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Runes of Magic
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This page is for new content only, items of interest that were only recently added to the game. Updates are listed in reverse order so new stuff from the latest patch should always be on top.

If you're interested in what was included in previous updates, please see the New Content Archives page.

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November 27, 2012 - Patch Notes 5.0.5 - Autumn Banquet

New Content

  • Autumn Banquet

Click here for more information about the Autumn Banquet

  • Adjustments to Karros Canyon battlefield

  • Level 60/70 Dwarf Elite Skills

Bug Fixes

  • Items
    • Itemshop item Application Form for a Custom Title
      • This item can be used properly now.

    • Armor - Fine Cotton Hand Wraps
      • Now it can be properly dyed.

    • The type of the following items has been adjusted:
      • Commando Metal Earring: changed from “Plate” to “Accessory”.
      • Commando Chain Earring: Changed from “Chain” to “Accessory”
      • Commando Leather Earrings: Changed from “Leather” to “Accessory”.
      • Commando Robe Earrings: Changed from “Cloth” to “Accessory”

    • Fusion Stone & Purified Fusion Stone
      • New description has been added to the item descriptions of the following fusion stones
        • The target equipment will disappear after being placed into the Arcane Transmutor for fusing.

- Purified Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Random Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone - Fusion Stone

    • Level 25 Skill Training Certificate & Level 35 Skill Training Certificate
      • The following sentence has been added to the item descriptions:
        • (This certificate is only recognized by the instructors in Heffner Camp and Morfantas City.)

    • Chime Wood Guitar
      • The type of this main hand weapon has been changed from 2-H Hammer to 1-H Hammer.

  • Skills
    • Charged Chop
      • Now casting this spell doesn’t require equipping ranged weapon.

  • The skill descriptions of the following skills have been adjusted:
    • Warp Flash
      • The skill descriptions reads now
        • Warp Charge inflicts an extra 0.40 x INT magical damage and when the skill hits, it raises the Physical Attack Speed and Casting Speed of nearby party members.

    • Psychic Flash
      • The skill description reads now
        • Psychic Arrows and Weakening Weave Curse can cause an extra 0.40 x INT magical damage.

    • Warp Charge
      • The skill description reads now
        • Inflicts 70 Dark Damage and 0.40 x INT Magical Damage on the enemy. Also increases caster's and nearby party members' Physical Attack Speed by 4% and Casting Speed by 2%. Lasts 20 seconds. If target is in a Weakened state, then inflicted damage is increased by 25%. (This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

    • Soul Stab
      • The skill description reads now
        • Inflicts 130% + 0.20 x Dexterity main hand weapon Magical Damage DPS on the target. If target is in a Weakened state then they will receive 150% + (0.30) x Dexterity main hand weapon Magical Damage DPS.

    • Ghostly Strike
      • The skill description reads now
        • Inflicts 825% + 0.30 x Dexterity main hand weapon Magical Damage DPS and carries a Weakened effect. (This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength)

    • Charged Power
      • The skill description reads now
        • Your Charged Chop can be activated from a distance, but cooldown is changed to 15 seconds and it also causes a Knockdown effect.

    • Cross-Domain Discipline
      • The skill description reads now
        • Allows you to equip a staff. When hitting a target with your Wind Arrows, there is a chance that it will carry (40 + 0.1 * INT) wind damage.

    • Revival
      • The skill description reads now
        • While in a Wound Patch state, each time you receive physical or magic attack you can stack a Revival effect. Effect can be stacked a maximum of 10 times. Actively using Revival makes you recover HP by 50%.

  • Quests
    • Secret Help
      • Now the correct message will be displayed when the quest has been completed
        • You sense the sharpened eyesight of Logden Darkstove bearing down on you...

      • The way to obtain the title Dependable Gentleman has been changed
        • When the player completed the quest, he can obtain the title after talking to Logden Darkstove

    • Dragonfang Ridge
      • Now a message will be displayed when player clicks on the Brown Backpack
        • “Previous Quest: Defeat the Dwarf Defenders”.

    • No Dirt, No Mischief
      • Lump of Dirt
        • Now it can be stacked.

    • Foul Smoking Mound
      • Mud Sample
        • Now it can be stacked.

  • Daily Quests in Yrvandis Hollows
    • No.1 Chef Assistant
      • The number of the recipients has been changed from 5 to 15.
      • The duration of Stewed Snake Meat delivery has changed from 20 to 30 seconds.
      • The casting time of giving the food has been changed from 1 to 3 seconds.

    • Temperature Control
      • The number of the pyres, which need adding wood has been changed from 5 to 10.
      • The casting duration of adding wood has been changed from 3 to 5 seconds.
      • The cooldown time of adding wood has been changed from 15 to 30 seconds.

  • Effects
    • Video Settings
      • Resolution
        • The resolution settings interface will now disappear after “Cancel” or “Confirm” has been pressed.

    • Rage Mana
      • The amount of damage increase will be shown in the character stats.

    • Now when a Dwarf’s primary class reaches level 10, a message will be displayed, reminding the player of getting the second class in Morfantas City.

    • Wound Patch
      • Now the combat log will be only recorded once.

    • Warden Pet Summoning
      • Summon Spirit of the Oak, Summon Oak Walker & Summon Nature Crystal
        • Now when player summons another pet without using Recall Pet to dismiss the current pet, the pet’s passive effects will be removed.

    • Arbitrator of Fate
      • Now the special effect will be properly displayed during the upgrade progress.

    • Now player will get the Ancient Disciple Illusion Potion after talking to Mishlor.

    • Removed the Alliance Soldier in the game.

    • Enchanted Throw
      • Now the magical attack will trigger reflected damage and Retaliation Resistance.

    • Lightning Spell
      • An attacking movement will be played when this skill is cast.

