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The Blink tanks........and PLD'SFollow

#1 Sep 09 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
Ok, first of all, I want to say, I am not ********* Just to get this topic out in the open.

Now for this... Blink Tanks, specifically Ninjas, I can understand that they want to lvl up like everyone else, and I can see that they have Utsusemi ichi and ni. I am a 50 PLD and i find alot of my invites go to the Ninjas blink taking, plus to top it off the ninjas deal a considerable amount of damage compared to us meat shields. Now I am not offering a way to fix this, becuase honestly I find Utsusemi a very useful ablility. But at the same time, does anyone think they are "taking advantage" of this ablitity? (It was quoted from a friend of mine in my LS) Just something I am starting to see as I am lvling up some more and I sit in Jeuno and see alot of lvl 50ish PLD's seeking and no NINs. Just some food for thought.

#2 Sep 09 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
223 posts
It's really SE's fault. The way I look at it, Ninjas should have been the job with a SneakAttack-like ability. Ninjas are supposed to be stealthy and possibly deal damage? They really don't...and they were given an ability which takes away from what I feel a Ninja should be. What would a Ninja do in a party if they didn't have Utsusemi? They fail to compete with any other jobs damage output.
#3 Sep 09 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
Yo tanta! you try being a blink tank! its hard to get gil, get the fame for quest, buy a crap load. If i cant tank better than the plds with the gil im spending, no one would do it.
#4 Sep 09 2004 at 11:33 PM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
I understand that, but at the same time, think how much money you would save by not having Utsusemi ichi and ni? I mean, I just think the tanking should be left to the class that is originally supposed to have it.
#5 Sep 09 2004 at 11:34 PM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
*AHEM* Classes, War & PLD.
#6 Sep 10 2004 at 12:17 AM Rating: Good
51 posts
Well, don't take this the wrong way, I personally love Wars and PLDs tanking, but I partied with a Nin using Utsusemi:Ni and I have to say it kicked ***! He rarely ever got hit, most of the time the mages just sat there being bored while he just kept recasting. I love PLD and all but if he's good enough the Nin can be the best tank in the game if there's a THF in the party IMHO. Like I said I love Nins, PLDs, and Wars tanking, this is only my opinion
#7 Sep 10 2004 at 12:31 AM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
Ok, I have already said my piece, peeps, take the ball and run with it ^^, Also, rate up for you guys! Thanx for replying!

Edited, Fri Sep 10 01:38:43 2004 by SirTanta
#8 Sep 10 2004 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
Effective From what i hear although i alwasy get screwed being a PLD i have NEVRE gotten a pt with a blink tank.

Thing is that SE didn't design Nin to be a tank. Someone found out a flaw in the system and decided to abuse it.
#9 Sep 10 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts
I think ninjas can blink tank, they have been doing it for a long time why stop now?
And PLD are good too... If ninjas werent supposed to blink tank they would have never gave the that advantage...Maybe the ninjas will get their blink tanking taken away from them...*wink wink, nidge nudge*
So don't worry Tanta, ir PLD will be fine, look how far youve gone already..
#10 Sep 10 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
654 posts
I don't see the logic in this.

I am a BLM. Oftentimes, people compare us to RNGs because we are both powerful Damage Dealers. The difference is, BLMs use MP, and RNGs use money. Now, I don't know about you, but I have never caught an intelligent BLM say that the damage dealing should be left to the classes that are REAL damage dealers. That is to say, ruling out DRGs, DRKs, RNGs and the like.

Similarly, comparing PLDs to NINs is the same. PLDs use MP, NINs use money. They are both good tanks. Why is this so hard to accept? Sometimes, when seeking for a random PT, there are just never enough tanks around - ninjas and paladins alike. What's wrong with having more classes w/the ability to tank..?

Of course, as with BLMs and RNGs, there are differences. BLMs can debuff and backup heal, offering more support. RNGs cannot. RNGs take part in Skillchains. BLMs cannot. With PLDs, they can hold hate better with cures and various magic, they can handle -ga spells well. NINs cannot. NINs can take minimal damage for normal blink tanking. PLDs cannot. It's just versatility, and personal preferences, after all...

