ckin wuss Kenshin, Gary Coleman is way too cool to have you using his pic and if there were black Taru's, Gary Colmean would be one.


On that note, stop subbing SAM before lvl 60, it's not cool.

Sioux, don't listen to them, I think you're gorgeous and furthermore, so am I! I'm not some fat f*ckin computer nerd who sits at work all day surfing these forums. I am a VERY attractive man who plays a Mithra because I'm secretely a flaming ****.

People with 'JP only' in their search comments. F*ck you. Just because half our country are stupid-*** democrats who want something for nothing doesn't mean we're bad people. We hooped your *** in WWII and we'll do it again in a heartbeat AND destroy the SE HQ just to spite you so that WE'LL be the majority and YOU'LL be the minority. *****n 1 second NA server lag...

And guess what?!?! I plan on buying gil online to pay for my Ochiudo's Kote, Jujitsu Gi and TWO Sniper's Rings. Whatcha think about that?!


*waits for the fun posts to stop and for everyone to take offense to what I said and start flaming me instead...*

*any minute now...*

Edited, Thu Sep 30 23:45:52 2004 by Solrain
#76 Oct 01 2004 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
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