    • Now the icons of the following additional attributes will be correctly displayed when the Equipment Attribute-purifying stone is used to open the equipment purification interface:
      • Strength XIV
      • Stamina XIV
      • Intellect XIV
      • Spirit XIV
      • Dexterity XIV
      • Command XIV
      • Solidity XIV
      • Energy XIV
      • BarricadeXIV
      • Life XIV
      • Spell XIV
      • Power XIV
      • Physique XIV
      • Knowledge XIV
      • Purity XIV
      • Stormstrike XIV
      • Attack XIV
      • Custodian XIV
      • Acumen XIV
      • Growth XIV
      • Capability XIV
      • Wizardry XIV
      • Speed X
      • Fang X
      • Reflex X
      • Agility X
      • Precision X
      • Observance X
      • Illusion X
      • Illumine X
      • Genius X
      • Soul X
      • Ray X
      • Seclusion X
      • Force X
      • Oppression X
      • Authority X
      • Cougar X
      • Barbarian X
      • Defender X
      • Paladin X
      • Savage X
      • Fox X
      • Sage X
      • Monk X
      • Rigor X
      • Elder X
      • Expansion X
      • Blur X
      • Scholar X
      • Massif X
      • Thunder X
      • Hammer X
      • Ferocity X
      • Morale X
      • Rage X
      • Lumen X
      • Devour X
      • Grimoire X
      • Nimble X
      • Ire X
      • Guardian of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Guard of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Protection of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Defense of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Ability of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Power of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Fire of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Assault of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Swiftness of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Triumph of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Strength of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Transformation of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Demon of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Spell of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Void of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Illusion of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Secret of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Skill of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Complement of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Aid of Dragon Wilderness IX
      • Guardian of the Remains IX
      • Guard of the Remains IX
      • Protection of the Remains IX
      • Defense of the Remains IX
      • Destruction of the Remains IX
      • Annihilation of the Remains IX
      • Ability of the Remains IX
      • Power of the Remains IX
      • Fire of the Remains IX
      • Assault of the Remains IX
      • Fury of the Remains IX
      • Wind of the Remains IX
      • Swiftness of the Remains IX
      • Triumph of the Remains IX
      • Strength of the Remains IX
      • Transformation of the Remains IX
      • Core of the Remains IX
      • Heart of the Remains IX
      • Demon of the Remains IX
      • Spell of the Remains IX
      • Void of the Remains IX
      • Illusion of the Remains IX
      • Ice of the Remains IX
      • Frost of the Remains IX
      • Secret of the Remains IX
      • Skill of the Remains IX
      • Complement of the Remains IX
      • Aid of the Remains IX
      • Chill of the Remains IX
      • Cold of the Remains IX
      • Sun of the Remains IX
      • Moon of the Remains IX
      • Star of the Remains IX
      • Light of the Remains IX
      • Weeds of the Remains IX
      • Barbarity of the Remains IX
      • Fragment of the Remains IX
      • Stone of the Remains IX
      • Mystery of the Remains IX
      • Justice of the Remains IX
      • Strike of the Remains IX
      • Breakthrough of the Remains IX
      • Spirit of the Remains IX
      • Mountain of the Remains IX
      • Woods of the Remains IX
      • Forest of the Remains IX
      • Sea of the Remains IX
      • Tide of the Remains IX
      • Lake of the Remains IX
      • Water of the Remains IX
      • Furiousness of the Remains IX
      • Hallucination of the Remains IX
      • Detonation of the Remains IX
      • Promise of the Remains IX
      • Sanctity of the Remains IX
      • Keeper of the Remains IX
      • Safeguard of the Remains IX
      • Vengeance of the Remains IX
      • Hallucination of the Remains IX
      • Choice of the Remains IX
      • Control of the Remains IX
      • Pacification of the Remains IX

  • Miller's Ranch:
    • The option “Tricks on capturing a Magic Cavy” has been added to the dialogue with Pykesile.

  • Dangerous Mission in Coast of Opportunity
    • Now the Stone Pillar Crack won’t automatically restore HP.

  • Zodiac pet:
    • Adult zodiac pet - Star Amulet of Talent: given TP bonus has been changed from 5% to 30%.
    • Legendary zodiac pet - Star Amulet of Talent: given TP bonus has been changed from 10% to 40%.

October 30, 2012 - Patch Notes - Pumpkin Festival

New Content

  • Pumpkin Festival

  • Skill balance for all class skills

  • Elite skills and quests for all classes at Lv70 (not available for Dwarfs yet)

Bug Fixes

  • Skills
    • Skill Effect
      • Enchanted Throw
        • Now it cannot be in effect when Poisonous is already active
        • The following has been added to the skill description
          • “This buff cannot be simultaneously in effect with Poisonous.”

      • Searing Light
        • Now it cannot be in effect when Poisonous is active.

      • Charged
        • The description reads now
          • Lightning flows around your body and raises the chance to inflict critical damage with magic attacks by 20 and wind damage.

    • Skill balance
      • Meditation Path
        • Now it can’t be re-triggered within the next 15 seconds.

      • Charged Chop
        • Now it is an instant spell, and the CD time has been changed from 7 to 15 seconds. It also gives a Knockdown effect when it hits the target.

      • Keen Attack
        • Now when the skill strikes, the caster’s critical damage will be increased by 10%.

      • Thunder Sword
        • It is an instant spell now and can be cast while moving.

      • Redemption
        • Now when player uses Probing Attack, physical and magical accuracy for all party members in a range of 100 will be increased by 10 for 15 seconds.

      • Probing Attack
        • Now when player uses this skill to attack, friendly party members within a range of 100 enter a state of Redemption for 15 seconds.

      • Autoshot
        • Now the damage dealt by Autoshot increased from 75% to 80%.

      • Snake Poison Arrow
        • CD time changed from 6 to 15 seconds, increased DOT damage and effect duration. Also, when the target is affected by Vampire Arrow, the skill will definitely stun the target.

      • Wound Patch
        • The skill will also increase dodge rate by 20% for 6 seconds.

      • Rage Mana
        • The skill will also increase 10% to 30% magical damage.

      • Activate Mana
        • The skill will also reduce Aggro caused in the next 20 seconds by 10%.

      • Fire Rose
        • The skill will also increase magical damage by 1% to 3.3%.

  • Accessory Item-Set Skills
    • Adjustments to the following skill descriptions
      • Essence of Herbs of Omnipotence
        • Extract the essence of a Herbs of Omnipotence to restore 2+ 4200 HP. (Consumes 1 Herbs of Omnipotence.)

      • Essence of Elemental Stone of Omnipotence
        • Extract the essence of an Elemental Stone of Omnipotence to restore 2+ 1500 MP. (Consumes 1 Elemental Stone of Omnipotence.)

