EverQuest Legends

We just received notice from the Director of Web Presence, Nathan Pearce about the new EverQuest Legends. The following is what they are advertising.
Make your mark on EverQuest! Sony Online Entertainment is proud to offer a unique and rewarding opportunity for EverQuest players: the EverQuest Legends Service. Are you ready for a new, more dynamic EverQuest experience? Are you prepared to take on exciting new challenges, discover unknown treasures, become a hero of Legendary proportions? To find out more, take our guided tour of all the new features we're preparing for EverQuest Legends, then reserve your spot today!
What Everquest Legends will offer you:
  • Character Pages Part of the Legends web site, each player character will have a personal homepage featuring all the character's statistics and items, and will be updated daily.
  • Dynamic Server (Exclusive) Our dedicated team of Customer Service & Development staff will not only be providing in-game support to our Legends players, but also running new quests and adventures for players of all levels to participate in.
  • Legendary Items Some of these Legendary items will even be named after the first player who discovers them.
  • Calendar of Events This web-based calendar will be kept up to date by the Legends Team, and will let you know who, when, where, and what is going on server-wide.
  • Interactive Maps Quickly find which zone your character is bound in, and which zones you have or haven't visited.
  • Tales of Adventure The Tales of Adventure will feature the best stories submitted by Legends players, prominently displayed for the whole world to marvel in your glorious deeds!
  • Guild Halls This new service includes a guild calendar, message board, member roster, and pages to post guild news, the guild history, and more! (Including logo) This sounds like a really great idea, I can't wait to see it live. However, there are only 8000 spots available, but if you do get in, you can move 8 of your current characters on a single account with items. The monthly cost is $39.95 and will include your current subscription. Sign up is February 4, 2002. Remember ONLY 8000 lucky people will get this chance. Sign up at EverQuest Legends.com Don't forget to take the Sorta Weekly Poll on the update page.
  • Comments

    Post Comment
    ooo and what big pile of money you have gandma
    # Feb 03 2002 at 6:53 PM Rating: Default
    fist of all 80000 rich nerds addicted to eq will join legends.then verant opens new server WOOOHOOOO more rich nerds!!! 3rd server half nerds half normal people being pushed into it.....then NOOOOO THEY DELEATED MY SERVER AHHHHHHHHHHH i hafta go to legends now NOOOOOOOOOOOO:( and then theres like 1 10 dollors server full of slobs that cant afford anything and still live with there parents then bill gates sneaks into the building hits deleat key and everyone scream NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY LVL60 SK!! lol jk bill gates wont hit the deleat key VERANT WILL!!! and all they have are they legends server and huge piles of money..... o yeah like 300k rich nerds arguing about lvl 60 chars and who has the bigest pile of cash..... NOOOOOOO ATTACK OF THE NERDS!!!!!ahhhhhh there gona kill us all GET THE HACKERS OR SOMETHIN BEFORE THEY DELEATE US AHHHHHH jk dont get hackers inless you wana do 10 years in prison instead of 40 bucks a month...... well thats my 2cp i sugest everyone gets some anti nerd spray before they mind controll us all with huge piles of cash or just play another game...... well i better stop talking lol bye.
    RE: ooo and what big pile of money you have gandma
    # Feb 03 2002 at 8:00 PM Rating: Default
    you cant POSSIBLY call someone else a nerd if you play EQ too... think about it.. we are spending hours on building a fake character with fake money and fake items in a fake world.. We're all nerds now stfu
    RE: ooo and what big pile of money you have gandma
    # Feb 03 2002 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
    Fake .... Please say it aint so . I was hoping the going to work and paying the bills was fake ... now i have lost all will to live :(
    Just to add
    # Feb 03 2002 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
    Some people would think its ridicilous to pay 10/month for a game you already payed 40 dollars for.

    saying 40/month is ridicilous for you, doesnt mean it is for other people. For me personally I just recently stopped paying for a few things, that I would say add up to 80 extra bucks a month. Im in college. I dont really save up for much, my college is pretty much set(scholarships, and money saved plus help from parents<grin>)I save up money in a savings account and then in my checking-- which is the only account i touch. Spending an extra 40 dollars a month isnt a big deal for me. I dont mind spending an extra 30 for a addition to a game that I think Ill enjoy. I was spending 5-10/month for MajorMud(a text based game) I couldve played for free on some servers. I didnt cause I liked better support from teh Sysop and a friendly atmosphere. Now for people who are worried about the price of the regular servers-- the regular servers WILL NOT increase in price, UNLESS there is major inflation. This isnt a "TEST" to see how much they can charge.

    I have had only 1 major problem with eq. I quit for 3 months cause of it. It was a big problem(lost my only char to ever hit 50+ and only my second to get past 30-still only had 2 reach 30+)
    I've never had any performance issues. Ive gotten bad lag, but that was when I was still on 56k with a poor comp, and then the lag was never horrible. The only problem I had was with zoning, now my zone times are practically instant. Ok, im really blabbing again. But listen. If it turns out to be less than I expect(which I wont stand for any less than what I expect) I can AND WILL cancel it and just go back to regular EQ. Its all a matter of preference. And really, dont worry about it, Legends Wont have any negative effects for people on the regular servers UNLESS all, or most of your friends/guild is leaving for it. Then you have a reason to complain.

    After the server has been out for a month(Im sure Allakhazam will put up a forum for it) I will do a review for you all(it will be less cluttered and grammatically offensive than this post). I have very good expectations and expect no less.

    People will complain no matter what. I dont know why Im getting all in a hussy over it myself. I also payed for a premium membership to here. Some poeple would think that is ridicilous(though I recommend you all get it if you are hardcore into EQ, its so very nice). I just like everything to be padded with ease and goodness.

    --Oh just to add, i do think that regular EQ should be this way, but since you cant have it that way I guess this is the next best thing.

    -sorry for the spelling errors, and sorry if it seems like im flaming any of you. I agree that everyone's opinions are valid. And since that is how you feel you can not be wrong or right. my opinions are right to me, but wrong to others.

    OFF-Topic-- Watching the super bowl right now, the patriots opted to be introduced as a team instead of just introducing the starting line-up... i actually think they have a chance now.

