FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Apr. 20)

[Event-Related] -The following two areas are now open for exploration: The Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi The Garden of Ru'Hmet -Several new Chains of Promathia area quests have been added. -A special new Ballista area has been added. -New sets of low-level equipment have been added to the list of armor that can be stored by certain NPCs located around Vana'diel. After trading a full set (4-5 pieces) of armor, a player will receive a "claim slip." This claim slip and a small fee are required when having a set of armor returned. Please note: 1. Signatures on checked armor will be lost. 2. High-quality and refurbished armor cannot be stored. -The clamming mini-game on Purgonorgo Isle has been expanded. The new features include: 1. A larger bucket offered to those who can fill the original bucket to the brim without going over its weight limit. 2. A larger variety of items that can be dug from the sand. 3. Less waiting time required to re-clam the same points. -New items are available for harvesting/mining in the following areas: 1. West Sarutabaruta 2. Newton Movalpolos 3. Giddeus -A new key item that will automatically inform players whether they have access to the Marble Bridge Tavern is now available (a message will appear upon entry into Upper Jeuno). -A new key item that will automatically inform players if a volunteer is needed for the "Community Service" quest is now available. -Under certain conditions, Tarnotik (located in Oldton Movalpolos) will now accept snow lilies as payment for teleportation to Mine Shaft #2716. -The number of items accepted by Yurim in the Tavnazian quest "In the Name of Science," as well as the types of rewards granted in exchange, have been increased. -Several new varieties of fish are now being accepted by Zaldon in the "Inside the Belly" quest. [Battle-Related] -The amount of EXP required for leveling up after lv.51, and the amount of EXP lost when KO'd after level 25, has been greatly reduced. Please note that at the time of the version update, if your character has more EXP than the new amount required, your EXP total will be adjusted to 1 point less than the amount needed for level up. Example: Player status before the version update -> Level=51 EXP=8100 Amount needed for level up (before update) = 10000 Amount needed for level up (after adjustment) = 8000 Player status after the version update -> Level=51 EXP=7999 Please visit for further details on changes to the EXP system. -Several new types of ENM quests have been added. In addition, many of the existing quests have also been adjusted. Some of these adjustments include allowing larger parties and/or alliances to enter the battlefields (however, depending on the size of the parties, there may be a cut in the amount of EXP received when completing the quest). Area Battle Name Restrictions Boneyard Gully Like the Wind 15 minutes/Lv.75/3 members recommended Shell We Dance? 30 minutes/Lv.75/12 members recommended Totentanz 30 minutes/Lv.75/18 members recommended Mine Shaft #2716 Pulling the Strings 15 minutes/Lv.60/Solo battle Automaton Assault 15 minutes/Lv.60/3 members recommended /All members must be of same race Monarch Linn Fire in the Sky 15 minutes/Lv.40/3 members recommended Bugard in the Clouds 15 minutes/Lv.50/3 members recommended Beloved of the Atlantes 30 minutes/Lv.50/6 members recommended The recommended number of party members for all existing ENM battles has been set at 6, with the maximum alliance size being 18. -New notorious monsters have been added to the Chains of Promathia areas. -The bard song Army's Paeon V (Lv. 65) has been added. [Item-Related] -New mannequin poses have been introduced. After obtaining a mannequin and a certain key item, Mhauran goldsmith Fyi Chalmwoh will change the pose of your simulacrum upon request. Available poses are as follows: 1. /sit 2. /salute (Windurst/San d'Oria/Bastok) 3. /hurray 4. Special race-specific poses -Select guilds are now offering new key items available for purchase with guild points. -Adjustments and additions have been made to the types of items requested in exchange for guild points. -The Alchemists' Guild will now accept poison baghnakhs +1 in exchange for guild points. -Several new fishing rods have been introduced. -New relic-type equipment has been added. -Numerous other types of items are also now available. -New synthesis and desynthesis recipes have been added. -The graphics displayed when a Galka equips the following shields have been changed: Marine Shield Shell Shield Turtle Shield Turtle Shield +1 Genbu's Shield -A new synthesis recipe for black ink has been introduced. In conjunction with this addition, the item's buying price has also been adjusted. -The following item names have been changed: Ashigaru Gorget -> Agile Gorget Mana Ring -> Mystical Ring Mana Ring +1 -> Mystical Ring +1 [System-Related] -The Handle Name screen that would appear during login has been removed. In its place, a simple confirmation message has been introduced. -Group Messages can now be viewed while logged in to FINAL FANTASY XI. However, players must return to PlayOnline to respond to them. -Several unused buttons within the Friend List menu, as well as the "Busy" and "Away Mess." options under Online Status, have been removed. -In conjunction with the removal of the corresponding button, a player's "Privacy Level" will now automatically be set to level 2 (all players on your Friend List). -The "Accept" button originally used during Friend List registration has been removed. The current options are "Accept & Add" and "Decline." -Also, when "Accept & Add" is selected by the invitee, both players will be automatically registered on each other's Friend List. -"/busy" has been removed from the Auto-Translate feature. -A confirmation message will now appear when purchasing goods from another player's bazaar. Example: Purchase 3 sleepshrooms for 570 gil? [The following adjustments have been made to the fishing system:] -Fishing locations in the following areas have been adjusted: 1. Beaucedine Glacier 2. Sauromugue Champaign 3. Ferries between Mhaura and Selbina -The more "tired" a player becomes after repeated fishing, the longer it will now take to recast his or her line. -Players will be "tired" for a short period of time after being raised. -New BGM is now played when battling it out with a bite. -New types of salt and freshwater fish, as well as rare "legendary" fish, have been added. -When a monster is caught, only the player who reeled it in (and his/her party or alliance) will be able to attack it (the monster's name will be displayed in red/purple).