      • Mysterious Herb Essence
        • Extract the essence of a Mysterious Herb to restore 2+ 7000 HP.(Consumes one Mysterious Herb)

      • Mysterious Magic Stone Essence < Accessory Item-Set Skills>
        • Extract the essence of a Mysterious Magic Stone to restore 2 + 1800 MP. (Consumes one Mysterious Magic Stone)

  • Elite skills:
    • NPC "Beacon of Regeneration"
      • Elite Skills descriptions by the NPC have been updated

  • Equipment
    • Adjusted usage restrictions of the following equipment:
      • Sarael’s Belief Helmet is no longer restricted to the knight.

    • The following items are no longer restricted to the priest and druid:
      • Holyspring Crown
      • Holyspring War Coat
      • Holyspring Leg Guards
      • Holyspring Ring
      • Holyspring Inscription Shoulder Guards

    • Elemental Short Robe is no longer restricted to the mage.

    • Mello's Guile Hood is no longer restricted to the rogue.

    • Wanderer's Freedom Hat is no longer restricted to the scout.

    • The following items are no longer restricted to the warrior and warden:
      • Mercenary's Glory Helm
      • Mercenary's Formal Chainmail
      • Mercenary's Formal Trousers
      • Mercenary's Tongue Gloves
      • Mercenary's Combat Shoulder Protectors

  • Effects
    • A display problem with female elves holding a bow has been fixed. The fighting stance of dwarves holding a two-handed weapon has been slightly adjusted.

    • Guild Boss Furniture
      • Iron Guardian Ornament
        • The display error of the furniture base has been fixed. Now it is aligned with the ground.

      • Light Punisher Ornament
        • Now the light effect of the item can be seen from any angle.

    • Stepping Mechanism
      • When Stepping Mechanism is cast, the health bar of Confusion Mechanism won’t appear anymore.

    • Infinite Spiral
      • Now the special refining effect will work properly during the power level upgrade process.

    • Silverspring, Dust Devil Canyon, Thunderhoof Hills and Fireboot Underground Fortress
      • Now the combatants can’t be seen on the maps or be found via World Search.

    • Silverspring, Dust Devil Canyon
      • Now the maps correctly indicate the locations of the Envoy Members.

    • Now the monsters that Ise Shekkat and Captain Gessart fight with will respawn every 2 seconds.

    • Now when player learns a new elite skill, he will also obtain the lower level elite skills which he didn’t learn before.

  • Items
    • The guild contribution points for the following materials have been adjusted:
      • Tempered Olivine Ingot: 396 -> 1980
      • Refined Fastan Banyan Plank: 396 -> 1980
      • Pure Verbena Extract: 396 -> 1980
      • Tempered Purple Agate Crystal Ingot: 396 -> 2160
      • Refined Janost Cypress Plank: 396 -> 2160
      • Pure Nocturnal Lantern Grass Extract: 396 -> 2160
      • Tempered Mica Ingot: 396 -> 3024
      • Runic Olivine Ingot: 396 -> 15120
      • Exquisite Fastan Banyan Plank: 396 -> 15120
      • Verbena Essence: 396 -> 15120
      • Arcane Purple Agate Crystal Ingot: 396 -> 17280
      • Exquisite Janost Cypress Plank: 396 -> 17280
      • Nocturnal Lantern Grass Essence: 396 -> 17280
      • Arcane Mica Ingot: 396 -> 18144

    • Fireboot Warrior - Partner Egg, Fireboot Priest - Partner Egg
      • The preview can be displayed correctly now when they are placed in the Partner Bag.

    • Judgment of the Truth (Plate coat)
      • The new attribute that it obtains during the power level upgrade has been changed from Dexterity to Stamina.

    • Gaze of Death (Leather coat)
      • The new attribute that it obtains during the power level upgrade has been changed from Stamina to Dexterity.

    • The state of the following items has been changed from “Binds when picked up” to “won’t be bound”:
      • Fortune Grass
      • Golden Ear of Grain
      • Star Pearl
      • Magic Fortune Grass
      • Sunset Ear of Grain
      • Moonlight Pearl
      • Dread Essence
      • Nightmare Essence
      • Dauntless Core
      • Wisdom Core
      • Handcrafted Ruby
      • Teardrop Ruby

  • Quest
    • Earthsprings Village
      • Now when the quest NPCs Clinte Weiyer and Ayeke Puluh attack monsters, the player will no longer receive XP.

    • Pumpkin Festival Event
      • Monster Parade
        • The event notification will be displayed only once in the Scrollbanner 10 minutes before the event start.

September 25, 2012 - 5.0.3 Patch Notes - Chrysalia's Shadow

New Content

  • New Zone: Chrysalia

  • New Instances : Kulech Bones Nest

  • Level Cap 75

  • New Level 60 Elite skills

  • Class skill TP Adjustments

  • Talentpoint Reset

  • Adjustments in IS: Ruby Bonus

  • Juice Festival
Click here for more information about the Juice Festival.

Bug Fixes

  • Skills:
    • Removed the GCD of the following Rogue skills:
      • Throw
      • Combo Throw

  • Skill Descriptions:
    • Briar Shield (Warden):
      • Increased physical defense changed from 9% to 5%.
        • The skill descriptions read now:
          • (LVL 1)
            • Thorns surround you for 900 seconds, increasing your physical defense by 5%. When you are physically attacked, it reflects 1% main hand weapon DPS. (Only effective on targets within a range of 50)
          • (LVL 70)
            • Thorns surround you for 900 seconds, increasing your physical defense by 32.5%. When you are physically attacked, it reflects 6.6% main hand weapon DPS. (Only effective on targets within a range of 50)

    • Summon Spirit of the Oak (Warden):
      • Increased physical defense changed from 20% to 65%.
        • The skill description reads now:
          • Summons a Spirit of the Oak to assist you. While in effect, it will increase your physical defense by 65 % and parry rate by 20%.

    • Indomitable Spirit (Champion/Warlock):
      • The skill description reads now:
        • Can only be used when HP is less than 65%. The following 3 Dark Energy Strikes cause double the damage. Also restores 2% HP.

    • Angel Salvation (Knight/Priest):
      • The description reads now:
        • Uses the holy light to resurrect a player. (Can be used in battle.)

