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Fed up. How is DAoC?Follow

#1 Apr 08 2004 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, I've been playing EQ and am just about sick to my stomach with , well everything lately. If you play EQ you know what I'm talking about.

How is DAoC gamewise? Bug wise? I know all games have bugs, but most of the time people try to fix 'em. CS wise?
#2 Apr 08 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Maybe I'm not the right person to answer this question, since DAoC is the only MMORPG I have experience with, but I love it. Been playing since late January and it just gets better. Yes, there are bugs, but IMO they don't detract that much from game play.
#3 Apr 08 2004 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
Good to hear, yeah, I'm just looking for something fun. It doesnt have to be the most technically advanced mmorpg just something with imagination. Anyone know how Horizons is as well?
#4 Apr 08 2004 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
let me put it this way. i left EQ after 4+ years and am loving DAoC way better then i ever did with EQ at its peek.

SoE sucks compaired to Mythic in both thier CSR and QA department. the game looks better, runs smoother, is way smaller on the ol HD and with the ToA graphics they are equal to or better then SWG graphics and run on lower hardware then EQ requires to max things out.

some draw backs.

low player base means hard to find a good group/any group at lower levels. now that ive hit 35th i can get groups much faster if i want them.

not as intuitive a game as EQ was, but then read the book its very helpful, and almost every play i have sent a tell to has been more then willing to guide me along in the right direction.

check out the free 7 day account. if you like it, then buy DAoC gold and ToA for roughly $40 total with a $10 rebate. well i got a $10 rebate from compUSA on ToA at least.

i have removed all data that belonged to EQ from all of my computers and have no desire to go back ever again.
#5 Apr 08 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks Singdall, I think you may have just pushed me over the edge. lol I'll be picking up DAoc on my way home tonight.

BTW are there any particular servers that would be more beneficial to a noob on DAoC?
#6 Apr 08 2004 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
If you want to roll a hibernian character on Igraine let me know, I'll help you get started as much as I can.
#7 Apr 09 2004 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I played EQ for quite a long time and 2 of my brothers have as well and now only one brother is playing it. I think DAoC is a heck of alot funner mainly because of RvR. I have now been playing it for about a year and there has only been maybe 20 days total of that year that I haven't sat down and done something in DAoC. Love the game!! If you need some PL help on Iseult Mid or Bedevere Alb lemme know. Tatie the Mid or Holbry the Alb.

Lvl 50 Skald
Lvl 41 Necromancer
#8 Apr 09 2004 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, my name is Urall and I'm a former EQer.

(Everyone) Hello Urall.

I am more a casual player - I have a life outside of my games and I like to do other things that don't even involve a computer. I play generally a couple hours every other night or so, though I've gamed away entire weekends. I'm not a powergamer, which is to say that I'm oblivious to the ways that people can play these games and master careers or max out their levels in a matter of days or weeks. I do know what I'm doing, though - it's just that I don't feel the need to devote alot of time to things or camp.

Back to EQ. After a couple years of playing, my main got up to a level 55 Magician (caster/pet class) and I had some decent gear though none of it was incredible gear. Again, if you don't camp in EQ (many camps lasting entire DAYS to get what you want from them) you will NEVER get the good gear or get enough money to buy the good gear. That's just the way EQ works. If you play for a couple of hours you may as well go do some basic XPing and forget about the phat lewt (I actually hate that term). Also, the end-game is no different from the main game - go to new places and camp more lewt.

Now DAoC is a bit different than EQ. Up until the coming of Trials of Atlantis it was an entirely new game (ToA now introduces the wonders of camping items to DAoC which is a HUGE mistake in my humble newbie opinion). With few exceptions there are no real camps - an item to be looted can be dropped from any similar creature not just one in particular. This is to say that if you enounter haunt you have the same chance of getting a specific drop from it as you do any other haunt in that area. As loot is level based you won't see the sam EQ twinking going on also. You can actually log on for an hour or two and get some decent adventuring done and feel like you've accomplished something in DAoC. The end-game in DAoC is RvR (Realm-vs-Realm) PvP and until the coming of ToA everyone from casual to hardcore was on a relatively level playing field...and mostly still are from what I understand. And playing against other players is always a new experience each time...instead of just another round of places to camp like EQ offers.

