Category:Ishalgen (Aion Mobs by Zone)  

by Zone
The mobs listed below can all be found in Ishalgen.

Categories: Mobs by Zone (Aion) | Aion
This page last modified 2009-06-20 11:03:12.

Articles in category "Ishalgen (Aion Mobs by Zone)"

There are 88 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Alfrigh (Aion Mob) Arma Snuffler (Aion Mob) Asak (Aion Mob)
Bacorerk (Aion Mob) Blackbeak Airon (Aion Mob) Bolir (Aion Mob)
Boromer (Aion Mob) Bucktoothed Snuffler (Aion Mob) Carak Steeltooth (Aion Mob)
Crizpinerk (Aion Mob) Cute Ribbit (Aion Mob) Dabi (Aion Mob)
Dalor (Aion Mob) Denma (Aion Mob) Derot (Aion Mob)
Devalin (Aion Mob) Dobar (Aion Mob) Dundun Farmer (Aion Mob)
Dundun Highsitter (Aion Mob) Dundun Looklook (Aion Mob) Eyvindr Peon (Aion Mob)
Eyvindr Sailor (Aion Mob) Fang Karnif (Aion Mob) Galar (Aion Mob)
Glifko (Aion Mob) Gooey Sylphen (Aion Mob) Grave Sparkle (Aion Mob)
Gray Mane Guard Fighter (Aion Mob) Gray Mane Scratcher (Aion Mob) Gray Mane Stalker (Aion Mob)
Grove Sparkie (Aion Mob) Guheitun (Aion Mob) Gunghelm (Aion Mob)
Gurt (Aion Mob) Hammerhoof (Aion Mob) Hephe (Aion Mob)
Highland Sparkle (Aion Mob) Hill Sparkie (Aion Mob) Hulker (Aion Mob)
Hulking Pelleru (Aion Mob) Jailer Ghost (Aion Mob) Jephani (Aion Mob)
Joreston (Aion Mob) Jurwen (Aion Mob) Kaindal (Aion Mob)
Kirhen (Aion Mob) Lake Braxie (Aion Mob) Lake Brax (Aion Mob)
Lidun (Aion Mob) Linevir (Aion Mob) Megin (Aion Mob)
Mijou (Aion Mob) Minu (Aion Mob) Motgar (Aion Mob)
Munin (Aion Mob) Nalto (Aion Mob) Negi (Aion Mob)
Nobekk (Aion Mob) Osmar (Aion Mob) Rae (Aion Mob)
Rusty Threehands (Aion Mob) Shel Snuffler (Aion Mob) Sheofin (Aion Mob)
Skuld (Aion Mob) Sprigg Sentry (Aion Mob) Sprigg Worker (Aion Mob)
Sprigg Worker Supervisor (Aion Mob) Squzeu Ironfist (Aion Mob) Squzii Ironfist (Aion Mob)
Tanmarn (Aion Mob) Tobu (Aion Mob) Ulgorn (Aion Mob)
Ungfu (Aion Mob) Urd (Aion Mob) Vanar (Aion Mob)
Vandarnt (Aion Mob) Vandar (Aion Mob) Vengeful Ghost (Aion Mob)
Verdandi (Aion Mob) Wanderer Sprigg (Aion Mob) Web Slink (Aion Mob)
Whitefoot Daru (Aion Mob) Wiokan (Aion Mob)