Category:Achievements (EQ2)  

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Game Update #53
Shards of Destiny
September 23, 2009

Some Achievements will not appear in your Quest Journal until you have completed an earlier Achievement. This will be indicated on the Achievement's page. However, there is a way around this. Make sure your journal is closed and type /medals_show_all 1. Once that is done, re-open your journal and all the hidden achievements should now be visible.

Below please find a list of Achievements in game. You might also find these categories useful:

See all Achievement Awards at: Category:EQ2 Achievement Awards

EverQuest II

Categories: GU53 | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2013-03-04 07:10:59.

Articles in category "Achievements (EQ2)"

There are 1499 articles in this category.