So - definitely go DAoC!!
#9 Apr 12 2004 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
I played EQ a few years ago and the primary reason I left was that I just couldn't advance in that game. Like Urall, I'm a casual player who just can't spend hours and hours in the game on a regular basis in order to level, get loot, etc.

Most of DAOC is like EQ with with "annoying" stuff stripped out. Now, lots of EQ players love the annoying stuff - they call it "challenging." To each his own. EQ is a great game if you have the staying power to play it.

As far as bugs, compared to EQ (at least when I used to play it), you might as well say that DAOC is bug-free. If you die from falling, 99.9% of the time, you really did fall. On occasion, you might fall through the landscape or otherwise get stuck; it's happened to me about 5 times in 3 years.

Once in a while, a quest will break. DAOC fixes such things fairly quickly, and if it caused a problem for lots of players (which happened in TOA), they'll equip the NPC to reset it or provide the missing item, etc.

Customer service will eventually get around to you, but most times it does take a while. Fortunately, you probably won't need them much. I think I've only had to request CS assistance 2-3 times in my three years playing.

The good thing about DAOC is that if you don't want to pvp (rvr in DAOC), you don't have to; if you don't want to "raid" you don't have to; if you don't want to "camp" you don't have to; if you don't want to do quests, you don't have to.

#10 Apr 13 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
My main character is a level 65 druid in EQ. I have several lower level alts in EQ as well. Until two weeks ago you wouldn't have convinced me that I would be considering walking away from the time I have in EQ.

That all changed when I couldn't log into EQ for an extended period of time and I saw a free trial for DAOC. I have a friend where I work who also plays DAOC coaxing me along.

Well in the last two weeks I have been impressed to say the least. I haven't cancelled my EQ accounts (want to get a taste of RvR before I do anything that drastic) yet, but I have only logged on to EQ for guild raids since starting DAOC.

I *HATED* the interface when I started. But after remapping the keyboard and just learning how DAOC worked for a while it isn't bad (I still prefer the EQ interface). The game play is more fun though, at least at lower levels. I am actually seeing drops that I can use. In EQ that is unheard of. It is pretty rare that you can actually solo or even group a mob that will drop an item that you can use (is appropriate for your level).

The quests and tasks are fun to do and quite rewarding. A tip from one to twenty is to do kill tasks (don't bother with the delivery tasks). When doing them kill everything you can kill that is blue or higher on the way and on the way back. That way you get xp for doing the task and if it takes you a while to find the mob you are looking for you aren't wasting a lot of time.

If you roll a character on percival/hib send Bevitt. We can be noobs together :).

65th Druid
EQ Mithaniel Marr

15th Enchanter
Hibernia/Percival DAOC

Edited, Tue Apr 13 13:41:01 2004 by aamodil
#11 Apr 13 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
I *HATED* the interface when I started. But after remapping the keyboard and just learning how DAOC worked for a while it isn't bad (I still prefer the EQ interface). The game play is more fun though, at least at lower levels. I am actually seeing drops that I can use. In EQ that is unheard of. It is pretty rare that you can actually solo or even group a mob that will drop an item that you can use (is appropriate for your level).

i would not say i hated the interface, but it is without a doubt not as convienint as the one in EQ.

as for solo and items, that is one of the HUGE advantages of DAoC vs EQ IMHO.

that and NO CAMPs, at least not up to 35th that i have seen so far.