    Edited, Sun Feb 3 17:27:31 2002
    # Feb 04 2002 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
    We'll not all of us can afford the 40 more a month. I do not go to school, and my parents do not help me. Im pretty much on budget with my wife and child. My online account and EQ account is my "toy" I get. This is pretty much about what i can afford. $21 + $10= $31 ....i can afford that
    $21 + $40 = $61....i can not afford that. Im not child and im not a senior, but i do play EQ. I have a wife in school and a little beautiful baby girl. $61 is just not affordable for a "game"! Even if i love the "game"! lol
    The "X-8000" Crowd
    # Feb 03 2002 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
    Well, if you think that this is something outrageous and you will never subscribe to this service, you are in the same boat as X-8000 people. I know I'm not getting this service ever because $40 is just too much. But, are the normal players better off then the Legends players? They pay more for having stupid extra things that we don't really need and they also pay more for in-game support. This means that more problems will be found and fixed by this added support which will carry on to the servers that we play on. Therefore, by people subscribing to this service, we are riding on their money. Sure, you do get a few more "bells & whistles" with the extra $30 a month, but do you really need them? I like the game how it is now and the only improvement I can think of is lowering the price of play. Maybe make it $8 a month? But anyways, as a player who is in the "X-8000" crowd be happy for those paying the extra money and making your game better. I know people are probably going to chew apart this post, but remember its only an opinion.
    RE: The
    # Feb 03 2002 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
    No bashing from me about this post! I fully agree with Minklind. =) I have 2accounts that I play on Tribunal with, and for me to transfer all my usable characters to one account, then get a full transfer to the new Legends server would be ridiculous! Or if I decided to move both accounts over would be 80$ a month!! =( Sorry, sounds like a great experience, but I really hope others do it for themselves and I'll just ride the live server upgrades that your money is puting in. =) Thank you!
    My two coppers
    # Feb 03 2002 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
    The only thing that appeals to me about the legends server is more dynamic quests. I have no idea why there aren't more on normal servers. Not enough guides? If they made dynamic quests a priority, I know a lot of people who would love to dedicate some time each week to running dynamic quests, etc.

    $40 a month? No thanks. The web site character updates and other bells-and-whistles have no appeal to me.

    It woudn't benefit players like me.
    # Feb 03 2002 at 5:00 PM Rating: Default
    I love E.Q., as does most people that decide to play it, but I am in no sense an addict. I play maybe 10 - 15 hours a week, so for me 10 bucks is a pretty cheap for ~50 hours or so a month worth of entertainment. A movie ticket is almost 10 bucks, and that entertainment lasts 3 hours at most. But 10 - 15 bucks a month will be my limit. The fact is that as much as I love it, I know that I can have just as much fun playing a newer title that's out there on the market for the 10 bucks I pay now. I am not in the game for the social aspect, I am not in a guild and I solo almost everytime I am on, so friends and guildmates are not a factor for me staying on E.Q. I know I represent a minority of players, most people do make E.Q. friends and enjoy the social aspect, but there are going to be people just like me that will just find a different game to pass the night hours away when there is nothing else better to do. I personaly have nothing against the Legends server or the fact that it is $40. My only fear is that if they get all 8000 spots taken up (like we all know they will) than the casual gamer like me CAN look forward to seeing a major price hike in the near future as well. This is obviously nothing more than a test for SONY/Verant, to see if people would be willing to pay $40 a month. If you really look at it, it's not much different from regular servers, the additions are minimal and nothing exceptional, it's not like this server allows for newer races or classes, it's just a test. The way they probably see it is if they can give players such minor little additions and they jump on it and pay $40 bucks... then they can definitly boost the price for everyone else without fear. For the casual gamer like me, $40 bucks is too steep and I'll end up on DAoC or something similar. And that's my 2cp worth.
    # Feb 03 2002 at 4:31 PM Rating: Default
    IMO this is just another way for V.I. to get more money and ***** over the people who dont have the 40 bucks a month to pay for this. I think that these services should be available for regular E.Q. players. Sure these are great changes to the game, but i personally dont have 40 bucks a month to pay for it - as a matter of fact 10 bucks is kinda hard too, time to get a job =)

    Barjin Bladestorm
    Halfling Warrior of the 51st Season
    Imho Legends
    # Feb 03 2002 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
    Personally, I hink the legend servers is a great idea. this offers the chance to play everquest in a better view, as it should be played. although, charging 40 bucks a month is a slap in the face. I am not going to play 40 bucks a month to play everquest how it SHOULD be played.

    I would gladly pay 20 bucks a month to play on this server, its worth it. I think it would be good to have his in the game, and would like to see verant run all servers this way. before verant implements this; however, they need to fix EVERYTHING on the other servers. I am talking about class equality. they need to force the gm's to play from 1 to 50 instead of the insta 50 they get, this will show them what WE as consumers have to do, and why we get pissy when they can't get their head from their ***. also. we need more spell slots, I would love to see another bank of em, but would be happy with 2, not too much to ask seeing as I have to PAY to play. also, new iksar model could use some revamping, most the people I know are using the old one, including me. hmm.. interactive support tho... thats an idea.. although, isn't that SUPPOSED to be what a gm does? support with problems in game? (someone was REALLY thinking here, as gms rarely do ANYTHING to help most people, there have been some nice ones tho)

    Things such as these, the little things that nag players... (game is overall good)need to be fixed before anything like this comes into existance.

    just my 2cp worth. my prediction is this will get some ppl, perhaps 8000,but even at that I am not going over.

