Merit Point Additions(07/22/2006)

With the upcoming merit point additions, you will be able to improve your character even further with all-new abilities and spells in the existing 15 job categories.
Merit point job categories will also become available for blue mages, corsairs, and puppetmasters.

Merit Point Categories
The existing 15 job categories will be improved to allow players the opportunity to further customize their level 75 characters with unique abilities.
These improved categories will include 4 to 8 abilities for each job. Depending on the distribution of merit points, it will be possible for players to access multiple new abilities.
Check out the upcoming version update news for what's in store.

- Subcategories
The 15 existing job categories will be divided into subcategories. Group 1 will include conventional abilities, while Group 2 will include the new job abilities, job traits, and spells.

- Accessing New Abilities
You can access Group 2 abilities by spending 1 point on the ability you wish to learn. Additional points spent on the same ability will shorten the recast time or enhance the effect (refer to the help text for each ability to learn the specific bonus).
Lowering the number of merit points in an ability to zero will cause it to disappear from your ability list.

- Ability Point Maximums
The Group 1 and Group 2 subcategories have separate totals for the maximum number of possible ability increases. Spending merit points to improve conventional abilities will not affect the acquisition of the new abilities.

Merit Points for Blue Mages, Corsairs, and Puppetmasters

In the upcoming version update, merit point job categories will be added for the three new jobs introduced in the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion disc.
These categories will initially contain only the Group 1 subcategory, allowing players to improve the basic abilities for these jobs.


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Enough SMN stuff SE!
# Jul 24 2006 at 5:40 PM Rating: Default
New Avatars, now new BP's, SMN's seem to be having it pretty nicely of late...

Be nice if Thf or Whm got something useful for once...

Something to enhance Whm's as melee would be nice, make a change at staring at HP bars all the time.

Something to make thf actually get a party too would be appreciated.

Meh, i bet it won't happen tho.
# Jul 24 2006 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
all the merits were getting seem to be stupid as for like drg, and smn. as for Nerfing BLMS even more, i mean... i died 14 times fighting Diablos Prime, cause he spams ultimate terror and nightmare, Even with stragetgy, he has a computer strategy that once we are all asleep that he knocks off all the MAGES first then the tanks, so we have no chance. the 2 times what we did when is when we had a 4 BLM 1 whm, and a rdm/drk(chainspell stun) and whenever i tried with tanks, the tank always got slept because we cant use, "posion potions"(you cant wake up from nightmare/ultimate terror just sleepga) BLM is alot of power, thats true but nerfing them even more is rediculous, BLM was made to be a powerful job.. i mean as a taru.. i get 1/3 my MP's Life, and if you arnt a tarutaru, then you have too little MP. so ppl are all nerfed in the begining anyways and this new job trait for DRG its suppose to allow you to use spirit link even if your Dragons hp is full. wtf
as for smn, why cant they give up like a MP conservation, or a job trait to lessen avatar perptuation, or less the BP timer. our BPs cost so much as it is, now we have new ones to earn that will propabably cost a buttload
Why can't we all just be gods, everyones still equal... ^^
# Jul 24 2006 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
I say we should all be allowed to do exactly what we want with our merit points. If everyone has the potential and possibilities to have the power of a god then everyone is still equal. Just make all the uber uprades cost an outrageous amount of merit points that way you really work for what you get. If a whm wants refresh spell <Shrugs> why the hell not, cough up 30 merit points and they can have it. If you wanna upgrade the potency of your 2hr, sure!!! ^^, 40 merit points prz. You wanna gain access to a 2nd 2hr , aight, 50 merit points woo. Lol itd make ballista more interesting too c.c *Uses upgraded X10 100 fists (1k fists) + 2nd 2hr- mighty strikes* I could take out a whole alliance IF they all lined up and waited there turn c.c (stupid) lol. I mean whats it matter if this chick is uber cuz of merits and this other guys not. Only cuz the other guy is lazy and doesnt want to merit as much. If you put in the work why shouldn't you be able to do things like that? Drg activate wyv growth process, 25 merits mmmm nice, every merit you gain from then on could increase wyv's size and power without actually depleting your merit points. Kinda like your wyv gains its own merits too hehe. See everyody can be a god and everybody can be happy c.c If SE thinks we get to powerful for mobs just do a patch and make all the mobs level 75's fight stronger ( Kirin level 125 ahhhh [run away]) would make HNMls's have stricter requirements your not really useful if you cant dmg the mob but so what, which would you prefer to have endless possibilities or to have a HNMls accept some chump that has some mildly good gear and a couple of merits on them hmm ~_~ not to mention the fact that your shell can split in a sec like mine did a week ago. Yeah anyways thats my thoughts on the matter lol and idc if you wanna flame me ... i dont even know what that does and if its something like a rate down lol .... i reeeeeeeally dont care. This is Apollo from Titan-75 mnk if you have a problem with me well send me a /t and we can discuss matters 8). Thanks for reading and c.c ... [Take care] (to much ffxi ;_; )lol
Just a word
# Jul 23 2006 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
Well, even though they wouldn't give you Job Traits, i wouldn't mind Max Mp as a RDM....haha!

