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December Weekend ThreadFollow

#1 Dec 02 2014 at 10:06 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Well, we've run out of November, so let's get the December thread up and running! It looks like WoD has given us a load of things to do, and raids are beginning to open up.

WoW: I'm boring. I managed to ding 100 on my Feral Druid last weekend, I'll spend the next couple of days trying to get her a bit better geared. My Hunter is coming along alright. I'm about to hit 96 on him, and he's doing well on building up his garrison and followers. I would like to get him at least to Nagrand to open more stuff up.

RL: Another quiet weekend. Strong winds have given us a fairly miserable windchill, but they've also kept the AQI in a sane range for much of the time. I missed posting last Friday because AQI (Air Quality Index for those of you whose air isn't classed as a liquid and who don't need to follow such things) went well over 500, at one point reaching 700+. Five hundred is considered unimaginably horrible in most places. Tyger remains incredibly sweet, and far too sane to generate interesting tales. For those of you who have lost count of the score, this is fiancee #3, but the same one that I've been dating for some time. Despite having had to delay things because of traditions about death in a family here, we seem to be on track and there are no signs that her family is going to suddenly decide she should marry someone else.
#2 Dec 03 2014 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
Protection paladin is level 100 and eligible for heroics. I was unable to log on at all last night because of the issues, so I made a bevy of horde characters on another server and fooled around with them some.

I'm going to be starting an alliance alt soon, but I haven't decided what yet. I know it will be a cloth-wearing character since I have a full set of the cloth heirlooms. I'll probably go with a priest since it offers the most flexibility. I suppose if I really wanted to I could also level a druid up as a boomkin and use the heirlooms.
#3 Dec 05 2014 at 6:59 AM Rating: Excellent
-Got some 645 ilv Boots last night when helping a friend do his 1st Garrison Invasion. We 3 man-ed it and hit gold (check sig, if it is working, it should link to toon). Also killed the 1 of the new world bosses, and got gold x2 -.-

-Am going to try and run MC this weekend. I'd like to have the mount that I see EVERYone with lol. I only need to replace my Back and 1 Ring (but going to keep it, Haste+ as a MM Hunter is nice) to be fully Heroic-ish gear. I need garrison missons with better gear runs. All I keep getting are 600il items. Waste of hours for them :p

-Do the normal Garrison daily. Run a heroics (still find that even as "geared" as I am, Tanks and Melee still out DPS by a good chunk) to see if I can get right secondary stats (I want Haste).

RL: No big plans, so if something happens, cool.

-Did go to the doc about my foot yesterday. I'm fully cleared. So no more follow ups unless something big/bad happens. Now for the bills -.-
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#4 Dec 05 2014 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
807 posts
I had the Goren (I still laugh when I see these guys, as I worked with a cranky Serb of the same name) invasion the other night and managed a Silver on it. Solo'd, well with Vivian guarding me...she died though. No buildings lost. How crazy do you have to win it to get Gold?

What is your average-ish DPS Sandy? I seem to be around 15k or so on a good day, 5632 ilevel BM hunter.

Edited, Dec 5th 2014 12:28pm by Xizervexius I should say. 5k difference is quite a bit, I would think the specs should be more even than that, but I'm probably doing something wrong.

Armory FWIW

Edited, Dec 5th 2014 5:59pm by Xizervexius
#5 Dec 05 2014 at 6:04 PM Rating: Excellent
About 20k DPS as MM. Tanks and Melee I have seen are doing 22-25k. 15k sounds about right the last time I ran as BM. SV sucks.