    I think your all stupid!
    # Feb 03 2002 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
    EQ may take in a lot of money every month, but they also spend it as fast as it comes in to maintain this virtual world they provide us, so we can pass our time. But that isn't even the point, you guys are talking like little children, who cares if some people wanna pay 40 bucks a month to play the game. It's their money not urs, it has no effect on you whether they pay that or not. Your all just jealous that some people can pay the money to do it and you can't, so you feel left out. Like Verant is playing favorites...all they are doing is providing for their customers the best way they can. Get over it!
    RE: I think your all stupid!
    # Feb 04 2002 at 2:54 AM Rating: Default
    HOW long have you worked for Verent,***?
    # Feb 04 2002 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
    Ok ****** its clear you can't read. What it is all about, is the money. People can't afford that amount. If you can, then you can. But you should know that like someone said. Look for the price to go up on the regular severs also. @#! hole!
    RE: I think your all stupid!
    # Feb 03 2002 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
    anyone who is blind enough to say something like "it has no effect on you" probably has not seen much in this world and has no place calling ANYONE stupid.
    RE: I think your all stupid!
    # Feb 03 2002 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
    OK you do not know of which you speak, IF they were looking out for their customers they would be making us all happy by fixing all the stuff thats not working right now, And no we are not all "just jealous". I would NEVER spend that much money on a server i dont care to, if someone wants to waste his/her money on it, so be it, i wont and i will cancel my account before i pay that much to play on the server i m on now.
    What we all can see and you so obviously cant, is that more than likely they are testing the waters to see if thay can start implementing this price for ALL the servers, which is what i predict happening.
    RE: I think your all stupid!
    # Feb 03 2002 at 7:54 PM Rating: Default
    Why dont you cry?
    Better yet quit, so we dont have to listen to whiners like you people on these msg boards.. EQ IS A BUSINESS!
    RE: I think your all stupid!
    # Feb 04 2002 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
    OH i have it. Why don't we ask your mother how she likes the idea of paying 40 more a month! Im sure why you get home from little leauge and eat your veggies, Im sure she will pay it for you also.
    Who would pay $40 for this?
    # Feb 03 2002 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
    I mean come on... This is stupid... The only ones who are gonna pay this are the snot-nosed little kids who bought their level 60 character off of ebay and now want daddy to pay for this so that they can have more to sit and whine about. Maybe take it down to like $15-$20 and it might be worth it. As cool as it would be to get an item named after you, its not worth $40 of real money to have a bit of electronic text with your characters name on it. If I really wanted my own weapon in a game I would just hex-edit a text based mub and get the same effect. Well thats my 2 copper. Guess I will just never be a legend...
    missing the point
    # Feb 03 2002 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
    I think that, when it all comes down to it, this will not be the beginning of the end for EQ as some have predicted here. I think there are far too many of us that are addicted to the game for the social aspect of it more than the hack, slash, cast, etc. of it. This game is primarily a social game and past lvl 30, unless you are on a raid, fighting in a group involves alot of idle chit-chat. Otherwise this game would hold my attention for an hour, maybe two at the most. I have a bunch of friends on EQ that i talk and qroup with on a regular basis. It's big part of the fun of playing rather than beating down everything in sight and complaining when you see someone with better stuff.
    RE: missing the point
    # Feb 03 2002 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
    True dat. Not to say that there's anything wrong with beating down everything that moves and complaining because the other warrior has better AC. :)
    Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 03 2002 at 1:55 PM Rating: Excellent

    You know, I've heard all of this before, back about five years ago when Simutronics took Gemstone and DragonRealms (and their smaller games,) and made them web-based so anyone could log in and play, not just people who were on a specific ISP. "I won't pay them, I already pay for my service through my ISP.... $9.95 a month is too much for a text based game.... I won't pay for something that should be perfect now and isn't." But by and large, people kept playing, and more people joined in, and Simutronics made money.

    Then came the "Premium Service." You could have more than one character per account (up to ten,) you were first in line for certain GM run events and your locker (think bank) was slightly bigger than normal players. All for $25 a month. And again people screamed and shouted about how it was unfair, and how they should be getting that stuff for their $10 a month, and how greed would be the downfall of Simutronics. But 30% of the population decided they *liked* extra characters, special events and more storage. Some people really did quit, even though the cost to them went up not a single dime, but Simutronics made more money with fewer customers because the quitters were outweighed by the takers by about four to one.

    Then came Gemstone Platinum. A separate server, with a limited population size allowed, more GM interaction, and many special quests would get un on that server first, before the main one. Sure, it cost $10 a month more than Premium, but you got all the premium goodies on the main server, too, effectively letting you hop back and forth between the two servers (you had different characters on each server, but you could still play in both, depending on your mood.) And again, there were loud complaints about gouging of prices, how Simutronics didn't care for the little guy, and how if we all only quit playing for a little bit, we would "show them" and get things back the way they were before the crazy idea was proposed. AND again, a small number of people left, vastly offset by the number of people who subscribed to the higher service; and Simutronics made more money with fewer customers.

    Like I said, I've seen this before. In fact, I was a player the first two changes and a Simutronics gamemaster the third. Like Verant, Simutronics prefers to hire GMs from within the player base; and they hired me after my long time as a player, longwinded postings, and helpful pointing out of problems (read, I submitted lots of bug reports.) Why am I putting all this up front in a post call "Some Economic Realities"? So you folks who aren't blinded by your own vision of what "should be" will understand I've been through this before, and I can tell you "what it really is."

    First, let us assume the 500,000 player figure is correct, even though I believe it is a bit smaller. Yes, we come up with Sony/Verant making $5,000,000 a month. How much do you suppose the fifty or so massive computers that house the servers cost them? How about the huge number of internet connections of varying speed, but mostly superfast (a single T3 line ain't cutting it folks, trust me.) How about the rent on the building hosing them? Electric bill for all of it9Really high considering CA's electric rates and the number of cooling systems needed to keep scores of computers from overheating?) Oh wait, then we have salaries for IT people, phone folks, programmers, marketing folks, artists, secretaries, janitors, you name it. Then you have the online GMs and guides, who are probably all like I was, part time workers who loved the game and got paid fairly little; but with all the servers, it adds up.

    Folks, I won't give exact numbers, because I don't know them; and others would argue about the veracity of them no matter how right I am about the facts. Suffice it to say that after all of that is done, you STILL have to split any tiny profits left over up amongst the several companies that help make EQ. If Verant sees more than about $250,000 a year in profits when all is said and done, I'd be amazed. And in CA, that's chump change.

    The facts are, a very vocal minority always threatens to boycott the game if change is made; a much smaller minority actually leaves the game. A much larger group usually signs on the second they can, and the extra cash they spend invariably is higher than what was lost by the dissenter's departure. In the middle is the vast majority of the player base, and they could care less about the change as long as it doesn't cost them more. I've seen this happen three times in the last five years, and it'll happen this time as well.

    What it comes down to is that probably 90-95% of the compliants about anything come from about 5% of the player base; you either hire them if they have talent (and help them fix the stuff they complained about) or you watch them quit and move on to the "Game that is soooooo much better, it'll bury your lame game..." where they start whining about everything that is wrong over there within a few months.