  • Items:
    • After the following pets are summoned, mouse over the pet and the owner name of the pet will be displayed.
      • Pet eggs:
        • Moonspirit Wabbit - Pet Egg
        • Eggshell JuJu - Pet Egg
        • Soul-Eater Clown - Partner Egg
        • Fireboot Warrior - Partner Egg
        • Fireboot Priest - Partner Egg
        • Tomasso - Pet Egg (Permanent)
        • Tomasso - Pet Egg (30 Days)
        • Tomasso - Pet Egg (7 Days)
        • Blue Cavy - Pet Egg (7 Days)
        • Red Cavy - Pet Egg (7 Days)
        • Smirking Clown - Partner Egg
        • Sacred Ice Crystal JuJu - Pet Egg (7 Days)
        • Sacred Ice Crystal JuJu - Pet Egg (30 Days)
        • Sacred Ice Crystal JuJu - Pet Egg (Permanent)
        • Breaking Dawn JuJu - Pet Egg (7 Days)
        • Breaking Dawn JuJu - Pet Egg (30 Days)
        • Breaking Dawn JuJu - Pet Egg (Permanent)
        • Exuberant Celebration JuJu - Pet Egg (7 Days)
        • Exuberant Celebration JuJu - Pet Egg (30 Days)
        • Exuberant Celebration JuJu - Pet Egg (Permanent)
        • Greenfeather Sparrow JuJu - Pet Egg (7 Days)
        • Greenfeather Sparrow JuJu - Pet Egg (30 Days)
        • Greenfeather Sparrow JuJu - Pet Egg (Permanent)

  • Transformation Potions:
    • Soul-Eater Clown Transformation Potion
    • Fireboot Warrior Transformation Potion
    • Fireboot Priest Transformation Potion
    • Nocturnal Zombie Transformation Potion

  • Transformation Potion:
    • After these potions are used, mouse over the pet and the race of the pet won’t be displayed now.
      • Little White Wabbit Transformation Potion
      • Little Black Wabbit Transformation Potion
      • Little Brown Wabbit Transformation Potion
      • Lulu Transformation Potion
      • Snowman Transformation Potion
      • Little Snowman King Transformation Potion
      • Evil Teddy Bear Transformation Potion
      • Fireboot Warrior Transformation Potion
      • Fireboot Priest Transformation Potion
      • Nocturnal Zombie Transformation Potion

  • Harvest of the seeds:
    • When harvesting Green Shine Seed, you have a chance to obtain Olegan Stone Sand or Rein Crystal Sand.
    • When harvesting Echo Seed, you have a chance to obtain Todo Ginkgo Timber or Stone Pine Timber.
    • When harvesting Sunbathed Seed, you have a chance to obtain Thunderhoof Grass Bundle or Dovetail Flower Bouquet.

  • Recipes:
    • The recipe level of crafting these basic materials changed from level 71 to level 75
      • Wood:
        • Recipe-Todo Ginkgo Timber
        • Recipe-Todo Ginkgo Lumber
        • Recipe-Todo Ginkgo Plank
        • Recipe-Refined Todo Ginkgo Plank
        • Recipe-Exquisite Todo Ginkgo Plank

      • Herb:
        • Recipe-Thunderhoof Grass Bundle
        • Recipe-Thunderhoof Grass Sap
        • Recipe-Thunderhoof Grass Extract
        • Recipe-Pure Thunderhoof Grass Extract
        • Recipe-Thunderhoof Grass Essence

      • Ore:
        • Recipe-Olegan Stone Sand
        • Recipe-Olegan Stone Fragment
        • Recipe-Olegan Stone Ingot
        • Recipe-Tempered Olegan Stone Ingot
        • Recipe-Rune Olegan Stone Ingot

  • Icon:
    • Corrected the icon of Totem-hunting Axe from Throwing Knife to Throwing Axe.

  • Adjustments To Required TP Amount:
    • Reduces the required TP of the following class skills from level 2 to level 1:
      • Mage:
        • Fireball
        • Lightning
        • Energy Influx
        • Phoenix
        • Thunderstorm
        • Flame
        • Purgatory Fire
        • Meteor Shower
        • Electric Bolt
        • Plasma Arrow
        • Electric Explosion
        • Discharge
        • Elemental Weakness
        • Energy Well

      • Priest:
        • Rising Tide
        • Heal
        • Regenerate
        • Group Heal
        • Urgent Heal
        • Healing Salve
        • Chain of Light
        • Bone Chill

      • Warden:
        • Punch
        • Sepal Stab
        • Thorny Vine
        • Frantic Briar
        • Power of the Wood Spirit
        • Cross Chop
        • Charged Chop
        • Centaur’s Arrow

      • Druid:
        • Mother Earth’s Fountain
        • Rockslide
        • Restore Life
        • Blossoming Life
        • Recover
        • Earth Arrow
        • Briar Entwinement
        • Earth Pulse
        • Summon Sandstorm
        • Mother Nature’s Wrath

  • Quest:
    • The Council President’s Request: Now the quest target Luanda will appear properly.

  • Adjustments to damage dealt by the following projectiles:
    • Level 63 Totem-hunting Axe: Physical damage changed from 101 to 421.
    • Level 70 Guard's Throwing Knife: Physical damage changed from 121 to 581.

  • Skill Effects:
    • Shield Form (Champion):
      • Now the Shield Form won’t disappear when the Champion/Warlock elite skill Dark Energy Punishment consumes HP.

    • Summon Spirit of the Oak (Warden):
      • Now when a player goes offline, the Spirit of the Oak and its enhanced effect will disappear too.

  • Weapon and Armor:
    • Weapon type of Igor’s Axe changed from sword to axe.
    • Body part of Gulo Headband changed from shoes to head.

  • Combat Log:
    • Blocking Stance (Warrior/Knight):
      • Now in Blocking Stance state, the effect will be recorded once in the battle log when Resist is activated at the moment that a player is being attacked.

    • Arc Strike (Champion/Warrior):
      • Now the effect of recovering rage can be correctly recorded in the battle log.

    • Death Arrives (Champion/Rogue):
      • Now the effect of recovering energy can be correctly recorded in the battle log.

    • Holy Light’s Fury (Knight/Priest):
      • Now the skill name appears correctly in the battle log.

    • Holy Smite (Knight/Priest):
      • Now the effect of “Holy Light’s Power” can be correctly recorded in the battle log.

  • Siege Wars:
    • Removed the pools next to Hilot Tower and Knin Tower.

  • Zodiac Pets:
    • Star Amulet of Ability (Zodiac Pet Lvl2 & Lvl3 abilities):
      • Now all attributes will increase correctly according to the buff description.