In any case. In the upcoming CoP patch, every AoE will effectively remove all shadows, it seems. That should make some of the anti-ninja tank faction pretty happy, I guess. o.Oa
#11 Sep 10 2004 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I think a NIN tank (as it stands today) is a viable option. However, I've rarely see one played well. NIN/WARs don't have much in the way of hate generating tools...or if they do, the NINs I've seen don't use their talents. Most NINs that I have partied with canoot hold hate without a THF to trick hate onto them.

On the other side of the coin, I've rarely had a PLD that couldn't hold hate. So I guess I'm kind of conditioned by what I've experienced.
#12 Sep 10 2004 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
well having only been in one party with a successful blink-tank... I prefer Pallies to save my little WHM self.

you HOPE nothing goes wrong in a fight.. but if it does:

WHM uses Benediction -

with a Ninja tanking.. the WHM dies.. unless the mob is terribly weak and low on HP, in which case benediction wasn't necessary..

with a paladin.. pali uses invincible (sp?), my WHM looses all hate and maybe this fight becomes winnable... a second chance.. small though it may be.. is a second chance.
#13 Sep 10 2004 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
5,745 posts
I think it's unreasonable to call blink tanking "abusive" or "cheating". Having NINs tank isn't exploiting a bug; it's simply using the class in a way that the creators hadn't thought of. SE has come out and said that although blink tanking wasn't their intention, it was an aspect of the game that they've accepted. The Utsusemi change will make it a bit harder to blink tank, but it shouldn't eliminate it altogether.

Tanta wrote:
I am a 50 PLD and i find alot of my invites go to the Ninjas blink taking, plus to top it off the ninjas deal a considerable amount of damage compared to us meat shields.

Sorry, I have no sympathy for you, simply because you're a PLD. If you want to experience true frustration looking for a party, try lvling WAR past Kazham. I've seen gimped PLDs lvling quickly while I've toiled for attention the past 20 lvls. It looks like I'll need to have a lvled NIN sub to have a better shot at an invite. But in doing so, I'm going to be branded as an abuser? Ouch.

Tanta, I /salute you for pointing out that WAR is a viable tank class along side our PLD brothers. I'm sure that there are plenty of PLDs (as well as players of other jobs) out there who view PLD as the only viable tanking class, and look down on us WARs.

Kysha wrote:
In the upcoming CoP patch, every AoE will effectively remove all shadows, it seems.

If I read the September annoncement in the Developers Room correctly, this change was just made this week (through the client upgrade).
Edit: I read the announcement wrong. Though the client update happened last week, the changes won't be complete until the server update next Monday.

Edited, Sun Sep 12 03:16:13 2004 by svlyons
#14 Sep 10 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
901 posts
I still pick PLDs over NIN, though a NIN doesn't get hit the ones I party let me get hit ~.~
Watusa of Lakshmi

svlyons wrote:
Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
#15 Sep 11 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
As a paladin I like having a blink tank in the party, less work for me and I don't have to use any food or really do anything except attack, heal the nin, and back up tank.

Of course some jobs overlap (it could be said that drk, drg, sam and rng all exist for dd so why make 4 dd jobs?).
#16 Sep 12 2004 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
5,745 posts
Aeia wrote:
As a paladin I like having a blink tank in the party, less work for me and I don't have to use any food or really do anything except attack, heal the nin, and back up tank.

Heh, the NIN probably says the same thing. "Oh boy, a PLD! I'll let him tank, and I can save some gil by not having to burn through Shihei!"
#17 Sep 12 2004 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Lyon, yr right ><! lol
#18 Sep 12 2004 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
As a WHM I like Ninja better unless the PLD is good at keeping his managing his MP to both keep hate and save MP so we can chain without me getting hit 2-3 times because the PLD has no MP. I've seen a lot of PLDs Cure2 themselves and get back 0hp. Sure they get some hate but it seemed like a waste. On another note, I like having two Samurai in a party best. IMO they're a good mix of damage dealers and tanks. I had two SAMs in my party last night and only got hit by AOEs.
#19 Sep 12 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
Kysha wrote:
In any case. In the upcoming CoP patch, every AoE will effectively remove all shadows, it seems. That should make some of the anti-ninja tank faction pretty happy, I guess. o.Oa

Just because the AoE's will remove the shadows won't stop the blink-tankers. Apparently SE are happy with what players have chose to do with NIN, this is just a way of balancing it a bit since right now they do it too well.
One way around it is for them to use Ichi mostly (slower cast time) and then when their blinks get removed by an AoE, use Ni for a fast recast.
Also, most AoE attacks have large build-ups, meaning all it takes is good use of Stun to stop the mob in its tracks.