    Finally, dwell on this: if Verant makes more money with fewer customers, they will be able to make more changes/fixes/patches etc. Any new event, item, quest, system that the "Legends" people get will work its way over to the normal servers within a few months as well, meaning people who aren't paying any extra WILL derive use of the new system; it'll just take longer. Don't worry about the costs, just don't pay it if you feel it isn't worth it. And don't panic and think that the low end fee will vanish. Last I checked, Simutronics still had a basic Gemstone III package you could get for under $10 a month; three years after they offered the $35 a month Platinum package. Verant won't do it any differently. They'll take the extra cash from folks who feel it is worth it, and keep the others.

    And, in the long run, everyone will get something from it. Except the snivelling whiners who plan to quit the game. They'll be over at the next one finding new things to gripe about.
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 04 2002 at 12:53 AM Rating: Default
    RIGHT ON!! What a load of crap! He is trying to figure what he has no clue on. Sever holds are now nothing what it use to be. 250,000 a year is what they have as profit!! LOL yaaadaa yaaaadaaa yaadaa. Please someone hand me my boots, IT GETTING REALLY HIGH IN HERE WITH ALL THAT BULL S%#$!
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 11 2002 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
    The person who you are (unsuccesfully) try to flame has done his homework before posting...that is why his score is as high as it is. He is surely involved in the I.T. business (your post indicates you are quite uneducated so i will clarify that I.T. is Information Technology).

    I am in Banking IT and i am teling you that the cost of maintaining ONE server is huge... Imagine the cost of maintaining all Verant's servers...plus what the anonymous person above you said. He is right. Completely.

    I am not going to pay.

    I will wait for some of the new features to arrive in the old servers...
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 03 2002 at 6:17 PM Rating: Default
    This is exactly the point I've been trying to make to anyone who will listen. I started playing Dragonrealms at the tail end of the ISP hourly charges. It sucked being able to play only a few hours a month because of the hourly fees charged by AOL. I remember being thrilled when it went to 20 hours + hourly, and I remember spending HOURS on my dialup connection trying to download and figure out what the hell a web browser was so I could continue to play DR :^)

    I bought extra character slots and went to Premium when it came out.

    When Platinum came out, that was my limit.. I didn't need an extra server but I didn't feel slighted in the least. But maybe because I'm a person who doesn't have to whine to a CS rep everytime I die to my own stupidity :^)

    About 3 years after I started playing DR, I found EQ. Most of my good friends were gone from DR anyway, so I finally cancelled my account and moved on. Nearly 2.5 years later I'm still playing EQ.

    The first thing I thought of when I read the Legends site was of Simu. It has a smaller player base than EQ mostly due to the fact that it isn't graphics based, but its actions in the past haven't damaged the company.

    I think the people most adverse to this new change are the ones who feel economically inferior and are unable to accept that, even in a game, ours is a classless society.

    I don't think the inherent level of CS is going to go up on Legends. You aren't going to pay forty dollars and suddenly get res'd for going linkdead, or get your items reimbursed because you were and idiot and deleted them. Those are customer service policies that aren't based on the amount you pay a month.

    What will change is more quests more often, and possibly a reduced wait for petition time. Although guides ARE volunteers, they guide when it's convenient for them because verant can't mandate otherwise. That's the main reason why you don't see CS online all the time. The GMs already give up their evenings for the players since that's when the majority of the player base is on.

    EQ is a business. They charge $3 less than the new RPGs out there, because the new RPGs realize that $10 isn't enough to keep them running. EQ could have raised the price for everyone and offered none of the new services, or they could raise the price significantly for those who were willing and able to pay and offer some fluff.

    No one is "entitled" to the services Legends is offering anymore than I'm "entitled" to a Honda Civic because I already own an Accord.
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 04 2002 at 1:08 AM Rating: Default
    "I think the people most adverse to this new change are the ones who feel economically inferior and are unable to accept that, even in a game, ours is a classless society."

    This is a joke, right? Some sarcasm? You mean ours ISN'T a classless society, right? Because, simply, it ISN'T. There are very distinct classes of people who can and can't afford things.

    But all this wax-econ-philosophizing is quite boring, so I'll move ahead.. .. ..

    The people most adverse to this are the people who feel that their Everquest world is going to change drastically due to this surprise of a development.

    There are some hardcore players who WILL pay $40 a month to go play on a Legends server. That's a pretty massive exodus from the plain servers. That also lessens the experience on them. All of these old salts will be gone from the other servers.

    The thing I'm interested in is how many entire guilds are going to risk moving over (while the moving is free). I wasn't around to get the original message and now this free transfer is occurring and I have very little time to communicate with my guild about making this major step.

    I'm pretty sure most of my guild are not going to be paying for this. . . sigh.
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 03 2002 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
    I do believe most of those text based games you mentioned were originaly free... therefore if you have to pay $10 a month now for them I guess the price did go up.
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 03 2002 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default

    Yes, the games were "free" to play. These were the days of hourly connection rates, though. You could play the game for free, but would pay from $1.50 to $8.00 and hour to connect to the Internet and link to the game through your ISP. Companies like Simutronics made their income off fees the ISPs paid them for people playing the games. In fact, I used to pay an average of $150 a month to play Gemstone III. Not for playing the game, oh no. That's how much my AOL bill was every month. Simutronics got a nice chunk of that cash, because I spent most of my time online in the world of Elanthia in those days.

    Then AOL went flat monthly rates, and I was in heaven. I could play ten times more for less money! Several months into this, AOL then decided to make some game companies link only through their special games channel which would inflict hourly rates on the customer again (AOL was trying to stem the tide of people like myself who were playing WAY more often under flat rates and tying up bandwidth.)

    Simutronics was faced with a problem. If they went to this special channel, they'd lose many customers and their revenue stream would dry up, because most of the new players couldn't afford hourly rates. If they didn't AOL would kick them off and they'd lose these customers because they couldn't get into the game.

    Their solution was to open their own servers to the web, charge a flat rate themselves, and require the players provide their own ISP. What that did was amazing. First, people from dozens of ISPs could now play together. Second, people like me could ditch AOL and use a faster, cheaper local ISP. And people did play. I can remember when you'd be lucky to find 50 people in the whole game; after, numbers climbed to thousands at once. Finally, with my $10 to Simutronics and the $20 I gave my new ISP, my personal bill for gaming went down to about a fifth of what it had been. which bought a lot of pizza and beer, let me tell you.

