WAR Race:Troll  

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Extremely strong and just about as stupid, Trolls are a very varied breed: Much like Greenskins, they have adapted to their environment and there's many different kinds. One point can be agreed upon however - all kinds are big, ugly, hungry and best avoided.

All trolls are rightly feared for their savagery and indiscriminate appetite - A troll will eat just about anything they can find... flesh, bone, wood, rocks, metal and even broccoli! The digestive juice of a trolls are prized by alchemist and other scientific mind for it is known as the most corrosive substance in The Old World. Troll Blood is also said to be highly effective in the treatment of Breton Rot.

The other unusual characteristic that all trolls share is the ability to regenerate. If their flesh is damaged, it regrows almost immediately, be it a mere scratch or an entire limb. Only fire can prevent them from healing, and as such trolls are extremely dangerous opponent to fight.


This page last modified 2008-09-29 06:07:20.