  • Transport Service:
    • Now NPC Lieve will provide transport service to all areas in Varanas (previously only Lower City West, Class Hall and Hall of Wisdom).

  • Adjustments in IS: Ruby Bonus
    • The ruby bonus in our Item Shop was adjusted for a LOT of items. Here are some examples:
      • Daily Quest Ticket
        • Old: 4 Rubies
        • New: 8 Rubies

      • Purified Fusion Stone
        • Old: 4 Rubies
        • New: 8 Rubies

      • God's Redemption Ticket
        • Old: 4 Rubies
        • New: 8 Rubies

      • Superior Talent Charm
        • Old: 80 Rubies
        • New: 160 Rubies

August 27, 2012 - 5.0.2 Patch Notes

New Content

  • Fairy Tale Event
Click here for more information about the Fairy Tale Festival.

  • New Skins for Guild Castles
    • Choose the style of your Guild Castle. Available through a new option in the Guild interface, for the Guild Leader.
    • To use this function, you need to upgrade your guild to level 10 and build a Castle and a Wall.
    • Will require ressources to be able to change from one (new) style to another

  • New Guild Boss Furniture
    • There are new furnitures recipes that can be dropped on Guild Bosses
    • The Guild Boss will also drop some key materials for those recipes

  • World Boss Revision
    • 5 World Bosses have a new, lvl 75 version.
    • When the lvl 75 has been killed, the usual, lower level version will appear again after ~72 hours
    • When the usual, lower level version has been killed, there is a chance that the lvl 75, or usual level, respawns after 8 hours
    • The level 75 drops a special item, that can be exchanged in Varanas against HL gear
    • Modified Boss list:
      • Hippogriff King Wodjin
      • Blind Hackman
      • Mandara
      • Lagusen
      • Targonharl

  • Access Control
    • New series of Events opening a special Instance
    • Start quest can be obtained from NPCs located in Silverspring, Dust Devil Cayon, Thunderhoof Hills and Rorazan

  • Warden Adjustment

  • Diamond NPCs

Esthetic and Localization Fixes

  • "Wabbit's staff: The animation for the Wabbit's staff now displays properly in both the main and off-hand."

  • Skill: Free Will
    • Deleted unnecessary brackets „()“.
      • Description before adjustment:
        • Target is immune against Root and Slow effects for 10 seconds. ((This skill can be used even if you are in a state that doesn't allow you to cast spells.))
      • Description after adjustment:
        • Target is immune against Root and Slow effects for 10 seconds. (This skill can be used even if you are in a state that doesn't allow you to cast spells.)

  • Adjusted Item Shop item Fruit of Forgetting to solve the following problems:
    • 1. When using Fruit of Forgetting, players with the secondary class champion or warlock get a notification that their class is 0.
    • 2. When using Fruit of Forgetting, players with 2 or more classes but no equipment or secondary class active get a notification saying “you don’t have a secondary class yet! When you reach level 10 go to the Class Hall to obtain a secondary class!”. This has been changed into “You have no secondary class active.”

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected a problem during player registration for cross-server trial Windrunner Race. If not having sufficient Phirius token coins, repeatedly clicking on ‘confirm’ to register, a message saying ‘an option has already been selected’ was displayed in the conversation window. This message won't appear anymore.

Warden Adjustment

  • The physical defense of summoning Spirit of the Oak has been increased from 20% to 65%.

July 18, 2012 - Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Priest/ Warlock:
    • The 50/50 Elite Skill has now been fixed and no longer causes interference.

  • Siege Wars:
    • The accidental death of players has now been fixed

  • Zodiac pet
    • Elements can now be stacked correctly to 999.

July 17, 2012 - Patch Notes - Colorweave Festival

New Content

  • Event - Colorweave Festival
Click here for more information about the Colorweave Festival.

Bug Fixes

  • Item:
    • Corrections to the following magic perfume items: After player used these perfumes, the amount of the Ancient Mementos that his pet picks up is limited to 3000 pieces.
      • Magic Perfume (1 Day)
      • Magic Perfume (7 Days)
      • Magic Perfume (14 Days)
      • Magic Perfume (30 Days)
      • Magic Perfume (2 Hours)
      • Magic Perfume (6 Hours)

    • The icons of the following items are correctly displayed now:
      • Charlie Brown's Leg Armor
      • Animal Fright
      • Barber's Footprint

  • Quest:
    • Anti-Vermin Potion: Now the quest can be accepted properly.

  • Adjustments:
    • Crafting Skills: Adjustments to the crafting skill gathering and required material amount for material upgrade.

    • Reduced the required experience points of Herbalism, Mining and Woodcutting for skill level up.

    • Adjustments to the required amount of herbs, wood and ore raw materials for material upgrade. Now it requires 4 (instead of 6) pieces to upgrade the rarity of material rarity from 1 (green) to 2 (blue). Changes are made to the following recipes:
      • Herbs raw materials:
        • Mountain Demon Grass Sap = Mountain Demon Grass Bundle X 4
        • Beetroot Sap = Beetroot Bundle X 4
        • Bitterleaf Sap = Bitterleaf Bundle X 4
        • Moxa Sap = Moxa Bundle X 4
        • Dusk Orchid Sap = Dusk Orchid Bundle X 4
        • Barsaleaf Sap = Barsaleaf Bundle X 4
        • Moon Orchid Sap = Moon Orchid Bundle X 4
        • Sinners Palm Sap = Sinners Palm Bundle X 4
        • Dragon Mallow Sap = Dragon Mallow Bundle X 4
        • Thorn Apple Juice = Thorn Apple Bundle X 4
        • Verbena Juice =Bouquet of Verbena X 4
        • Nocturnal Lantern Grass Sap = Nocturnal Lantern Grass Bundle X 4
        • Rosemary Sap = Rosemary Bundle X 4
        • Bison Grass Sap = Bison Grass Bundle X 4
        • Foloin Nut Sap = Foloin Nut Bundle X 4
        • Green Thistle Sap = Green Thistle Bundle X 4
        • Straw Mushroom Sap = Straw Mushroom Bundle X 4
        • Mirror Sedge Sap = Mirror Sedge Bundle X 4
        • Goblin Grass Sap = Goblin Grass Bundle X 4