Gold was 1k points. We managed 1078 iirc. We had the rock-goblin-rolly things. Killing an Alliance Spy and helping a Grunt back to base really helps rack the points.
I did this too as my MM spec, I think it could have gone better if I was in BM, to MD everything on to pet (I run with Lone Wolf as my 100 talent as MM). Having to kite/heal slowed me down. The DK and Warrior were going balls to the walls.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#6 Dec 08 2014 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
-Got some 645 ilv Boots last night when helping a friend do his 1st Garrison Invasion. We 3 man-ed it and hit gold (check sig, if it is working, it should link to toon). Also killed the 1 of the new world bosses, and got gold x2 -.-

-Am going to try and run MC this weekend. I'd like to have the mount that I see EVERYone with lol. I only need to replace my Back and 1 Ring (but going to keep it, Haste+ as a MM Hunter is nice) to be fully Heroic-ish gear. I need garrison missons with better gear runs. All I keep getting are 600il items. Waste of hours for them :p

-Do the normal Garrison daily. Run a heroics (still find that even as "geared" as I am, Tanks and Melee still out DPS by a good chunk) to see if I can get right secondary stats (I want Haste).

RL: No big plans, so if something happens, cool.

-Did go to the doc about my foot yesterday. I'm fully cleared. So no more follow ups unless something big/bad happens. Now for the bills -.-

-Ran MC, got mount and helm.
-Updated my LM to lv3, also my Mine. Upgraded a few of the other building to lv2.
-Did Garrison Daily. It seems it is Shatt every day lol. Also ran heroics, but am at a point that there really isn't a need anymore :3
-Farmed Heroic trash in Highmaul last night. If you are ilv 630 I suggest trying to get in a group. Backs/capes drop often. They are BoE. I managed to win the DPS agi/haste one.

All I can really do now is try and make some gold, try to run normal highmaul, or wait til LFR. Only 1 trinket of mine is at il600, everything else is 615+.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#7 Dec 08 2014 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
Did Garrison dailies every day on my protection paladin. Good lord, how many days does it take to train one of these animals as a mount? At least all of the fights are in Nagrand now, so there's no running all over creation.

I'm actually getting into fishing with this expac, and doing the fishing daily for the last 3 days has my fishing up from 1 to over 200.

I had a Blackrock invasion on Friday night I think it was. I managed to solo it and get a silver. I think I had 867 points.

I finished up the Apexis crystal and Core of Life portions of the legendary ring quest. I still need to do the other 2 heroics to finish this tier off.

I think I'm up to 618 ilevel now and I really need to get into an MC run before it's too late.
#8 Dec 09 2014 at 5:35 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Not much to report. I was making good progress when I got hit by the fact our time cards last a much briefer time and it is harder to get new time cards. I had time on my other account, so I have started the Horde side of the story earlier than I'd intended. It feels clunky to me. I'd also like to cause grievous bodily harm to the dev that is still stuck in Game Design 101" spirals are cool and make longer paths" mode. I feel like the quest markers are about useless because they're usually pointing at something on a spiral path (often a different elevation), and following the arrow is sure to take you into something bad or impassible without actually getting you to the objective.
#9 Dec 12 2014 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Alright, you slackers! Let's get on it!

WOW: I'm still hung out on getting time for the account that I'd been playing, so I'll have to work on getting Horde toons in order. It isn't that I find the Horde storyline particularly annoying (knee jerk reaction to yet more Thrall aside), but I'm finding the layout of the starting areas clunky. I have to admit though, they do get some amusing followers. If I can get time for the other account, I'll be trying to get my Alliance characters sorted out, and may get my Hunter to 100 (Druid already dinged). Otherwise, I'll keep whipping mobs with a wet noodle as Arms on my Troll Warrior, in hopes that I can maybe get a couple of levels on him. I'll see what I can do with the other Horde 90s on that server: a Forsaken Warlock (93), a Tauren Druid (91), and a Goblin Hunter (90). With a bit of luck I can get their garrisons rolling.

RL: The semester has ended. Once grading is out of the way, I'm on break. Real sleep and decent food are in order.

Here's hoping that your gear upgrades sometimes happen on gear you can use! Smiley: eek
#10 Dec 12 2014 at 6:54 AM Rating: Excellent
WoW: We may try to do a mostly guild run in Normal highmaul tonight. I've decided to level my Proc Warrior, he is still in the starting spot in WoD but I did blast through many of the quests last night (I'm at the blow up the Portal part with the Dwarfs). We do not have all positions covered for a raid group, so I will be a tank again if needed. Hunter is basically geared, and can only get upgrades to get better now, thus the opening to level another character.

but 1st..