I'm not hugely pro blink-tank, it's great to have on in a party but I wanted to lvl NIN and can't yet as I'd be expected to blink-tank (which I can't afford atm). I think they should be less expected to blink-tank as a PLD can do an excellent job anyway.
#20 Sep 12 2004 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
guys i have to agree with tanta on this one 99% of the time PLD out tanks a ninja but every so often you get a good and i mean good there nothing better but i would always choosse pld over ninja
#21 Sep 12 2004 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
253 posts
I do understand the concern you have with your role being unjustly overtaken by the Utsusemi-class. As a PLD myself, I often am forced by my party members to take a back-seat to any NIN who happen to be in my parties. And I don't blame them, they certainly can take a few whacks, that's for sure. They are incredibly useful for MP-effeciency on the WHMs part, as well as giving the party a sense of safety as long as the NIN's HP stays at full. It does seem at times like we're riding shotgun to a class that doesn't suit a "tank" role, and it often worries me hearing people talk about NINs being the "perfect tanks" at higher levels when they recieve Utsusemi-Ni.

However, there are some disturbing attributes I have noticed in my time as a SAM, being involved in parties with a NIN tank. Unless they do their job flawlessly, they can't hold hate for peanuts. Having to rely on Provoke and their damage, I often see mobs running amok, expecially after a significant SC from myself and others in the party. As my PLD, I know that grabbing hate comes as simply as casting a few Cure spells and throwing in a Provoke if that doesn't measure up, then the hate is mine for as long as I care to hold it. Also, if fights begin to come down to the wire and the WHM is fresh out of MP, "Invicible" is the world's greatest ability! I have been in a 2x WHM party and had both use Benediction at a crucial moment. With Invincible, the mob didn't even glance back to them, just kept fruitlessly hacking away at me. Moment laters, it fell, no fatalities on our part.

PLDs are at the forefront of hate-control. I mean, our jobs as Tanks are to pull hate towards us so that healers can do their jobs more effectively and the Damage Dealers can lay in the blows thick and fast. While a NIN can survive almost as many hits as he sees fit to, can the same be said for the rest of the members in the party?

Besides, our armour is far shinier than any NINs, and you know it! ^_^

Edited, Mon Sep 13 00:38:46 2004 by Psylight
#22 Sep 13 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Psylight wrote:
However, there are some disturbing attributes I have noticed in my time as a SAM, being involved in parties with a NIN tank. Unless they do their job flawlessly, they can't hold hate for peanuts.

Before lvl 37 (when NIN gets Utsusemi: Ni), one NIN shouldn't try to tank the mob the entire battle. NINs don't get to wear the best armor, so their defense will be lacking. And they won't have very good VIT either. So when they do get hit, they get hit hard. And worst of all, if a NIN managed to glue the mob onto himself, he'd rarely be able to recast Ustusemi: Ichi properly.

I've gotten NIN up to lvl 24 now, every party I've been in, I've either had another NIN or a WAR to split tanking duties with. I never try to glue the mob to myself, since it's counter productive to do so (I'm only an MP friendly tank if I can get Utsusemi up). A NIN can probably keep hate on himself through out the entire fight by tossing shurikens here and there (one of the few ways NIN can really deal serious damage). But that just wouldn't be wise until lvl 37.

Psylight wrote:
As a PLD myself, I often am forced by my party members to take a back-seat to any NIN who happen to be in my parties.

That party setup confuses me. I would think that the party could easily stick with just the PLD as full-time tank, and replace the NIN with a damage dealer. The party could also go in the other direction by replacing the PLD with a WAR, or DRK/WAR, or SAM/WAR, or DRG/WAR (basically any decent damage melee who can also voke), and let the NIN be the "main" tank with some backup tank helping.

Psylight wrote:
I do understand the concern you have with your role being unjustly overtaken by the Utsusemi-class.... It does seem at times like we're riding shotgun to a class that doesn't suit a "tank" role...

It sounds to me like PLDs don't like the competition. Every other party "role" in the game has more than one option. There are enough choices for healing that you don't always need a WHM (have a RDM/WHM, BLM/WHM and a BRD/WHM, and you're set, especially at higher lvls). There are so many choices for damage dealing that it's nuts. Now that the trend gives parties an additional option for a tank, it's "unjust"?