      • Ore raw materials:
        • Zinc Nugget = Zinc Sand X 4
        • Tin Nugget = Tin Sand X 4
        • Iron Nugget = Iron Sand X 4
        • Copper Nugget = Copper Sand X 4
        • Dark Crystal Nugget = Dark Crystal Sand X 4
        • Silver Nugget = Silver Sand X 4
        • Wizard-Iron Nugget = Wizard-Iron Sand X 4
        • Moon Silver Nugget = Moon Silver Sand X 4
        • Abyss-Mercury Nugget = Abyss-Mercury Sand X 4
        • Rune Obsidian Nugget = Rune Obsidian Sand X 4
        • Olivine Stone = Olivine Sand X 4
        • Purple Agate Crystal Nugget = Purple Agate Crystal Sand X 4
        • Flame Dust Nugget = Flame Dust Sand X 4
        • Cyanide Nugget = Cyanide Sand X 4
        • Rock Crystal Nugget = Rock Crystal Sand X 4
        • Mysticite Nugget= Mysticite Sand X 4
        • Mithril Nugget = Mithril Sand X 4
        • Frost Crystal Nugget = Frost Crystal Sand X 4
        • Mica Nugget = Mica Sand X 4

      • Wood raw materials:
        • Ash Lumber = Ash Timber X 4
        • Willow Lumber = Willow Timber X 4
        • Maple Lumber = Maple Timber X 4
        • Oak Lumber = Oak Timber X 4
        • Pine Lumber = Pine Timber X 4
        • Holly Lumber = Holly Timber X 4
        • Yew Lumber = Yew Timber X 4
        • Tarslin Demon Wood Lumber = Tarslin Demon Wood Timber X 4
        • Dragonlair Wood Lumber = Dragonlair Wood Timber X 4
        • Ancient Spirit Oak Lumber = Ancient Spirit Oak Timber X 4
        • Fastan Banyan Lumber = Fastan Banyan Timber X 4
        • Janost Cypress Lumber = Janost Cypress Timber X 4
        • Chime Wood Lumber = Chime Wood Timber X 4
        • Stone Rotan Lumber = Stone Rotan Timber X 4
        • Redwood Lumber = Redwood Timber X 4
        • Dragon Beard Root Lumber = Dragon Beard Root Timber X 4
        • Sagewood Lumber = Sagewood Timber X 4
        • Fairywood Lumber = Fairywood Timber X 4
        • Aeontree Lumber = Aeontree Timber X 4

    • Adjustments to skills:
      • Rogue:
        • Rogue Throwing skills Throw and Combo Throw : added main hand weapon DPS to the damage dealt by the skills.

      • Warrior/Warden:
        • Elite skill - Awakening of the Wild: increase of critical damage has been adjusted. Further, the next attack will definitely be a critical attack.

      • Scout/Mage:
        • Elite skill – Blazing Energy: The skill description reads now: When activated, power of your Fire based spells increases by 2% and area damage increases by 3%. This effect lasts 900 seconds. If you shoot while this is in effect, there is a chance of casting Fireball automatically.

      • Scout/Knight:
        • Elite skill - Healing Shot: The main part of the skill description reads now: Fires one Shot at the target causing 60 ranged weapon DPS. When it hits, it will also heal the party member with the lowest maximum HP by 30 + 30 times (ranged weapon damage)…

      • Scout/Druid:
        • Elite skill Archer Blessing: Changed the effect time from 10 to 15 seconds.

        • Elite skill Snake Poison Arrow: The skill description reads now: Turns your magic into poisonous snakes, inflicting 60 ranged weapon DPS. When it hits, there is a chance of stunning the target for 3 seconds. When the target is affected by Vampire Arrows, he will receive 8 poison every 2 seconds for 6 seconds.

        • Elite skill Ancestor’s Blessing: The skill description reads now: Permanently reduces the damage you receive by 1% and when you strike a target with Piercing Arrow, the aggro caused by the next action of the party member with the second most aggro will be reduced. (After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for 30 seconds) < The maximum level of this skill is 50.>

      • Knight/Mage:
        • Elite skill Lightning Armor: The skill description reads now: Lightning flows through your armor, causing 20 Wind Damage to anyone attacking you, but does not affect critical hits.

        • Elite skill Lightning Armor: The skill description reads now: Lightning flows through your armor, causing damage to anyone attacking you, but does not affect critical hits. There is a chance of increasing your Intelligence and Stamina when you’re being attacked.

        • Elite skill Lightning Armor: The skill description reads now: Lightning flows through your armor, causing 20 Wind Damage to anyone attacking you, but does not affect critical hits. While in effect, there is a chance of increasing your Intelligence and Stamina when you are attacked.

        • Elite skill Wind of Protection: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Bestows wind energy to your Lightning Armor so that it has a chance of increasing Intelligence by 2% and Stamina by 2% when you are attacked.
          • Level = 50: Bestows wind energy to your Lightning Armor so that it has a chance of increasing Intelligence by 16% and Stamina by 16% when you are attacked.

        • Elite skill Wind of Protection: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Increases Intelligence by 2% and Stamina by 2%.
          • Level = 70: Increases Intelligence by 16% and Stamina by 16%.

        • Elite skill Holy Light Domain: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: The power of the holy light in you inflicts 20 + 0.2 x STA Light Damage every 2 seconds to surrounding targets within range. Also adds a Holy Illumination, which reduces target's attack damage by 1 %. Lasts for 6 seconds.
          • Level = 70: The power of the holy light in you inflicts 370 + 0.2 x STA Light Damage every 2 seconds to surrounding targets within range. Also adds a Holy Illumination, which reduces target's attack damage by 15 %. Lasts for 6 seconds.

        • Elite skill: Holy Light Domain: The skill effect time is extended by Hall of Order. The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: The power of the holy light in you inflicts 20 + 0.2 x STA Light Damage every 2 seconds to surrounding targets within range. Also adds a Holy Illumination, which reduces target's attack damage by 1 %. Lasts for 12 seconds.
          • Level = 70: The power of the holy light in you inflicts 370 + 0.2 x STA Light Damage every 2 seconds to surrounding targets within range. Also adds a Holy Illumination, which reduces target's attack damage by 15 %. Lasts for 12 seconds.

        • Elite skill Lightning Shield: The skill description reads now: Your Whirlwind Shield now deals extra wind damage and slows the target for 5 seconds.