RL: 8 hours of work -.-
Nothing else is going on that I know of.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#11 Dec 15 2014 at 7:11 AM Rating: Excellent
my last full work week of the year...

WoW: Worked on my Warrior (92). Leveling as Proc has always been fun to me. I try to kill myself Smiley: lol
Got Brawler's Guild rank 5 last night on my Hunter. Few tricky fights, I also had to use all 3 specs... needs tri-spec :p
Did a few Heroic Trash runs for another back - won rolls to the 2 that dropped - 1 was taken by RL, who then dropped..and the next was given to the person who was LAST on roll..and then dropped. I left afterwards (apparently I didn't read how loot rules were being done after the 1st ninja left).
I finally have gained Garrison missons that can net my 640+ gear. That is cool...just need more followers who are iLv630+.

Went and saw my grandmother.
Watched Guardians of the Galaxy.
Watched As above so Below.
Worked on my twisted nut cracker (painting it) for my Mother.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#12 Dec 15 2014 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
I got an unexpected three day weekend ... and I needed it. I was wiped out and had to put off grading until Tuesday so that I could read things with a clearer mind.

WoW: A friend helped me get a couple of time cards to get my Alliance toons up and running. My Dwarf Hunter made it to 100, and the rest of the 90s on that account are now through the portal and most have made it to level 2 on their garrisons.

RL: I was so wiped out that I didn't even make it across town to see Tyger. We're going to try to meet later this week instead.

Good luck, y'all!
#13 Dec 15 2014 at 8:45 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
So I did a bunch of PVP over the weekend to try and get a couple of pieces to supplement my tanking gear. I was at ilevel 623 and still wearing a 603 chest and trinket. I got the chest replaced with a 620 PVP chest, but I am still using the trinket. I can also use a replacement shield.

Once that was done, I did LFR of the first wing of Highmaul. Since I'm a moron and forgot to change my loot spec, I got a ret cape off The Butcher, oh joy. Other than that, I was having some serious connection issues. I DCed twice during Highmaul, and 3 more times during BGs once Highmaul was done. I've never had these kinds of issues before, so I hope it was just server instability.

Edited, Dec 15th 2014 8:45am by Bigdaddyjug
#14 Dec 19 2014 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Ah, another weekend!

WOW: Nothing ambitious, I just want to putter around and get my Alliance toons a few levels higher. I'm still playing around with the garrison and followers. I just can't bring myself to do PVP, even though that seems to be part of gearing up. I may see about grinding a few instances.

RL: I'm going to take it easy. My big adventures are apt to be a bit of grocery shopping and laundry. Grading really left me wiped out this semester, and Tyger has another cold.

May the RNG smile on you.
#15 Dec 19 2014 at 7:07 AM Rating: Excellent
WoW: Work on Warrior, maybe try normal Highmaul...but will probably just work on Warrior. He hit 93 last night.

RL: I plan to go see the 3rd Hobbit movie tomorrow. No real big plans after that.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#16 Dec 22 2014 at 6:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Warrior is 95
Killed up to Butcher in Highmaul (normal). totally forgot about last night being raid night lol...

Went and saw Hobbit 3. It was ok. Good as an ending movie, but kind of boring.
Made some ornaments for some gifts. Hope to finish them tonight.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#17 Dec 22 2014 at 8:20 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Hey, it's a minor holiday here so ... Happy Winter Solstice! I'm under strict orders from Tyger that I must eat jiaozi today. I'm sure that she meant to tell me to have a large glass of the local booze, so I'll that that as a precaution! Purely for medicinal purposes, I wouldn't want to risk freezing anything off because I failed to follow local tradition!

WOW: I put much of my push towards getting my DK leveled and he has made it almost to 99. I've also had good luck getting garrisons and followers whipped into shape. They've brought back upgrades for a number of my characters.

RL: Tyger took some time off for us to be together on Saturday, so I didn't spend the whole weekend on altDraenor. We went to one of the places with massage by people who are legally blind, then her friends joined us for hotpot made from the backbone (and attached meat) of a sheep.

