FFXI QUEST:Curses, Foiled A-Golem!  

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> Here's an updated version of my Warp II walkthrough. It's much more detailed than its previous version, so I don't think anyone will get lost now.^^ >
> In order to get this quest, you must lead Shantotto to believe you're a total loser. >
> When you speak to her, she'll ask you a question. Off the top of my head, I can't remember what it is, but it's something about having a black mage buddy. Choose the second option. Shantotto will then ask you another question, and again, choose the option where she'll believe you're a total loser. (The second question I can't remember, but I think it's the second option too.) >
> Shantotto will bestow you with the title: Total Loser. >
> Before leaving Windurst, make sure you have some sort of warping ability, be it with a spell or with a scroll of Instant Warp. >
> Then, head out to Beaucedine Glacier. To get there, however, you need to travel through Ranguemont Pass in northeast East Ronfaure. >
> In Ranguemont Pass, you will see a pair of Elvaans standing before a glowing granite door. Speak to the one behind the podium and he'll open the door for you. Once past the door, continue forward, hugging the right wall. You will then enter an area where you must walk across some ponds. Right after it, you'll come across a fork with a Cave Scorpion at the intersection. Go to the left, but keep hugging the right wall. >
> Once in Beaucedine Glacier, follow the tunnel and head out onto the glacier. Keep following the one-way route until you pass the first tower. A little bit further, the road splits at (H-9) to the north and east. Keep going east as north leads to Xarcabard. When you reach the cliff, head northeast to (I-8) where you have to take the slope downward. Once you do so, head north and you'll see the tower at (I-7) where Torino-Samarino is at. The tower, at least when I went to it, had Living Statues in the first area. Head down the stairs and you'll see Torino-Samarino. Drop invisible and speak to him and you'll get the Key Item: Shantotto's New Spell. However, do not recast Invisible until you leave the sight of the Living Statues as they aggro to magic. >
> Head back outside to the glacier and head south to (I-9) and head down the slope once more. Head east to (J-9) then head north, past the tower and a frozen pond to (J-6) where you will need to head down another slope that leads to an open field. Here, make sure you have Invisible on as goblins and golems roam around the area. (Previously, I had said to Sneak up, but undead rarely roam here.) Head north and you'll see Fei'Yin. >
> In Fei'Yin, you'll find numerous magic pots, dolls, evil weapons and golems which all aggro to magic, so be careful when recasting your spells. For the most part, all you need is Sneak to traverse through Fei'Yin. Golems, however, do aggro to sight so be sure to cast Invisible when you see them. If you follow this guide, you should only encounter golems once and I'll let you know where. >
> Also, when I say "head north", make sure your character is running north according to the compass. By north, I'm not saying keep going forward. Just be sure to change your camera angle each time I mention a new direction. >
> Once inside Fei'Yin, keep walking down the hallway and you'll enter a small room with more than likely just bats in it. Keep heading straight and down a small flight of steps up until you get into another room, this one much bigger than the previous one you were in. Take the eastern (G-9) hallway. As you traverse through this hallway, it'll fork twice. Just keep walking straight until you come across another room. Take the northern hallway, which will curve to the west and down a flight of steps. >
> At the bottom of the steps, you should be safe if you need to rest up. If you see Underworld Bats roaming across the hallway, just walk up on the steps and rest up there. >
> Once ready, walk down the hallway until you reach a room at (H-8). Take the northwestern exit into a hallway that'll fork. Keep heading north and follow the hallway as it curves to the east, leading you to another fork; this one going north and east. Go north at the fork and stop a few steps short of the room you should now be facing. >
> In the room before you, you'll find golems. Be sure to cast Invisible or use Prism Powders now. The golems conned "easy prey" to a level 75, though they did not aggro. I'd hate to see what they do to someone not as high-levelled. >.< >
> Once you have both Sneak and Invisible up, head into the room and follow the left wall. Walk past two doorways and head into the third. Here, hug the right wall, past a room full of Dromas, and into a hallway. You've done it! Open the first cermet door on your right and you'll see a cutscene with Rukusu. Cast Warp on yourself, or use an item with an equivalent effect, to leave Fei'Yin. >
> Return to Windurst and talk to Shantotto. After a cutscene, she'll reward you with the Warp II scroll and the title: Doctor Shantotto's Flavor of the Month.

Run Through

~This one is for people that want the straight up directions and does not want to read the essay above.

- Talk to Shantotto (K-7) at Windurst Walls.
- Select "Ask If I Am Worthy", then "What are you talking about?" to flag the quest.
- Go to (I-7) in Beaucedine Glacier speak with Torino-Samarino and obtain the Key Item: Shantotto's new spell.
- Go to (F-6) on second map in Fei'Yin speak with Rukususu.
- Return to Shantotto in Windurst Walls and receive your reward.


This page last modified 2008-08-14 20:31:34.