Game rules anywyas.
# Jul 23 2006 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
Well, even though they wouldn't give you Job Traits, i wouldn't mind Max Mp as a RDM....haha!

Game rules anywyas.
# Jul 23 2006 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
Hmmm...Main:{Warrior} with {Last Resort}...{Yes Please}
Food for thought
# Jul 23 2006 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
You are all missing a key point to this ...SE is nerfing one job to further ballance out the other jobs. SE also knows that some mobs can only be killed one way but perhaps with these new merits it will surface new ways to kill a mob.

For example. The main stratagy in killing Kirin is to have a PLD kite the big guy around the room and have differnt people use Spells and JAs to tag him for alot of damage and keep that pld running around in circles till Kirin is done Astral flowing and summoning the demi gods. With the new gimp thats going to be near impossible, Granted it will be possible to do some damage with spells like b4 but it wont be possible to keep up with his regen and other BS moves. So SE imputs merits into the game that will better allow people to take down mobs of that Nature. If NIN get San spells a NIN could (with enough help and haste gear) strait up tank Kirin and some end game mobs. Granted this may seem like a downer on PLDs but SE never intended for PLDs to use a staf full time tanking on NMs (they gave you fun JAs to encourage you to use Shields and swords but still you use a staff and run around) THIS IS JUST A WARNING B4 YOU FLAME ME. There are some mobs that NINs can not tank (fast hitting mobs, mobs that use WSs that hit you past shadows, Mobs that cast death lol)

You want to talk about unballanced than i direct your attention to SMNs. granted i love SMNs and have the utmost respect for them. If SE is going to give them uber attacks and what not I only think it fiar for other jobs to get uber points. I am a 75 Taru NIN and i would LOVE the idea of new Spells and JAs for my fav job.

You people just need to stop and take a look at the BIG picture. If people can no longer kill NMs by having one really good tank and hand full of DDs SCing and having 5-7 BLMs nuking the ever living hell out of a mob then you have to rethink the stratagy a bit. thats just my point of view please think about this b4 you go flame waring on Alla lol.
Food for thought
# Jul 23 2006 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
57 posts
I liked your post and all... but wouldn't a NIN be most likely one-shotted by Stonega 4? I've seen a lot of paladins nearly taken out in one hit by that. Kirin can't be stunned either... so it's gonna be VERY difficult finding a new way of tanking him.
# Jul 23 2006 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
what i'm wondering is, will these job abilities/traits be level 75? like in capped areas would u still have them? i mean yes u have to be 75 to obtain them but they might be a low level in generality?
# Jul 23 2006 at 7:24 AM Rating: Default
SE never said they were thinking about Utsu San, and it probibly wont be added seeing that it will unbalance the game far too much in NINs favor and make them worse overpowered then BLMs.

LMAO, BLM was from the beginning meant to be the most spike dmging job, how can u say a char with 600-700 hp overpowered. overpowered no, good playerskills to learn to survive yes.
# Jul 23 2006 at 3:11 AM Rating: Default
Those SMN BPs have been in all along, ive used that Spellswapper program to change my animations and they really look good.
I thought they were like a 2nd Astral Flow or something :P
# Jul 22 2006 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
Is it me, or does SE do too much for the high lvl players? I mean, Merit Points are for people who have collected millions of exp after reaching their 75 cap, right?

Sure, I understand they want to keep the game interesting for those who've been around for 2-6 years. I just think it's a bit unfair.

Then again, I can't talk, being a high lvl myself >.>
Go RDM bonuses!
# Jul 22 2006 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
830 posts
Utsusemi:San would be extremely overpowered. Never going to be added.

Ballad III and Refresh II would be overpowered. Not going to be added. Unless... well, Ballad III would have to be 3 mp/tick due to Ballad II being 2, and Ballad III and II on a single person would be 5 mp/tick, which would be powerful enough as is and they would never go above that. This would mean Refresh II would be 5/tick. I highly doubt these will be added just because we get enough MP already but hypothetically that would be how its done. And I hope the MP cost isn't too high because that would run RDM down super fast, if it was say, 60 MP a cast.
# Jul 22 2006 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
More jumps, yes please ^^
# Jul 22 2006 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
really worried here that they will add something like TH3 or above through merits. That will just mean that all thf will be forced through their LS to have those merits and be in a pt just for TH. i really hope they do something to bring up us "underdog" jobs

*underdog is in reference to how other players see us, not how we actually are
# Jul 22 2006 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
983 posts
Not like you LS can see what you merit. Just lie.
to lazy to log in
# Jul 22 2006 at 6:43 PM Rating: Default
its in groups, this could mean that you must have maxed out group #1 merits before going to group #2 merits ;_;
to lazy to log in
# Jul 23 2006 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
109 posts
its in groups, this could mean that you must have maxed out group #1 merits before going to group #2 meri