        • Elite skill Lightning Shield: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Inflicts 40 main hand weapon DPS plus 0.1 times the shield's defense value as damage to most enemies within range, and also causes 40 wind magical damage. Slows them by 40% for 5 seconds and adds aggro. Each skill level adds to aggro. (Must have shield equipped.) (Players will be Slowed down by 40%.)
          • level = 70: Inflicts 236 main hand weapon DPS plus 0.1 times the shield's defense value as damage to most enemies within range, and also causes 460 wind magical damage. Slows them by 40% for 5 seconds and adds aggro. Each skill level adds to aggro. (Must have shield equipped.) (Players will be Slowed down by 40%.)

        • Elite skill Enhanced Mana Return: The skill description reads now: Enhances the effect of your Mana Return and increase your Magical Damage.

        • Elite skill Enhanced Mana Return: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Activates the Holy Seals on the target and restores 45 mana back to you. It also increases magical damage 15%. It can restore up to 115 mana and increase Magical Damage by up to 45%. (Requires at least 1 Holy Seal on the target.)
          • Level = 70: Activates the Holy Seals on the target and restores 675 mana back to you. It also increases magical damage 15%. It can restore up to 1725 mana and increase Magical Damage by up to 45%. (Requires at least 1 Holy Seal on the target.)

      • Knight/Priest:
        • Elite skill Holy Fury: The skill description reads now:
          • Level =0: The Holy Seal inflicts 8 to 12 Light Damage every 2 seconds. (Can be stacked up to 3 times)
          • Level = 70: The Holy Seal inflicts 232 to 348 Light Damage every 2 seconds. (Can be stacked up to 3 times)

        • Elite skill Holy Smite: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Lands a powerful strike with concentrated holy power. If the target is being affected by Holy Light's Fury, the power will be ignited and your HP will be restored by 30. Your team members' HP will be also be restored by 15. (The restored HP will increase with the stacks of Holy Light’s Fury.)
          • Level= 70: Lands a powerful strike with concentrated holy power. If the target is being affected by Holy Light's Fury, the power will be ignited and your HP will be restored by 660. Your team members' HP will be also be restored by 330. (The restored HP will increase with the stacks of Holy Light’s Fury.)

      • Rogue/Priest:
        • Elite skill Mana Surge: The skill description reads now: Magic Barrier will recover MP whenever you receive a physical attack, and reduce the damage inflicted on you by 5 %. (After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for 30 seconds.)

        • Common skill Magic: Magic Barrier: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: For 900 seconds, increases all party member's Magical Defense by 6% and reduces damage taken by 5 %. While this is in effect, 20 MP will be recovered when you receive a physical attack. (After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for 30 seconds.) (The maximum level of this skill is 50.)
          • Level = 50: For 900 seconds, increases all party member's Magical Defense by 39% and reduces damage taken by 5 %. While this is in effect, 200 MP will be recovered when you receive a physical attack. (After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for 30 seconds.) (The maximum level of this skill is 50.)

        • Common skill Magic Barrier: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Increases Magical Defense by 6% and reduces damage taken by 5%.
          • Level = 50: Increases Magical Defense by 39% and reduces damage taken by 5%.

      • Rogue/Druid:
        • Elite skill Shadow Smash: The skill description reads now: Extends your Poison Shroud effect by 4 seconds and inflicts dark damage to most targets within a range of 70.

        • Elite skill: Poison Shroud: It doesn’t require a Poison Bottle to cast the skill anymore. The skill description reads now: Poison Shroud causes 40 poison damage every 2 seconds to most targets within a range of 70 for 12 seconds and inflicts 50 dark damage on targets.

      • Druid/Scout:
        • Elite skill Camellia Flower: changed required amount of MP to cast this skill.
          • Level = 0: consumes 25 MP
          • Level = 70: consumes 250 MP

        • Elite skill Spring Flower Eulogy: The skill description reads now: When casting Spring Flower Eulogy, if the target's HP is lower than 50%, the effect will automatically be stacked 3 times. There is also a chance of restoring 1 Nature's Power to you. When the skill ends, it will restore additional HP.

      • Mage/Druid:
        • Elite skill Earth Attack: The skill description now reads: Causes the damage range of Earth Pulse to become fan-shaped and reduces cooldown by 5 seconds. When it hits, it will increase the earth damage inflicted on the target.

        • Common skill Earth Pulse:
          • Level = 0: When it hits, it will increase earth damage inflicted on the target by 5%.
          • Level = 50: When it hits, it will increase earth damage inflicted on the target by 20%.

        • Adjustments to the damage amount of Earth Pulse: The description reads now: The power of the earth attacks all targets before you within the fan-shaped radius, causing 30 earth damage plus 0.3 times INT damage.

      • Warden:
        • Great changes to Warden skill system. Some skills have been adjusted and some skills have been completely changed.

        • Warden will receive Advanced Skill Reset Stone

        • Warden Item-set skill Gazelle Legs: The attack speed will be increased correctly.

        • Charged Chop: Changed it to an instant spell and the cooldown time from 3 to 1 second.

        • Briar Schield: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Thorns surround you and for 900 seconds increasing your physical defense by 5%. When you are physically attacked, it reflects 1% main hand weapon DPS. (Only effective on the targets within a range of 50) (The maximum level of this skill is 50.)
          • Level = 50: Thorns surround you and for 900 seconds increasing your physical defense by 32.5%. When you are physically attacked, it reflects 5% main hand weapon DPS. (Only effective on the targets within a range of 50) (The maximum level of this skill is 50.)

        • Power of the Wood Spirit: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Uses the Power of the Wood Spirit to attack up to 3 targets, causing 60%main hand weapon DPS. It shares cooldown with Charged Chop.
          • Level = 70: Uses the Power of the Wood Spirit to attack up to 3 targets, causing 312% main hand weapon DPS. It shares cooldown with Charged Chop.

        • Elven Amulet: Changed cooldown time from 90 to 70 seconds.

        • Savage Power: Changed cooldown time from 120 to 90 seconds.

        • Vitality Explosion: The skill description reads now: The power of Mother Earth flows through you. When you hit your target with Charged Chop or Power of the Wood Spirit, you have a chance of restoring your HP by 10%. This skill can’t be triggered again within 20 seconds.

        • Heart of the Oak: The skill description reads now: You are protected by the power of the Oak and will be able to resist the next 2 attacks. It lasts for 60 seconds.

