Spell details for Curaga II  

Jobs/Level:White Mage, lvl 31
MP cost:120
Scroll:Scroll of Curaga II
Reuse:10.25 Seconds
Cast time:4.75 seconds
Target Type:Group
Description:Restores HP of all party members within area of effect.

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How much it heals for.
# Sep 17 2004 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
Cures for 180 Per Person

Edited, Fri Sep 17 08:20:46 2004
not worth it at 31
# Apr 12 2004 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
I can buy this for 10,182 -or something like that- in selbina (because my fame is so high from tuning in 7 stacks of boyada moss). I haven't bought it yet though. Mainly because I haven't needed it. As a 38 whm partying in crawler's nest, we haven't had too many close calls. In fact, I don't think I've died there yet (at this level. I died there once as level 32).
Cure spells max
# Feb 27 2004 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
I'm sure this is posted elsewhere...
All the cure spells max out depending on MND and Healing Lvl, as stated earlier. Cure is 30, Cure II is 90, Cure III is 180, Curaga is 90, Curaga II is 180, etc... Sometimes you'll cure for a higher or lower amount, this'll be because of two factors: Higher means its Lightday which adds 10% to all cures, Lower mean either its Darkday, -10%, or you've been hit with a MND down effect.
As for Divine Seal, I don't bother 'saving' it for later. I just keep in mind how much Hate it will draw and how much mp I'll save with it. But I've learned to never use DS+Curaga during a fight, unless I feel like eating dirt. Its at least as bad as using Benediction.

Kaivalya - 26Whm
RE: Cure spells max
# Mar 22 2004 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
863 posts
Slight nitpick. When the spells COMPLETELY max out much later on, it will actually be slightly above the #'s you listed. 31 for Cure I, 91 for Cure II, 191 for Cure III, (my cure IV isn't "Super" maxed yet, so i'm not sure of this #).

And no, this isn't due to the affect of light/darksday (although they do work just as he said).
RE: Cure spells max
# Apr 06 2005 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
not 100% accurate ~.~

I've healed for 32 with cure1 (35 with light staff, and 38 on lightsday), and 92(101/110) on cure2. Thats as a RDM58/BLM29 with healing capped(190 counting AF) and being mithra with +17mnd.

There's a soft cap (30 for cure, 90 for c2, etc) that can be passed, but normally what's needed to get higher is alot more than what it's worth. (I have the +mnd gear for landing whm enfeebles(silence/paralyze/slow), where it does make a significant difference).

Edited, Wed Apr 6 22:56:27 2005
RE: Cure spells max
# Mar 28 2004 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
this is 100% accurate, but it is true, as long as you load up on mnd, if i take off all my mnd boosting equip i drop back to 90 cure II and 30 cure ^_^ haven't maxed cure III yet =\
RE: Cure spells max
# Apr 05 2004 at 1:34 AM Rating: Decent
this is not totally accurate, I often heal for 34 now with cure 1
RE: Cure spells max
# Aug 27 2004 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
it is accurate actually. i heal for 34, too, but it is very rare. it's like obtaining a +1 item in crafting.
How much does it heal for?
# Dec 31 2003 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
When you first get this at lvl31, how much of a heal will it perform? How about at 35? at 40?
RE: How much does it heal for?
# Feb 24 2004 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
Level matters naught... MND improves spells, and also healing magic level... if you have low magic level, then you'll do low cures... Ive seen it cure from little less than 100 (ouch) to 190 (none of the whms had maxed out healing magic, either)
RE: How much does it heal for?
# Jan 15 2004 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
it will heal for however much Cure III heals for.

Curaga spells heal for the exact amount the next numeral heals for. IE Curaga is a group Cure II, Curaga II is group Cure III, etc.

You cannot ask what a spell will heal for when you first get it, since that depends on the whm. Not all whms have the same MND and Healing Skill so it varies. Hell, I heal better than whms a lvl or two higher than me with whm subbed on my SMN ;)

And don't save divine seal for curagas. It's a waste of seal and generally mp. Just regen those who are hurt and use Divine Seal on the main tank with Cure III whenever you get the opertunity. It has a 10 minute duration so there's no point saving it :)
RE: How much does it heal for?
# Jan 14 2004 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
I don't recall at lvl 35, but at lvl 40 I believe Curaga II heals around 180HP. I am currently a lvl 49 whm, and I heal for around 191HP for a Cure III/Curega II. I would very much suggest using Divine Seal before Curaga II, in which case it becomes a mini-benediction. Use during battle is certainly not recommended however.
# Dec 23 2003 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
Curaga II and some other high lvl WHM and BLM spells are sold in Selbina.

29 White Mage
RE: Selbina
# Feb 21 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Yes, I just purchased Curaga II in Selbina from the White Magic vendor that is standing in between the buildings for just a little over 11k gil.
# Dec 14 2003 at 7:55 PM Rating: Default
Where is this spell sold?
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