I think they would have mentioned that in the description. Also, the picture shows access to Group #2 while there are 0 merits spent into Group #1.
Shroudy of Ragnarok
# Jul 22 2006 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
Notice the cap on the abilities in group 2 is 6, so you still have to choose wisely if you want possibly all the new BP's, but not as strong, or one Beefed up one, and choose wisely at 3 merits a point.
# Jul 22 2006 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
109 posts
A lot of people I talk to in game have been speculating that this is how the new merits would be for several months. A few notable ones that I am guessing will appear include tier 3 Elemental Ninjutsu, the new BPs shown in the picture on POL, AM2s, Refresh 2, Ballad 3, and please SE finally give me Jubaku: Ni!

I can't think of any abilities that may be added except maybe some of the ones they mentioned for each job in the dev team interview about job adjustments. However, I think they will add those a few jobs at a time in coming updates over the next year or so.
couold it be
# Jul 22 2006 at 5:26 PM Rating: Default
could it be that they are finally gonna add in some of our classic blm spells? things like Ultima? that would be sweet... i don't play blm, but i love havin a strong pt with me. there are so many other abilities that would rule. personally... one thing i could handle that comes to mind are the Aim abilities from FFT on ranger... that would kick ***.

Gemara uses Aim:Aarm on Orcish Dumbass.
Orcish Dumbass is unable to attack.

:D hurray... that would roxor.
ninja yes please
# Jul 22 2006 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
smoke bomb = escape ninja
throw weapon skill
# Jul 22 2006 at 3:09 PM Rating: Default
Maybe they'll increas Minuet Strength Merits! And give us Ballad Recast! Mazurka recast lol ftw. I dunno bard is lazy and needs to be updated. Maxed merits for bard in like 3 days so we need more spells + merits!
# Jul 22 2006 at 3:06 PM Rating: Default
Yea i really hope they give bard Ballad Recast! That would be sweets, and Ballad III. I've maxed out my bard merits and have been wanting for Minuet + Lullaby Recasts. Hopefully SE Will hear be plead and come to my rescue! And yes Bard is very lazy lol its so boring but i still 75'd it
ninja skills finally
# Jul 22 2006 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
only thing i can think of is ninja will get Utsusemi Son and jubaku NI and more stuff ^^

and tier 3 elemental ninjitsu magic.. the graphics animations for them is availible already. I mean u can see them.

Edited, Jul 22nd 2006 at 5:05pm EDT by Gide
# Jul 22 2006 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
I just hope they will do somthing to change the way so many lady people play jobs like RDM and BRD which is just "4-5 spells rest" every time.

Personally I'm not intrested in dual wield, I have genbu's shield and the new shield upgrade and that shield its quite nice. I am more intrested in seeing if they will really give whms the chance or a trait to release the soft caps on cures. Give rdm somthing that doubles en-spell potentcy, Spikes potentcy and enfeebls. Give pld somthing that gives them -phys dmg taken(ja or jt).

Just want stuff that actually creates balance unlike this utsu:san crap people are talking about which would only cause more problems and unbalance things further. I am intrested in seeing what Se will give all the jobs to balance them, or at least change some peoples playstyle to how they ment it to be. Seeing no one plays NIN or RDM the way they made them for. (nin idc more concerned with rdm)

For nin they will probibly get jubaku:Ni.
# Jul 22 2006 at 2:37 PM Rating: Default
You've never played Rdm or brd have you?
# Jul 22 2006 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
Try playing Brd before you criticize it's 'laziness'.
# Jul 22 2006 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
# Jul 22 2006 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
SE never said they were thinking about Utsu San, and it probibly wont be added seeing that it will unbalance the game far too much in NINs favor and make them worse overpowered then BLMs.

All I hope for is some decently balancing JT JA and spells, or at least some to right the wrongs SE did to other jobs. I am intrested to see if SE will really make rdm able to frontline without totally ******** us over yet again (obviously this is refering to the non-lazy and good rdms out there, though there are few).

Intrested in seeing if they will make WHMs have the most potent cures thru some new JT. Make pld take less damage with some phys dmg- reduction trait or ability.

I just hope they will add somthign to balance all the jobs instead of the crap thats going on right now in terms of how people play their jobs... I hope this will do somthing to actually give us all a good chance to do anything instead of the normal "BLM NIN BRD ONRY!!!" crap people always think for events.

As for the dual wield thing >_< sorry but I'll stick with my genbu's shield.
# Jul 22 2006 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Hmmm that would be kool to get Dual Wield without having to sub nin.....then u can DW and use SATA ....OH WAIT wat if u can get Dual Wield AND Sneak Attack!.....just a dream i guess
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