Nexus Talk Episode 56: Nitpicking WildStar

Another week is here, which means the latest Episode of Nexus Talk is upon us. This week, join Richie Procopio as he talks about WildStar and some of the minor issues he would like to see fixed with the game.

Nexus Talk Episode 55: WildStar's Head Start

Nexus Talk Episode 55 is here along with the long-awaited WildStar headstart week! Join Richie Procopio as he shares his experiences getting to be one of the first players to touch down on Nexus.

WildStar: Beginner's Guide To Gearing

With WildStar’s early access weekend only a few days away, I thought now would be a good time to go over something that I’ve seen a lot of new players struggle with during beta—which stats you should be getting on your gear and how they affect your character.

To the veteran who’s been following WildStar from the get go and dissecting every bit of purposefully—and accidentally—leaked information floating around the internet, this may be something that you no longer struggle with. However, to the new player just jumping in, how stats affect your character isn’t always the most obvious thing in the game. In fact, in some cases there is almost no in-game explanation at all, hence why it’s been quite common for me to join a dungeon with a tank in full DPS gear, convinced that “it’s definitely the healers fault he keeps getting three-shotted by the boss.” Or the DPS who doesn’t realize that stacking support power is the reason why they aren’t getting the “Mad Deeps” they’d expect with their Assault abilities. If you’ve been running any dungeons in beta, I’m sure you’ve had similar experiences with any early dungeon PUG groups that have graced you with their presence.

While it’s quite possible that those players just didn’t take the time to open up their character sheet and hover over their individual stats, the convoluted nature of how abilities and character stats tie together in WildStar can make understanding the system a bit tricky at first. With that in mind, hopefully after you—or your buddy who swears Brutality is the main stat for Tanks—finishes reading this, you’ll be well on your way to kicking butt, taking names and collecting the gear you need on Nexus!

Let’s dive in!

WildStar: The Wait is Almost Over!

Players have waited for months–years even–while Carbine Studios worked hard on its upcoming MMORPG, WildStar. Promising to have some of largest and most epic amount of content we've seen an MMO launch with to date, in just a few hours players will be diving into the game's early access and exploring the mysterious Planet Nexus while uncovering all of the fun activities and dangerous challenges the game has to offer. The time is almost upon us, so grab your friends, keep track of your enemies and bring your best gear.

Early access for WildStar begins tonight!

WildStar Features Trailer

WildStar early access week is upon us and soon the denizens of space will all be blasting off to Planet Nexus in search of danger, ancient treasures and forbidden secrets. With players practically bursting at the seams to begin this new galactic adventure, Carbine Studios released its WildStar "Features Trailer" which highlights all of the epic content that this upcoming MMORPG has in store. Player Housing, Dungeons, PvP, Raids, and large-scale battles are only the tip of the iceberg.

Grab your gear, you're in for a wild ride!

Nexus Talk Episode 54: WildStar Launch Guide

The week of WildStar's early access is here and for Episode 54 of Nexus Talk Richie Procopio has a launch guide that will help you land safely on Planet Nexus and get you on your way to uncovering the lost secrets of the Eldan–with as few deaths as possible.

Check it out!

Nexus Talk Episode 53: Raiding in WildStar

Nexus Talk Episode 53 is here and this week is all about Raiding. Join Richie Procopio as he breaks down all of the latest information to come from the Carbine camp regarding WildStar's epic 20 and 40 person instances.


WildStar: Ops Week

With yesterday's closing of the WildStar Open Beta test (insert sadface here), Carbine is using the next two weeks to prepare for the game's launch. However, if you're one of the many fans jonesin' for a bit more Planet Nexus, you'll be happy to hear that as of right now "Ops Week" is officially underway.

WildStar: Name Reservation Woes

If you've been eagerly following WildStar in preparation for its June 3rd launch, then you're most likely aware that name reservations for the game have been live since this past Tuesday. However, if you were one of the thousands of players who rushed the gates when the services went live, then you were probably greeted with a series of headaches when trying to reserve your name.

WildStar: Beta Content and Beyond

As April nears its end and summer rapidly approaches, Carbine Studios, remains hard at work in preparation for the launch of its upcoming MMORPG, WildStar. This latest MMO, scheduled to hit the market in early June, takes place in an expansive universe that blends science fiction and fantasy elements into one action packed space. While this brand new IP has heads turning with interest, WildStar will still need to go blow for blow with some of the biggest names in the genre in order to come out successful. According to the President of Carbine Studios, Jeremy Gaffney, they’ll be battling with giants!

If you’ve been following my coverage of WildStar here on ZAM, then you probably know that one thing the game definitely has going for it: its ridiculous amount of in-game content. In truth, it will probably be the only MMORPG in history to launch jam-packed with this much stuff on day one. Coupled with the fact that, according to Jeremy, over 50% of beta weekend participants are giving WildStar a 5 out of 5 “fun factor” rating, it seems to be on the right path for launch. While long-time fans and beta testers may already be familiar with the game’s plethora of activities, new players just dipping their toes into beta may not know all of the options they have available as they make their journey across Planet Nexus. In order to shed some light for those players, I recently received the opportunity to sit down with Carbine’s Jeremy Gaffney himself to talk about a few different types of content that new players can expect, how beta has been faring in general, as well as the team’s plans for launch and beyond. So sit back and relax as we take a journey to Planet Nexus!