    And, remember, there still are people right now paying almost as much for that text based game as the Legends server would cost. So, historically and statisticly, the concept will work.

    That's why I'm so amazed at people who think it is a bad idea. It has worked in the past, made the companies that did it more money, and made the games better as a result. Why complain?
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 03 2002 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
    "Folks, I won't give exact numbers, because I don't know them... If Verant sees more than about $250,000 a year in profits when all is said and done, I'd be amazed."

    What a nimrod! First of all, you contradict yourself. THEN, you demonstrate your ignorance by putting a number to your guess. I live in CA, in SD as a matter of fact. I can safely say that most refrigerator repair companies down here gross over 1/4 million every year.

    250k is Smedley's SALARY, dippy.
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 03 2002 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 03 2002 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
    "What a nimrod! First of all, you contradict yourself. THEN, you demonstrate your ignorance by putting a number to your guess. I live in CA, in SD as a matter of fact. I can safely say that most refrigerator repair companies down here gross over 1/4 million every year.

    250k is Smedley's SALARY, dippy."

    I see, you do know the difference between net and gross, correct? Because with Verant making the accepted figure of $5,000,000 a month or $60,000,000 a year, what I *said* was their share of the PROFITs would be small.

    Also, since you live in the area, do a few price quotes for us: rent on a 25,000 sqft building, power bill for said building after 50 mainfraim computers are put in as servers, loan payments on said computers, cost of say 10 T-3 lines, and the wages of 25-50 people with skills from janitorial staff on up to senior programmers. THOSE are the exact figures I said I wouldn't post, so find them out and tell us just how much of that $5,000,000 a month goes to basic overhead. You still can't debate the basic premise of people thinking only of the gross income and not allowing for expenses. In fact, your inability to distinguish between gross and net in your post AFTER I mentioned all those expenses proves one thing: the average MMORPG player has no real grounding in what it takes to run an online game. I know, I've DONE IT. And it ain't cheap.

    Or do you care as long as you can complain about the coming change? Oops, my bad, that's stooping to your level...
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 04 2002 at 12:58 AM Rating: Default
    Is the online 9.99 the only money that VI sees?
    I wouldn't think so. What about money from other poducts and specials? I don't know....just asking!!!!
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 03 2002 at 5:53 PM Rating: Default
    250k salary in California for an executive or senior level programmer is standard, I know people that make $150/hour as a mid level contract programmer in CA! So what if that's his salary??? I totally agree with your post, the takers are going to outweigh the nay-sayers! also, since I've never seen or read anything about what an Everquest server's actual hardware consists of, my guess is this, each server is a cluster in a DNA type arrangement... you have database servers, transaction servers and front end servers for each "game server".... one machine is not going to cut it.... let's also add in their backup systems.... I'm sure that servers have died, they have standby servers that just wait to be congiured to go live, this is a standard disaster recovery plan 101! Oh yeah lets not forget data backup systems (BIG DLT) drives, development servers... full T3 costs in the range of 15-20k per month for cheap bandwidth, if you add in something like UUnet or another major carrier you're looking at 20-30k per month, sure they probably get a really big bulk and term discount, but that **** adds up quickly! Let's see, 50 employees is probably conservative.... figure 100+! THey are probably paying inflated per-market crash rent rates, as 95% of the companies in california are because they rented them before the internet market crash, so take an average rate..... figure $30-50 per sqfoot in california (decent building)

    Now, on the flip side, they are making more than just subscription fees, add in the following:

    Merchanding Fees....
    Fees from selling the game & expansions
    Royalites from those crappy eq books (although the luclin book is decent)

    and you do have a lot more in revenue, they are making money but not much.... their margins are probably very very low! It's not growing like AOL's ISP member base, because half the world is too dumb to understand the concept of the game and stick with it.... so they have to add on premium services to incrase their margins to keep the executives at Sony happy because it brings down Sony's profit margins....

    My point? if someone doesn't like it, then don't pay for it, let people that want a "premium" membership have it! Stop ******** about it..... It's almost like owning a house, you want to have a nice fancy house you pay more! You pay more for the house, more for your taxes etc.... Those that don't want that, either can't afford it or are happy with what you have, or just plain pissed that someone else has worked harder in their life for what they have then they did! Pay, it or don't but people need to shut up with the complaining!
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 03 2002 at 7:52 PM Rating: Default
    Total Rubbish, i agree that most of what has been said above is to some part true. But to think that this game has been scraping by with just a small profit margin is ABSURD. Sony is a huge company who like most other companies have to make large profits or there is nothing in it for them. If they can't make alteast 4 times more than they pay for something it's either dropped completly or the price is jacked up.

    A quick little example, clothing stores jack up the price of merchandise 200% or more. Why cause they are in a BUISNESS and they CAN DO IT. Like the first guy said the nay sayers will always be outweighed by those who want "a better" product.
    Even if its just a name.

    So to say this company isn't making enough money right now and they are BARELY scraping bye with a small net income is retarted. EQ would have been dropped the 1st year it came out if it didnt make more money than they had projected. That being said IF they didn't make that money for dev of servers/staff/ect on the initial sale of the original EQ this game would have been dropped like a hot plate.

    Get real you obviously seem to know how a buisness works, so you must know that NO buisness will do you the "favor" of supporting your game for a low net profit.

    I have 1 company for everyone to look at, Blizzard entertainment. These good people have for AGES put out HIGH QUALLITY games and had ONLINE and CS support FREE. How do they do it? Obviously it's thru the sale of their original product (and or expansions).
    So you can cry oh 10 t3 lines this and oh they have to pay that, but the bottom line is EQ the servers/gm's and everything else has been paid for 10 times over already.
    Everyone here acts like their monthly fee is just going to cover the rent, and thats just plain old wrong. If it wasn't VERY PROFITABLE it wouldn't have been around for this long. Wake up and smell your own BS and stop trying to justify why this is a good thing and see what that "small 8% of people are ************** are complaining about.