        • Power of the Oak: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: You obtained the power of the Oak, temporary increasing two-hand weapon attack damage by 3% for 30 seconds. (The maximum level of this skill is 50)
          • Level = 50: You obtained the power of the Oak, temporary increasing two-hand weapon attack damage by 50% for 30 seconds. (The maximum level of this skill is 50)

        • Protection of Nature: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Increases your maximum HP by 1% and received healing by 5% for 300 seconds. (The maximum level of this skill is 50)
          • Level = 50: Increases your maximum HP by 5% and received healing by 15% for 300 seconds. (The maximum level of this skill is 50)

        • Summoning skills: Summon Spirit of the Oak, Summon Nature Crystal and Summon Oak Walker: Changed the skill casting time from 8 to 4 seconds.

        • Summon Spirit of the Oak: The skill description reads now: Summons a Spirit of the Oak to assist you. While in effect, it will increase your physical defense and parry rate by 20%.

        • Summon Oak Walker: The skill description reads now: Summons an Oak Walker to assist you. While in effect, it will increase your critical physical hit rate by 200, critical physical damage by 10%, critical magical hit rate by 200 and critical magical damage by 10%. If your skill attacks land a critical hit during the effect time, the Oak Walker will additionally cast Sepal Stab on your target.

        • Summon Nature Crystal: The skill description reads now: Summons a Nature Crystal to assist you. You’ll be immune to all attacks while active but cannot use any attack skills. When the Nature Crystal is present, your movement speed will be increased by 7% and you can order the Nature Crystal to cast Crystalline Protection and Crystalline Acceleration to assist your party members.

        • Frantic Briar: The skill is now an instant spell. It has a cooldown time of 12 seconds. The skill description reads now: Uses the power of Mother Earth to create a briar, causing 80% main hand weapon DPS to all targets in a range of 80 and decreasing their movement speed by 35% for 6 seconds.

        • Natural Lifeline: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Permanently increases your pet's maximum HP by 3%. Permanently increases your Stamina and Strength by (current STA or STR + 10) x 1%) + 10.
          • Level = 70: Permanently increases your pet's maximum HP by 19.8%. Permanently increases your Stamina and Strength by (current STA or STR + 45) x 4.5%) + 45.

        • Cross Chop: The skill description reads now: Chop crosswise against your target, dealing 70% main hand weapon DPS plus 0.3 times STR damage on the enemies in a straight line in front your target. If the Spirit of the Oak is summoned, the skill will deal extra aggro.

        • Elven Prayer: Changed cooldown time from 120 to 60 seconds.

        • Explosion of Power: Changed cooldown time from 180 to 90 seconds.

      • Warden Pet Skills:
        • Punch: Removed the feature that it adds agro when the skill hits.

      • Warden/Warrior:
        • Elite skill Will Attack: The skill description reads now: When your Frantic Briar hits the target, it will reduce the damage dealt by target by 10% for 10 seconds.

        • During the tests, we've noticed that warden/warrior will have problems with tanking. We're planning to adjust this during the maintenance, next week.

      • Warden/Scout:
        • Elite skill Sacrifice: The skill description reads now: Sacrifices your pet to restore you 50% HP and 50% mana. However, your pet will be exhausted and can’t make any move for 30 seconds.

      • Warden/Rogue:
        • Elite skill Gravel Attack: The skill description reads now: Inflicts 90%main hand weapon DPS on target. It also deals additionally 15 earth damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds.

      • Warden/Mage:
        • Elite skill Tough Oak: The skill description reads now: Increases your pet's physical defense by 5% and reduces cooldown of Punch and Sepal Stab by 1 second. (The maximum level of this skill is 50).

        • Elite skill Oak Blessing: The skill description reads now: During the effect time of Heart of the Oak, increases your physical attack power by 5% and restores your HP by 1% every 3 seconds.

      • Warden/Druid:
        • Elite skill Quick Reflexes: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Increases critical physical resistance of yours and your pet’s by 200 and dodge by 2%.
          • Level = 70: Increases critical physical resistance of yours and your pet’s by 2440 and dodge by 9%.

        • Elite skill Earth Spirit Essence: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Cloaks your weapon in the power of earth. Normal attacks inflict 100 earth damage and it resists 2% physical damage for 900 seconds.
          • Level = 70: Cloaks your weapon in the power of earth. Normal attacks inflict 100 earth damage and it resists 16% physical damage for 900 seconds.

        • Elite skill Connection: The skill description reads now: Your Elven Prayer can bestow an additional spell onto you and your pet, increasing physical and magical damage for 60 seconds.

        • Elite skill Blade of Protection: Changed the cooldown time from 10 to 7 seconds. The skill deals more aggro now.

        • Crystal Heal: Changed the name to “Thorn Sigil” and the skill description reads: Forces the target to turn towards you, and you become the one with the most aggro. Also increases your aggro by 10% in the next 15 seconds.

      • Priest/Champion:
        • Elite skill Healing Diamond Light: The skill description reads now:
          • Level = 0: Converts 2% MP to Diamond Light every second while in effect. Also recovers 35 + 0.2 x INT HP for all party members in contact in a range of 120. (This state ends when MP has been exhausted.)
          • Level = 70: Converts 2% MP to Diamond Light every second while in effect. Also recovers 525 + 0.2 x INT HP for all party members in contact in a range of 120. (This state ends when MP has been exhausted.)

      • Champion/Warlock:
        • Elite skill Heart Collection Rune: Now players using Heart Collection Rune in the state of insufficient Rage or Focus won’t be able to cast Rune Siphon, but the state of Heart Collection Rune will last until Rune Siphon is successfully cast.

        • Damage dealt by Rune Siphon in the state of Heart Collection Rune will increase as it should.

        • Adjustments to the damage amount in the skill description of Rune Siphon: Inflicts 60 main hand weapon physical DPS and 70 Dark damage to a target. Also restores 20 HP to the caster. (This skill stat will increase and decrease based on equipment and target strength).

July 3, 2012 - Patch Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Worldboss Krolin
    • The time required for the reappearance of the world boss Krolin has been corrected and is now 8 hours.

  • Siege War: Skill Rune Draw
    • The Skill "Rune Draw" is no longer bugged when used in siege wars.

  • Quest “Cleaning the Fishing Boats is a Difficult Job”
    • The Quest "Cleaning The Fishing Boats is a Difficult job" is now fixed.

  • Dwarf Class Trainers, Morfantas City
    • The Dwarf Class Trainers now have proper names and dialogues.

Category: Runes of Magic
This page last modified 2012-12-03 17:05:58.