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# Apr 21 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent

# Apr 21 2005 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
lol i posted a min ago just to let u know... what a surprise pol:1161.... but anyway lets talk about the pope or something...
# Apr 21 2005 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
# Apr 21 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
# Apr 21 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Default
I'm going to bust out SOCOM 2

# Apr 21 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
why cant SE just say whats wrong?
on their homepgae teh servers are still listed as up, ????? up 3 days in a row is just to stupid
# Apr 21 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
lol, most of us have the update already, we just cant login
bull sh|t!!
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
ok i know ppl are sick of seenig this but, FFS!!!

i pay $20+ and i cant even get past 10% on the download BS, its fuc%ed!!!
i also know that many ppl will be d/ling it so i will wait till tomorow and see if it works, but i still cant think of why some ppl got it right away and im fuc$%g waiting so long
(#>.<) <*** you SE)

im just so sick of the **** everyone has to put up with

# Apr 21 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
got in suckas ^^ finaly something good happens to me woop woop!!! just 3 or so hours till my update is done now.... but still! i got in wooooop woop
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
its been 2 days sicne ive been able to play

ive almost forgot what its like to play my guy

damn crack, btw i called there POL hotline number and they say all servers and everything are operational.

they open at 9am PST

ima call and ***** them out

# Apr 21 2005 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts

This guys, if i where in the United States i will be right in front of the us consummer office filling a complaint to this bastards... but im hopeless cuz im on a country where square doesnt have jurisDICKtion...

They should charge for full online service not the whole month when they had us cut like 25% of the time, and for people like me that wont play 24/24 its like 70% of my time.... SUXORS
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Default
3:36 PM yesterday i connected and successfully got the update. The world of final fantasy can be described as a ghost town. Midgard sormr's lowest amount I seen was 446 highest 807 people. Anyone who was on was near a NM or in the new ballista. Now i cant connect. SE, you guys ****** up.
POL-0011 Error
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
was DCed about 2 hrs ago and kept getting POL-0011 error .. think DOS-attack still on .. i hope SE would say something soon
A message from Quickarrow
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
54 posts
If i loose Satallite for more than a day I get a credit for lose of entertainment! When the sun spots for three days nocked out my tv I was credited those three days! What we get for not being able to log in to our game that we spend our real life dollars for mind numbing entertainment? Answer {ERROR CODE: POL-0011} :(

Since 20:00 est I am unable to download server busy try again now even at 8:30 est same issue.