    It's not that it's 40$ a month, it's not that there will be a division of players based on economics, and it SURE AS HELL isn't they aren't making enough money.
    What is it then?
    It's wanting MORE for providing LESS, if SOl was working (the day i bought it) and even now 2 months after the fact I'm sure only 1% of completley jaded players would leave. Meanwhile the rest of players would go on paying their 10 a month and let the high priced server go thru without so much as a snicker.

    As it stands now you are given a BROKEN product, and for aditional money you MIGHT see it work properly in the next year. That's why people are ********* because they paid for an expansion IT DOESN'T WORK and most people had to upgrade their PC's just to try and play it.
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 04 2002 at 12:36 AM Rating: Default
    I was reading where some, or one, of the people above said that building rent and server hardware and connections were a drain on profits. First of all, I bet Verant owns the building(s) they are in as well as all the server hardware. If one knows even the basics of finance, he would know that these things would be assets even though money was spent to purchase them. They are long term assets and dont count against income on the long term. I would be interested to see VI's financial report so many of the people above would see and understand what really constitutes income. Income is measured by summing up retained earnings less dividends and adding owner's/stockholder's equity. Stockholder's equity contains all the expenses for the year as well as the revenues. I would be shocked to see net income less than 1 million dollars. For those that do not know, net income is determined after the temporary expense and revenue accounts under Stockholder's equity are closed out, which means salary, connection fees, supply and furniture depreciation, and any other expenses are already taken out and assimulated by the Retained Earnings account.

    I was just bugged by the lack of financial understanding that was displayed above by some people.

    As for the new server? Bad idea for customers, good idea to make money. There are many players out there that are obsessed with being in the 'in-crowd'--which I believe is often called 'uber.' This drive to try to be the best of the best will sell those 8000 spots. In my opinion, and after reading the Eula, etc, the dynamic support bit should be added to the regular servers. At the very least, improve customer service and make a 24 hour tech support line that is not a long distance call for all those not in Verant's area code. There was originally a toll-free ling, but it was removed because it's costs werent worth the questions they were getting ( as was explained to me by a GM). Before continuing on to a bigger server with the illusion of being better, they should center on the current problems brought with the new expansion and on the problems that have been around since day one.

    Do I think this will happen? No.
    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 04 2002 at 8:45 AM Rating: Default
    This is in response to several of the replies above...

    "I was just bugged by the lack of financial understanding that was displayed above by some people."

    Maybe you need to take a business class at your local Community College, Because you have some flaws in your statments.... It doesn't make sence from a tax statdpoint, they lease the equipment to depreciate it!

    Yes sony is a large corporation and as a corporation they are making money! But everquest brings their margins down, their gross margin's suck! You're almost looking at supermarket type strategy! It can easily be compared to ISP's! Yet how many charge only $10 per month?

    Next issue....the 39.95 for the initial software.... do you really think SOI gets all of that? Do you really want me to break down what goes where, I'll be more than happy to try to estimate all the costs involved..... A great example is "Preimum Brand Coffee" .... they charge say $8.95 per pound of it at your local supermarket, you know what I mean the stuff you get to grind up yourself at the store.... It's cheap as hell to make that stuff, yet the company that makes it only makes about 8-12% of the $8.95 sale..... why? because everyone down the food chain gets their cut!

    As for breaking the game for some people and making them upgrade their computers, well the whole computer industry is known as a "Technology Industry" people whine about the same thing with every new Windows release. Do you think Luclin was the first software package that required people to upgrade? Let's see.... DOS to Windows
    Windows to Win95
    Win95 to Win98
    On top of the fact that having to add new hardware to play the latest and greatest is standard in the Industry, it's also good for the economy, the industry is in a very big drought as far as computers and components are concerend, if nothing else it helps our economy... what are you going to do in 2005? still be using the same emachines you bought in 1999? I bet you'll whine and blame it on everyone for having to make you upgrade your computer.

    As far as comparing them to Blizzard, they have no where near the same overhead as SOI.... When you play starcraft or warcraft... (i'm not familiar with Diablo's setup) you are not putting a strain on their severs/connections... because a person hosts the game, not blizzard! Diable may be a different setup, so if I am wrong, I apolgize

    Better support/800 Line - agreed'd should be done with a premium service or a surcharge on the standard subscription fee.... It's not cost effective to do these things from a businss stand point for a $10/month account. compared to AOL, where they charge $23/monk and have additional revenue income per customer from advertising and other sources.

    Fixing Game Bugs = always ongoing, they are not going to stop fixing bugs for legends or regular servers! Stop complaining about bugs, no software is perfect! You're probably talking about two sets of developers for Legends and Luclin..... Each project has a cost and a budget and is expected to show a good ROI (return on investment)... in other words, what will improve the bottom line and by how much?

    Premium Services - EQ/Sony is in the business of making money! Companies that have Memberships have had Preium Memberships around for a lonnnng time! Hell, it's great from a business point of view! I think they need to provide a little added incentive to this membership.... for instance all future expanisions are included or special priority 24/7 email support.... or the ability to swith between regular servers with all your equipment at no added charge..... etc...


    RE: Some Economic Realities
    # Feb 04 2002 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
    "If one knows even the basics of finance, he would know that these things would be assets even though money was spent to purchase them. They are long term assets and don't count against income on the long term."

    Ever heard of a little concept called opportunity cost of capital? If you spend money on a building, even if you don't depreciate it, your cost is whatever else you could have been doing with that money.
    Legends Server
    # Feb 03 2002 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
    I just wanted to add my two cents worth on the new Legends Server. I for one am not against them creating this server. I just am annoyed that the original concept of EQ was supposed to include what Legends is now offering at a premium price. I love to roleplay and get into character, but that is virtually impossible the biggest share of the time. Most people I have met in the game have no concept of what true roleplaying is and just contribute it to the person playing as being wierd. If the Legends server would actually allow this to be a reality, it would be great. However I am afraid it will be populated with power gamers with big eggos and even bigger pocket books who want to see their name in lights. Thanks for listening.
    # Feb 03 2002 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
    Hmm 40$ for Eq a month!! I think not. If they try to make me pay that much I will hit cancel. P.S. been playing since 6months after release and very addicted, but thats just Robbery.

