Captain Hiran Tillin  

Quest NPC

Uploaded November 12th, 2008 by __DEL__1592283423202
Updated November 14th, 2008

  • This mob spawns at 5065, -1085.

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2009-01-05 15:15:23.

Level: 80
Expansion: Seeds of Destruction
NPC Added: 2008-10-13 16:32:34
NPC Last Updated: 2019-08-03 21:31:22

Known Habitats:
  Oceangreen Hills

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Task NPC
# Oct 13 2008 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
>>>>Familiarity is the Key

1) Find the place Tillin calls "The Ruin" 0/1 (Village)
2) Find the place Tillin calls "Pit One" 0/1 (Village)
3) Find the place Tillin calls "Pit Two" 0/1 (Village)
4) Find the place Tillin calls "The Squaren" 0/1 (Village)
5) Find the place Tillin calls "The Inn" 0/1 (Village)
6) Find the place Tillin calls "The Smithy" 0/1 (Village)
7) Find the place Tillin calls "The Southwest One" 0/1 (Village)
8) Find the place Tillin calls "The Southeast One" 0/1 (Village)
9) Find the place Tillin calls "The Northwest One" 0/1 (Village)
10 Find the place Tillin calls "The Northeast One" 0/1 (Village)
11) Speak with Captain hiran Tillan (Hills)

REWARD: 15 Chronobines, XP, Cirtan faction

NOTES: Basically, the ruins are where it appears the construction is in progress for Qeynos (southeast of zone), then head west and step into the two dug out pits (mining area) and then head on east and basically step inside just about every bulding to get all the location updates.
This will open a sequence of two group missions for you, both in an instanced version of Oceangreen village.

>>>>Stop the Contamination (group mission)

1) Speak with Acolyte Koel 0/1 (Hills)
2) Speak with Billik Broadwake 0/1 (instanced Village)
3) Keep the stores, villagers and supplies safe (instanced Village)
4) Speak with Billik Broadwake 0/1 (instanced Village)
5) Report to Captain Hiran Tillan (Hills)

REWARD: 60 Chronobines, Citran faction

NEW ZONE: Oceangreen Village: Stop the Contamination

NOTES: Hailing Koel (step 2, who is right there with Tillin) ports you into this instanced zone.
You appear at the town "square" (as established in Tillin's first task).
Speaking with Billik (step 3) activates the sequence.
All Village NPC's appear to be spawned just like the normal zone.
Also in the zone is Scumlord Heyanti and Arch Priest Cronkle (who you will not need to kill, but they will emote).
Having a tracker is a good idea for this.
You will get several "waves"of MOB's (seemed like they were two at a time, but for the plaguefly, who was alone) that you need to find and kill to protect the village (Step 3).
I estimate there were 12 waves, and they happened every 2 to 5 minutes (they didn't take all that long).
If you don't find and kill the waves, the MOB's will attack the villagers.
The villagers will fight back, but if too many die or you die, you will loose.
The waves were (a servant of Bertoxxulous, a bentwing plaguefly, a Bertoxxulian Scablord).
A bentwing plaguefly was the task "loot dropper" and spawned about half way through the waves.
Most spawns seemed to be by the ocean and some were north and south of the village by bushes or rocks.
After step 3 updates, speak with Billik (say "Keep") to zone back out to Oceangreen Hills by Acolyte Koel.
All MOBs were Dark Blue and Light Blue at Level 80.

>>>>A Dread Challenger (group mission)

1) Speak with Acolyte Koel 0/1 (Hills)
2) Speak with Billik Broadwake 0/1 (instanced Village)
3) (Protect the villagers) (instanced Village)
4) Speak with Billik Broadwake 0/1 (instanced Village)
5) Report to Captain Hiran Tillan (Hills)

NEW ZONE: Oceangreen village: A Dread Challenger

REWARD: 30 Chronobines, Cirtan faction

NOTES: Step three had a more involved test than I note above, but I can't recall what all it said.
As before, Hailing Koel ports you into this instanced zone.
As before, you appear at the town "square."
As before, speaking with Billik activates the sequence.
As before, all Village NPC's appear to be spawned just like the normal zone and Scumlord Heyanti and Arch Priest Cronkle are also in zone and you don't need to fight them here, either.
Again, having a tracker is a good idea for this as you will face another series of "waves"of MOB's (this time they all seemed to be three at a time, but for the golem and last skeleton).
As before, there were about 12 waves and they didn't take all that long to spawn.
Again, if you don't find and kill the waves, the MOB's will attack the villagers.
The villagers will fight back, but if too many die or you die, you will loose.
The waves were (a Bertoxxulian Scablord, a scabrous ghoul, a tainted ghoul, a pusflesh zombie, a stench flesh golem, a blood-crusted gravebone).
A stench flesh golem was the task "loot dropper" and spawned about half way through the waves.
There was also a blood-crusted gravebone (charbone skeleton) that seemed to be the last wave, but dropped no additional loot.
Most spawns seemed to be by the ocean and some were north and south of the village by bushes or rocks.
After step 3 updates, speak with Billik (say "Keep") to zone back out to Oceangreen Hills by Acolyte Koel.
All MOBs were Dark Blue and Light Blue at Level 80.
Finishing this mission leads you to Lord Antonius Bayle, for what appears to be raid missions.

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