GU61 Hits Live Servers; New Problems Emerge

All servers are back online after the Game Update 61 patch. This update introduced a massive item overhaul and changes to the Alternate Advancement system, some of which has caused issues now that it has gone live. Here are some known issues:

  • AAs are not reset. Zoning once will fix this.
  • AAs reset themselves after leveling. No user-side fix for this
  • AAs reset after reassigned if you zone. Zoning at least once before reassigning them should prevent this.
  • AAs are resetting for some people upon logout. No user-side fix for this.
  • Items that may have previously had stats beneficial to your class no longer do. The best thing to do for this is to /bug report the item and explain which stat is missing from it. Double check any unattuned item before re-equipping it!
  • Items may be assigned to the wrong slot. These are few and far between, but /bug report them as you come across them.

Zoltaroth gave this warning regarding AAs:

We found some issues with the AAs resetting.  We will likely do another full reset with the next hotfix.  Just posting here as a heads up.

Rothgar later added (regarding item attunement issues):

We will be hotifixing this bug tomorrow.  The downside is that all of your items will become unattuned again and we will refund adornments applied to any equipped gear. 

After this runs tomorrow, the items should remain unattuned until you decide to attune them again.

Tomorrow's hotfix will also include a fix for the AA trees not resetting properly or resetting at incorrect times.


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Game not even starting anymore
# Aug 26 2011 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
I cannot even start the game since GU61 went live. Streaming client not working. I have deinstalled it and used both the streaming client and the full download from EQ2 website and both run into streaming errors. THAT is even worse than some item problems ingame cause SOE locked me completely out of this game by that!
Game not even starting anymore
# Aug 26 2011 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
If you are using windows 7 try starting the launcher as administrator. It solved that issue at my end.
As long as it gets fixed
# Aug 26 2011 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
I have been cleaning up my own 7 toons too, and I will gladly do it again, if the issues has been fixed second time around.

I hope they remember resetting AA-mirrors. I managed to load an old setup, which the game accepted even though it would not have been possible to make if I where to put the points in one at the time. I did make sure to put the reset AA window in the mirror, so it will reset the active messed up one this time around.

For the Zam wish list: an AA calculator. There is a good one out there, but it has naturally not updated yet, and who knows if it will be. Zam is usually good at putting class calculators up in other games.
Stop Whining
# Aug 26 2011 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
For once I would love to see more posts about how grateful folks are to all the programmers for their hard work. Trust me, it is not an easy task for them to update the game as seemless as they do. Let's hear it for all the guys and gals who not only keep Norrath running for us but also strive to make it better for us in everything they do.
Item Issues
# Aug 25 2011 at 6:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
As a warning, they've also added that tomorrow's hotfix will make it so you have to re-re-attune items again! Hopefully it'll fix a lot of the issues that cropped up though.
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

Item Issues
# Aug 26 2011 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
For once I would love to see more posts about how grateful folks are to all the programmers for their hard work. Trust me, it is not an easy task for them to update the game as seemless as they do. Let's hear it for all the guys and gals who not only keep Norrath running for us but also strive to make it better for us in everything they do.
We should get some compensation
# Aug 25 2011 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
we should get some compensation for this hassle. I have 7 characters and to completely redo them is going to take me hours. Now they say they are going to do it again after I just spent nearly 4 hours redoing just 2 chars.
We should get some compensation
# Aug 26 2011 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
rickcarufel wrote:
we should get some compensation for this hassle. I have 7 characters and to completely redo them is going to take me hours. Now they say they are going to do it again after I just spent nearly 4 hours redoing just 2 chars.

How about you compensate the rest of us for having to take the time to load and maybe even having to read your sensless post, thinking it might actually be of importance? lose the idea of entitlement there.
Yay ...
# Aug 25 2011 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
... we get to reset all our AA's so we can play today, and then do it AGAIN after they hotfix the problems. So thrilled. :-/
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