    My 2cp
    # Feb 03 2002 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
    My 2cp on this thing. First, let me say that I am a casual player. EQ is fun, but it is not my life. So what I'm saying may not be relevent to very many people. Anyway, I'm not sure what the big deal is here. If the quality of EQ (normal) declines because of increased traffice or lack of support that isonething. But this stuff about 'we should of had this all along..' is a stretch.
    What are they offering? Character Page - nice, but not something that I thought I'd get. Dynamic server - well most GM events happen when I'm not on or are geared too high for my characters. The few that I have had a part of were fun. Legendary Items - having something named after me is unlikely and, well, not that important. Calendar - nice, but I'm not sure what it offers. A timing for GM events? I wouldn't want to see the crowd in that zone if an event were pre-announced way in advance. Maps - yeah maybe this should have been in as a feature in EQ. Tales - that should be be somethig you could put up on a fan site. Guild Hall - even though I'm not in a guild, I can see where they might find this useful,. But, a lot of the better guilds, I understand, have their own external pages. Besides, how much control over content would Verant want if you havethe page on their server?
    I won't be using it but I have no qualms about it being available to others. Let's face it the current EQ cost is cheap in comparison to a lot of other entertainment. (But, don't be surprised to see it go up.) If 80K users switch, it wouldn't make business sense for Verant to **** off the larger cash cow subscriber base by reducing the service.
    RE: My 2cp
    # Feb 03 2002 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
    Yes, thats true. They cannot realistically offer all of what they are doing for the same price ($10). But that is not the point. The point is we (at least i) dont care about all the fancy stuff like webpages and having our name on stuff. That is not important. What IS important is the level of customer service. All other games have it, and charge the same price, if not then maybe up to $15 a month instead, but that is worth it, because the level of customer service is reasonable.

    We are paying them money to use their world, and that is fair. They put a LOT of work into it, and are STILL putting a lot of work into it, and that is great, they have done a great job.
    But their customer service doesnt match what the other games offer for damn near the same price.
    # Feb 03 2002 at 1:41 PM Rating: Default
    This is what I think EverQuest should have been in THE FIRST PLACE! I'd love to play this new legends, thing, but come on! why dont you just make it like that on all the servers, and 40 bucks? Jeez, 10 is okay to take advantage of people who get addicted, but 40 is asking way too much, sorry verant, I'd only do legends if its like that for 10 bucks, final answer!
    What I think
    # Feb 03 2002 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
    Despite what you think the support on the regular servers WILL NOT be hindered by legends. Legends is expensive because Im sure they want it to be supported independant form the regular servers(if its draining cash, they wont keep it up), that means they have to support not only the development of it but also to maintain it. Also Im going to add that EQ doesnt make 5million a month, its VERY expensive to keep the game up and running. It is in Verants interest to maintain the same service that they are now iwth the regular servers(ok, better service) because if the support is drained for legends then they will be introuble. They arent going to make much more from legends(its 4 times expensive a month, but remember its also going to be more expensive to maintain and they are still in debt from the start for the development) The regular servers re still going to bring in much much more than the legends servers. They wont ignore their money tree for a money plant. You all think they are stupid, but keep in mind there are lots of men and women who know nothing about games but LOTS about business who make sure they make money. Stop overreacting to legends. the only real problem is that they are releasing this before fixing luclin. While I dont think that it will really hinder luclin(maybe even move it along faster) I think that it will just anger people who are having problems with luclin still.

    ( i know i spoke very generally, i do know that not EVERYONE thinks all or any of te things I mentioned, its just easy to write it that way )

    Also this is just my opinion, i have be known to be wrong on occasion, but never completely and those times are rare<grin>
    RE: What I think
    # Feb 03 2002 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
    I agree Aeyn, the support on regular servers will not be hindered by Legends, because support is minimal as is. How many of our fellow EQ'ers, including myself, have waited hours on end when we've petitioned, just to get our resident 15 year old apprentice GM to try and make sense out of a situation. Given, that's being kinda extreme, but that has happened in some way or form to all of us. Regarding your view on the expense of Legends, considering they will only have a 8k cap on players, thats way lower than most normal servers have as players. Obviously the remaining room will be for all the "Add-ons" such as web pages, maps, etc etc. Yes I agree, Verant dosent make $5M net monthly, but that is there gross income on a monthly basis. Even if they have 50% going into maintaining the servers, salaries, and so on, we're looking at $2.5 million dollars profit. ****, even at 75%, they would be making $1.25M a month PROFIT. That's $15 million dollars a year on a game that Verant and Sony never expected to reach it's current heights, as they've expressed many times over. Doesn't it strike you as a little odd that Brad McQuaid, the man behind this game, resigned just months ago, to start up his own company? Thiswas his baby man. He thought of it, he created it, and it's no longer his. That to me shows just how greedy SONY has become when it comes to EQ. I also disagree with your comment that Verant is still in debt from development of the game. Considering this is a game that generates $60 miliion dollars a year for this company, and also condsidering the fact that Verant also produces other games on the same "engine",ie Star Wars, they have more than paid for their development costs a long time ago. The point I was trying to make previously is not to be blinded by the flash of Legends, and pay closer attention to what is really at hand. Verant and SONY are trying to slowly implement this $39.95 price to the masses of EQ. True, they wont be making as much money from Legends now, but follow my theory for a sec. Legends rolls out in Feb, they get their 8000 players. That's close to $4 mil yearly gross on that server. Given most of that money goes back into the maintenance of the server. It's a great success, people love it. Now Verant, looking out for their players, decides to open another server, same deal. Before you know it, normal servers are being phased out for the upgraded "Legends" version. So now you have "Legends" become a mainstay in EQ as opposed to just being a gimmicky "elitist" server for disgruntled Uber-players. This is just my opinion and I am in no way knocking yours Aeyn, but don't assume that us "players" are the stupid ones, when some of us ARE businessmen(women) my friend, and know exactly what Verant is really up to..... that should be my 2gp now...lol

    Edited, Sun Feb 3 13:27:59 2002
    RE: What I think
    # Feb 03 2002 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
    Both Aeyn and Druen have very good points. It is a business and with the events of Brad McQuaid should show a little light as Druen stated. I guess we will see what happens. No matter what Verant and Sony want to do, they STILL have to stay competative with their competators. 40$ a month is steep and unless every other online game that comes out is set at 40$ a month, I really dont see this as becoming the norm. If I am forced to pay 40$ a month for a RPG, then Ill just stick with console and single player games. I enjoy EQ more so then my first love in the online rpg (UO). But I really think its the Character Development that Im after. I really dont care what the setting is.
    Fight the Future?
    # Feb 03 2002 at 1:20 PM Rating: Default