what little rvr i have is a blast. yeah ive been in emain as low as 25th and was a 1 shot target, but still had a good time playing around in there.
#12 Apr 14 2004 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
DAoC is cool but i have another idea if u want to try something completely different play lineage2 its in open beta atm its free to play retail is set to release april 28th i think

i only suggest this because EQ and DAoC are somewhat similar even though DAoC is better
#13 May 01 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
I'm in exactly the same boat. After getting frustrated with all of the bugs in EQ and the rinse-and-repeat kill sessions....well here I am. 2 days into DAoC and enjoying it very much so far. Only 2 things I don't like are the interface and character graphics (as compared to EQ). Tired of EQ though so I'll stick it out and see what DAoC has to offer. For anyone thinking of making the switch, do download the trial and give it a spin. Worth the effort!
#14 May 02 2004 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
I've been playing EQ since August 2000 and have a lvl 65 Paladin, 63 Shaman, 58 Necromancer, 52 Beastlord, 51 Druid and a lvl 45 Cleric. Leveling up in EQ was never an issue although I'm a semi-casual gamer but it's gotten so boring - been to most of the zones and it's gotten so darn repetitive.

I started playing DAoC about 2 months ago and have a lvl 31 Paladin, lvl 21 Friar and a few others in low teens. I'm having a blast - a big part is probably because everything (zones, mobs, loot, etc) is different...having a lot of fun just discovering new things. As mentioned it's really cool being able to get drops that are actually upgrades for your level and being able to craft items that are usable at low levels that don't cost much is very useful too. But I think the best part is the great quests...a lot of fun and able to get some very useful equipment.

I still have EQ account since I have some friends who would be very upset if I "abandoned them" so I go back once in a while. BTW, tried Horizons for a couple months when it first came out...didn't like it at all - DAoC is much better. No content and very boring although I understand that it's a new game...
#15 May 02 2004 at 8:00 PM Rating: Default
I played EQ for 3 years. Had a lvl 65 druid 56 pally and few mid 30's chars that got boring. I started DAoC recently on Gaheris and even though it's a blue server I love it. DAoC imho has more quest (or ones just worth doing) then Everquest. Plus the player base gets a big plus. I joined up a great guild at well that has really help me understand the game aswell and the graphics you'll never get enough off. I just payed my monthly fee and I actually prefer give mythic money to Sony. Plus the expansion like Foundations and New Frontiers, you know Sony would make you pay for that ie Ykesha. While EQ does have it's perks over DaoC you'll find daoc is much more fun.

Grekolovan LifeGlade
Druid on Gaheris.
#16 May 03 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
SUP ppl ... I just road all your story about EQ and Daoc and I must say that I have never played EQ my bro did for quite a long time but I never felt any interest in EQ.
But when Daoc came out we got it right away from the start and I am playing it ever since. This is my first game of this kind though... let me tell ya few thing about Daoc.
It says buy the game and become a legend yourself in a magical wolrd. Hell yeah I was never thing of that becoming real hehehe... I spended so much time in the game that I was dreaming about it every night, and after now ( 3 years I think its out )
I know my land and my dear ppl so well that it is always fun to return as a legend.

So much change over the 3 years my god and I feel sometimes so old when I see and hear all the newbys talk and act that it makes my stay even longer up at night just to see how ppl are growing with the mistakes they doing hehehe.

I learned really what it means to help ppl in this game and thats a xp for rl. I am a true hib and will always be on.
I play on Guniver server since game came out and I know all of the ppl that still play. So many relic riads and defening so many Dragon hunts and ages long dungen riads hehehe. So many jokes and funny ppl and my english improved as well.

I have suffered so much as a hib cause albs always outnummber ya and hibys seem always as the gimp realm or not...
But all the disapointment have made hibys strong and we know rule emain and whenever we go out in nummbers hehehe.

Toa will and has changed a lot and even more will now NEW FRONTIER ... we have interesting times ahead on us ppl .

The best thing on this game though are its people I would have stoped long ago if I havent had my guild and my friends.
Thank everyone for making my a have so much fun and I will carry on fighting for Hib lands and its ppl.

50 hero Dorox RR5
50 voidy eldy Doroxs RR4
50 bard Dorrx RR2
50 druid Droex RR3
46 hero Doroxo
41 animist Doroxa
35 NS Roxer
24 ment Roxxer
#17 May 11 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
Free account with lvl 45 merc 35 necro

Accout name: tennisplayer
Pass: catdog
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