#18 Dec 24 2014 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
In light of the holidays, I'm going to go ahead and look towards the last weekend of the year. Happy Winterveil!

WOW: I just haven't been in the Winterveil mood. I wish they could have done a bit more with it this year. It may not be a holiday on AltDraenor, but our troops are far from home. I find it odd that nobody hung a bit of mistletoe in our garrison or outpost inns, or any of the other small touches that might have been added. I haven't even been able to make myself try for the daggers and such.

So, I'll have to make it back to open presents, but I think I'll just stick to enjoying garrisons and getting myself better set on my Alliance toons!

RL: Holiday blues hit me hard this year. I finished grading early, hit a series of copy pasta papers that I'm going to have to give zeroes for, and one was severe enough that I had to give admin a heads up. Yep, they called the student in and I got hit with a cutesy appeal to Christmas spirit. I've actually held off submitting grades because of that, I have no sympathy for cheating but I don't see a need to drop that on a family right at Christmas, and admin would rush the grades out. On the best of years, Christmas in China is about on par with Tomb Sweeping Day in Alabama. This year, I'd put it more on a level with attempting to celebrate Hogmanay in a synagogue in Bhutan and I'm not sure that sounds pessimistic enough.

Here's hoping that the year wraps up well for you all!

#19 Dec 24 2014 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
Long Weekend for me :D
I work til noon, then we have company party til 3.
Then church tonight Smiley: glare I don't really want to go, but I do it for my Grandmother.
Xmas tomorrow. It will be a bat **** crazy day like it always is.
I took Friday off, because as of right now work has not gave us the day off . . . 10 people out of like 30 will be there if they do not give us the day off.

WoW: If/when I get to play I ...don't know. Work on Warrior I guess. Maybe try and get into Highmaul. LFR gave me nothing but gold this week. I need some upgrades :p

RL: w/e happens, happens.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#20 Dec 25 2014 at 11:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Well, so far I've managed to get two of my alts up to level 90. Still need to get my shaman up there, and I've been debating whether or not to do my druid too. I really enjoyed my boomkin in general back when I raided with her, but back in Cata the damage was too variable with the eclipse system. I just couldn't get the hang of it. Might be worth giving it another shot though. Then I'll have 5 90s and my next highest toon is my warlock who is somewhere in the 70s.

Since I barely touched MoP, I'm working on unlocking my farm on my mage who has cooking. So I'm going to do those dailies on her, and work on leveling either the shaman or the druid.

RL: Spent Christmas with my partner's family today. We don't really have any other plans for the weekend. But I'll definitely be doing something with them. Going to focus on relaxing a lot though. Work has been stressing me out a lot lately.
#21 Dec 26 2014 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
I started playing my DK, but I only got to level 60 before going back to my paladin main. I have noticed that my guild has a surplus of tanks, so I have been trying to DPS in a few heroics since I will probably have that role if I raid with them. I'm fairly terrible at it, but it's fun and I know what I have to do to improve. I still prefer tanking, though.

On the RL side, Christmas was a smashing success. My son loved all of his gifts, and we even managed not to overbuy this year, seeing as we still have places in the house where we can walk without stepping on something.
#22 Dec 29 2014 at 6:59 AM Rating: Excellent
last Monday of this year... w.t.f

This work week is just like last for me. I work full days Mon and Tue and til half day on Wed with another company party. Then I took Fri off again.

WoW: I didn't really do much. I poked around on Hunter with Garrison stuff, but for the most part I was off doing something else.
RL: To much happened in the 5days. Some shopping, some gaming, few nights of CAH, at least 4 parties. Xmas was in there too lol.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#23 Dec 29 2014 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Things were quiet, I had a fairly constant headache (we've had several bad air days, with AQI ranging from Unhealthy to Hazardous).

WoW: I played around with Garrisons, that was about my speed given the headache.

RL: I didn't even manage to convince myself to buy coffee. Anything better than instant tends to be overpriced here, and I have decent tea for the moments that caffeine is a must.
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