    When I first saw this and thought $40/mo? Are they out of their mind? When I read farther into it, then I realized what they had to offer for it.
    Nothing new that is. New weapons, new armor, new quests... Bah. We have tons of that for $10 a month. Better yet, they get nerfed, or they don't work, or you need 80 players to fight a beast that drops a piece of a quest that is broken.
    They also claim to include more dynamic quests and GM interaction. Just getting GM interaction would constitute as more. As for Dynamic quests, will these be 24hrs a day/7 days a week, or will you have to play all day, everyday to just to get the chance to see it.
    Since they will allow people to move their level 60's to the server (all 8 of them), where do you think the challenges are going to be? More 80+ player events to take one big bad baddie down.
    The events I have seen and experienced have been long, drawn out hours of waiting for something to happen.

    These are all things that we have seen on the regular servers. Most of which was poorly done. SoL is a joke and thanks to this offer, it’s an even bigger joke. Better service? Better content? Better performance? Compared to what we have, that could be true. 2% is better than 1%. That's twice as good at 4 times the price.

    It is probably the Future of EQ. Once Star Wars Galaxies, World of WarCraft, and the next truly revolutionary game that we have not seen come, they will have to consolidate to fewer servers and raise prices. They will be able to use all the left over equipment from the old, shutdown servers to replace/repair the ones that are left. They will, of course, have fewer GM's and customer service will be minimal to insure their bottom line and besides... they already know how little they can get by with.
    hmmm...this could be a good idea...if
    # Feb 03 2002 at 1:15 PM Rating: Default
    they started us off with a higher level character! Like a lvl 40 or 50, but will they? HELL NO! to me this sounds like $40 dollars that could be used for better things, not for some silly 'Legends' this sounds pretty damn stupid of you ask me....i wouldnt do this if they paid ME. I have only had the game since September 23, 2001, and i have already realized people are WAY to obsessed with this game....Sure, roleplaying is fun every now and then, and i am sure we all catch ourselves talking like we are our characters (while we are playing the game, of course..hehe) but holy cow! people spending $40 to become and EQ legend thing(or whatever)This is outrageous! It is so amazing what people will pay for to be entertained isnt it *sigh*...ah well...some people just aren't as smart as others, and tommorow will probably jump at the first chance they can get and sign up for this dumb thing...but, let them waste thier money, it is thiers and not ours, and if they want to be dumb and spend it..LET THEM! That is all i have to say about the situation...i hope that people will turn thier thinking caps on and realize what they are doing is stupid, and i think Verant should feel real good about trying to suck more money from people...come on!!! you get $10 a month from thousands of people anyway, worldwide!!! what else could you want?


    PS- Luclin was horrible, the only good thing about it was the new character models, the moon, and Vah Shir both suck, the moon is to laggy, and takes to much of my time to get there, and the Vah Shir come from the moon so they suck, naturally...hehe...^_^ I wish you could have the character models without luclin...oh well, that will never happen...and lets just keep our eyes peeled for the next EQ expansion *rolls eyes sarcasticall
    What if?
    # Feb 03 2002 at 12:44 PM Rating: Default
    I am actually considering paying $39.95 a month for this dynamic server. But I do wonder what kind of people would actually transfer to this server. I currently have a level 25 enchanter but what if I transfer to the Legends Server and find there are not many people my level around? And what if there are but they are super power gamers and pass me up fast? Then I might end up being the only level 25 character on the server...that would just suck *****
    RE: What if?
    # Feb 03 2002 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
    Yes, fully agreed. I can see a lot of the UBER guilds moving to this server (all chars and items can transfer) So that they can start up a new World Order and completely over run the Norrath and Luclin. If that is thier deciscion the soo be it. That will ease stress on the current live servers and since I wont be on the legends server, I really could care less what they do.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Feb 03 2002 at 12:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) And yes, I meant to post it twice.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Feb 03 2002 at 12:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Their customer service sucks in plain English. I'm overpaying these idiots as it is in my opinion. I already know if I need to petition anything I'm screwed, and might as well just forget about it and move on. I don't give a crap about their webpage option. This is just for falken EQ powerheads who think they are falken gods just because they have a level 60 character. They can take their extra $30 a month, wad it up, and shove it straight up their asses.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Feb 03 2002 at 12:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Their customer service sucks in plain English. I'm overpaying these idiots as it is in my opinion. I already know if I need to petition anything I'm screwed, and might as well just forget about it and move on. I don't give a crap about their webpage option. This is just for falken EQ powerheads who think they are falken gods just because they have a level 60 character. They can take their extra $30 a month, wad it up, and shove it straight up their asses.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Feb 03 2002 at 11:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) "As I said above, we can't afford to provide all of these services for the current monthly fee. I would argue that we're doing a very nice job providing the existing services for the low monthly fee that we currently charge."
    #Anonymous, Posted: Feb 03 2002 at 10:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ok so look above all these posts at this line in their add: "This sounds like a really great idea, I can't wait to see it live. However, there are only 8000 spots available, but if you do get in, you can move 8 of your current characters on a single account WITH items." (i stress WITH)
    RE: I love the wording
    # Feb 03 2002 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
    Um, friend, you read that wrong. That is not Sony/VI talking...

    "ok so look above all these posts at this line in their add: "This sounds like a really great idea, I can't wait to see it live. However, there are only 8000 spots available, but if you do get in, you can move 8 of your current characters on a single account WITH items." (i stress WITH)"

    That is not part of the "Ad", it's Darkflames' comment.
    RE: I love the wording
    # Feb 03 2002 at 7:16 PM Rating: Default
    yeah and who the hell does darkflame work for allakazahm's? And if he does you mean to say that this website gets no support from Sony?
    SO you would have me believe that SOny/Vi would allow someone to make a website based entirely on Sony's game and charge money for it? Yeah right they are all in together its a great idea really, but there is no way i will believe that SONY/VI allows this website to run without some kind of kickback.
    If there was nothing in it for sony aside from free advertisement this site would have been shut down AGES ago.
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