I am not upset with SE for doing updates but wonder if there could be an alterante server or ftp site we could be directed too so we can update and resume play? (HMM) Could we have mini updates that would allow more users to access game instead of major changes all at once?

I Must point out that se has a vast array of locations logging in to there servers and at the same time attacks from DDOS :( I hope the FBI tracks down the attackers and forces the attackers to work a chain gang cleaing the toilets at SE
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
158 posts
My daughter turned my ps2 off somewhere around the 65% mark...she is still alive.

Oh god that was a good one.. LOL

I needed a good laugh. Anyway, last night instead of clicking on Retry three billion times I decided to do something I haven't done in forever... Played FF1 on NES. That was nice... Full RDM party. Thankfully I didn't have to wait for any updates on that game. Don't remember Lich being such a pain in the neck the first time around.
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
Its 9;30am, I like a frikken tool tried to get downloads since 4pm, I gave up at midnight, now its 9:30am, and now I can't even log on to game,
WHY DO I PAY FOR THIS ****!!!!!! SE get your ????in act together!!!!!
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
now i know people say this is just a game and i agree with them that we have RL issues and what not. But, u think that we are all paying to play this game and we cant thats just gay we paying for nothing. I haven't been able to log on the game for 3 days, and im starting to get pissed. Last night i was installing the new update and i got an error at 95% and i saw everyone else was to so i was like ok the server is to busy. But, this morning when i try to login i cant even get to the playonline menu screen, i mean this is sooooo gay how do i downgrade in being able to log in. these people are making millions and 3 days of service what are they retarted. well ... yah though i put my 2 cents in.
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
I'm considering picking up a different MMORPG.

SE fails to have an adequate technical team with adequate servers and mirrors.

They obviously don't put there customer satisfaction first.
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
got up at 6:45, just finished downloading at 8:30

now i cant even logon to the game.

**** YOU SE
loging problams
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:32 AM Rating: Default
hello im having problams loging in it keeps saying that server is buzzy well i can see that for like 1 maybe 2 hours but ive been trying for about 12 hours to get on ive loged on once and it disconected me about 5 min later and havent been able to get on since help me out plzz
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
maybe... were all a bunch of crack abusers and Final Fantasy is our crack... maybe SE neads to gimme my daily crack...

<--- major nerd >.<
Im stuck on retrieving freind list data... *sigh* i couldnt get on last night for 9 hours so now it wont even let me get past this... friggin bull its a good thing im so addicted to this game...

Edited, Thu Apr 21 09:31:02 2005
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent seems to be down 0.o bull @_@ boooo SE WAKE UP!!!!!! /SLAP

Edited, Thu Apr 21 09:32:16 2005
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
I downloaded my update early and now I cant even fragging LOGIN. I get the same errors as the others. WoW may be simplistic but they dont seem to have the server issues this does.
as for the DDOS attacks - my theory is that it is a disgruntled adult (not a teenybopper) who screwed over their real life for the game and then did some things in the game to get themselves banned thus forcing them to realize how much they ruined FOR the game...rather than being a mature adult and getting themselves a bit of therapy they instead attack the game servers because they are unwilling or unable to accept responsability for their actions.
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
I have found that if it cancels/time out/dc's in the middle of the downloading part (i haven't made it to the installing part on this one yet so I'm not totally sure) when you go to restart it it checks all 1100+ files but then when it goes to downloading it only needs to download the ones you hadn't gotten yet. The past couple updates I've been d/c in the installing part and have had to reinstall the whole game, but at least in the downloading phase it seems to be ok to d/c.
It happens
# Apr 21 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
217 posts
mehhh, it happens. They do a patch, 3,000,000 people rush on to play the game, and the network can't handle it. I am not going to gripe, at least they actually still do updates to a game that is about 4 years old. I appreciate the fact that SE still cares about the game.
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