There are just far too many Diva PLDs in this game. I'm not saying any of the PLDs that have posted on this thread are divas. But they're out there. They're the ones who just aren't happy unless they can convince people that PLD is the one and only tank in the game, and that's simply not the case.
#23 Sep 13 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
253 posts

You are right, of course, with pretty much every point you made in that post, and I thank you for not leaping down my throat at some of my more careless phrases. I'll rephrase... ^_^

svlyons wrote:
Before lvl 37 (when NIN gets Utsusemi: Ni), one NIN shouldn't try to tank the mob the entire battle. NINs don't get to wear the best armor, so their defense will be lacking. And they won't have very good VIT either. So when they do get hit, they get hit hard.

Ideally, I enjoy being in parties where the hate is more or less static. It's what I've come to expect in my parties since that's more or less how I handle things as a PLD. (Go, high VIT, yay!) I admit it makes me a little nervous when the tank loses copious amounts of HP suddenly. (Didn't really need to say all this, just thought I'd throw it in.)

svlyons wrote:
That party setup confuses me. I would think that the party could easily stick with just the PLD as full-time tank, and replace the NIN with a damage dealer.

You're right, it IS confusing. Especially considering that NIN/WAR makes an excellent backup/side-tank to take stress off the PLD. A lot of parties choose not to see it this way, however, which is what disturbs me. They'd rather see more Utsusemi cast than let the PLD do the only job he's pretty much made for. I'm not entirely sure why this is... Remember, I said a lot of the time I am FORCED to take the backup role, albeit usually against my wishes.

svlyons wrote:
It sounds to me like PLDs don't like the competition. There are so many choices for damage dealing that it's nuts. Now that the trend gives parties an additional option for a tank, it's "unjust"?

This was my bad, I wrote what you quoted with the intention of putting the orignal poster's thoughts into words, not expressing a personal belief. Sorry you took that the wrong way, bad wording on my part. I really meant to put quotation marks around that word "Unjustly" as well, also my bad. ^_^

I think the inspiration behind the original poster's initial claims was that he simply didn't like the feeling that the job he'd worked so hard to bring to greatness was in jeopardy of becoming "obsolete". The same inspiration called me to put my thoughts here. It's not so much jealousy that there are alternatives to the glorious tanking role, it's more that I see NINs as an effective tank by themselves, and with all the talk about how great and unhittable they can be, it starts to make you think "Is there a reason I'm striving so hard to level this PLD when NIN is aparently better?"

I'm sure the same thoughts apply to any damage dealer, what with the number of jobs that fall under that category.

Edited, Mon Sep 13 13:39:35 2004 by Psylight
#24 Sep 14 2004 at 8:58 AM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
Thanx everyone! Rate up for everyone!!!
#25 Sep 14 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
I for one would hate to see the destruction of ninja as tanks. You can complain about the competition for tank slot but realise that every job has it's replacement. Rdm or Brd, Whm or Smn or Rdm, Pld or Nin, not to mention all the competition amongst dd jobs. It's hard enough just trying to find these essential classes to make your party never mind imagining if theere was only 1. Maybe it's beacause I play off-peak hours a lot of the time, but I really don't wish to have yet another party that breaks up when we can't find a tank.

I realise that I haven't mentioned war as a tank choice.. because in my experience they haven't been. Use up lots of mp for whm, and just can't hold hate at all. Make good DD and back-up tanks though. Maybe I just haven't met a good war tank. (Note: this is all 50+, wars at lower levels tank well)

..also about the pld who cured himself for 0dmg.. that gives 0hate, it's based on how much hp you cure.. this makes it a good idea not to keep pld at full hp all the time unless the mob has a high dmg attack, whilst the converse is true for nin who can be knocked down very quickly if they lose their shadows.

I'd have to agree that it takes a lot of skill for a ninja to tank, they need to be constantly counting, removing and refreshing their shadows whilst also making sure they keep hate. Pld get a lot of their hate tools handed to them, as they were meant to tank whilst nin have to work their best way around what they have, and in my experience they both do this well. Nin seeing as it is determined almost entirely by player skill and cash can be more flakey especially at lower levels before they get a hang on it. Meanwhile even the worst pld can usually keep some measure of hate on them but take a greater strain on the whm's mp... with a good nin you often don't have a whm, just a rdm and free up a slot but with slightly less reliable hate control.

Basically I take whoever's lfg.. at my time of day theres not a huge choice ^^;
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