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January Weekend Thread Follow

#1 Dec 29 2014 at 10:39 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
With some of us on vacation, or perhaps taking vacation around New Year, I thought I'd go ahead and get this ready. The start of the new year brings New Year's resolutions, so feel free to look forward to 2015 or look back as 2014 closes out.

WoW: I'm an altoholic. I've always played with a group of my own characters to rotate through. In Vanilla, that was because I was trying the different classes, races and professions. Later, I liked to keep several characters moving up at one time to keep things fresher and to give myself a bit of extra backup since I'm the guy who doesn't speak the primary language on my servers. In WoD, I find myself leveling blocks of characters because of garrisons and treasures. I don't mind that, it is just a bit of a change.

So, goals going into the beginning of 2015 consist mainly of getting everyone up to speed -- garrisons fairly functional, followers decently developed, gear up around 615 as characters ding level cap. This is my biggest lull of the year and I want to set things up so I don't feel like I'm falling behind when work cranks up, wedding plans take over, and I eventually have to adjust to being married.

RL: It looks like this time is actually going to work, despite having had to put things off for a year because of local traditions about death in the family. That will be the year's big project.

For this week, I'm excited that one of my daughters is back from studying in Germany and wants to meet to catch up. Second on the list, proving how quiet things are, is that I may buy large amounts of instant coffee and tuna. Hopefully, I'll make the hike without tearing my calf muscles again.

May the Year of the Sheep bring all of you good fortune and good health!
#2 Dec 31 2014 at 7:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Work a half day today. Plan to go to a friend's house tonight.

WoW: We been trying to raid. We need a core group. Not that it is bad having to teach, but we are in week 3 as raiding as a guild and have only killed The Butcher (on 1st night, then no one shows up for the next 2 possible nights...making it too many slots to PuG).

RL: I may go out and buy a ps4, and get Destiny. A brother has it, it looks kind of fun.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#3 Jan 02 2015 at 11:35 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
I went back to horde. I feel like I wasted my boost on the human paladin, but I just didn't feel right on the Alliance.

So I made a blood elf deth knight on Hyjal server. I'm up to level 70. Unfortunately, other than New Year's Day, I didn't have any time off during the holidays. I am off next Thursday, but I have to bring my son to the doctor so that will eat up half of my day.

My goal is to get my new DK to at least level 80 by the end of the weekend. That's probably a mmodest goal with how easy levelling is these days, but I also have about 50 hours of TV shows on the DVR I need to get started on.

Happy New Yer everybody. May all your PUGs be capable, and may RNGesus look down on you with grace.
#4 Jan 05 2015 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
WoW: Didn't really play much.
Gaming: Got a ps4, played Destiny. Trying to catch up to my brother who is lv20 (I just hit 14).
RL: Went and saw some family, members always changing with that group.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#5 Jan 05 2015 at 8:27 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
WoW: So, uh, I had goal of getting to level 80 by the end of the weekend. Well, when I logged off Saturday night I was level 80. So Sunday was all gravy, and it was gravy to the tune of 8 more levels. So in 48 hours, I went from level 70 to level 88, and I'm only 3 bubbles from 89. I'm not even halfway done with Jade Forest yet, so I foresee myself getting to 90 without leaving the zone. So my levelling curve on this DK so far has been:

55-58 DK starter zone
58-70 All of Hellfire Peninsula, all of Zangarmarsh, and dungeon runs
70-80 All of Borean Tundra, 3/4 of Dragonblight and dungeon runs
80-85 All of Mt Hyjal and dungeon runs
85-88.85 About 2/5 of Jade Forest and dungeon runs

The best part is, I'm getting really short queues as frost and I'm getting satchels.

Edited, Jan 5th 2015 8:28am by Bigdaddyjug
#6 Jan 05 2015 at 9:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
Quit posting for a while, felt more like a personal journal rather than game related ....

The bug bit me and I finally renewed my subscription to WoW; waiting for the next paycheck to get the expansion.

WoW: Hunter was already capped at 90 so just goofed around clearing some old raids as usual and tried my hand at a few heroics, I am seriously undergeared ....
Paladin was 84 saturday and now is he 87 or right at 88; will try to cap him before I buy the expansion (4 days is long days). Played my monk with my wife, she sucks to play games with though, does not care about leveling and will not do instances, she swears people will watch her every move and yell at her for not being perfect .... you can tell she has not played in a long time... so my monk went from 37-41 in about 6 hours.

Goals for the week - buy expansion, cap paladin and start working on my DK; he is 67-72 range, can't remember; try out different spec's on my hunter, it appears a few things have changed and Marksman is finally viable.

#7 Jan 05 2015 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
I've felt less than wonderful, a combination of poor sleep (apnea) and bad air (irritated airways don't play well with CPAP).

WoW: My concentration has been off, but today I felt well enough to make my first run through the two wings of LFR available to us. I had fun.
MM is supposed to be good, I had fun with plain old BM tonight.

RL: Tyger loves to sing and to have music going. I thought it was time to catch up and see what music is like these days. Now, I feel really old.

Have fun!

#8 Jan 09 2015 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
WoW: I need to research last boss in highmaul. My guild went from being 2/7 for a few weeks, to being 6/7 last night (normal) and 1/7 Heroic. Option raid on Sunday night.
I xfered my toons back to "home" world, as that seems to be where everyone is back at. I've been playing Hunter, worked a little on Warrior (because I thought the guild was in need of a tank), but may try and get the DK up asap.

Gaming: finally did get some Destiny play in with my younger Brother. Was fun, hopefully we can squeeze some time in together this weekend.

RL: It is cold out side, so I don't really plan on going out there.
but -.-
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#9 Jan 09 2015 at 8:12 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
WoW - been mount farming as usual, got Onyxia and battle bear wedensday night. My plans for the weekend will be severly limited by RL but will get the expansion and start the grind to 100 with my hunter and try for 90 with my paladin. Try out the new zones and garrison to give them all a try.

RL - get to have a CT scan for a health scare this morning, see what that holds. They are inducing my step-daughter tonight so grandchild #2 will be born tomorrow at some point so will be helping my wife set up her apartment while she is in the hospital with labor. Also babysitting the grandchild #1.

Its going to be a busy weekend...
#10 Jan 10 2015 at 1:09 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
A rather cold and blustery day in Beijing, it'll keep the AQI down a bit but it's a good excuse to stay inside.

WoW: I was derailed by the 10th Anniversary reset. It was long enough that I felt like I should try for the mount on my other account. Now, I've finally got my old Troll Warrior up to 100 and I'm trying to get geared up.

RL: Poor Tyger is exhausted with end of year/start of year stuff. Letting her rest is another good excuse to stay inside.

Here's hoping that you all have a good weekend. May the salvage elves drop something good in one of those crates! Smiley: nod
#11 Jan 12 2015 at 6:53 AM Rating: Excellent
WoW: DK Hit 98 and 30% in before raid last night. We were unable to beat last boss. I think our DPS is still a little bit under, as it seems to take us too long, imo, to kill the Mages that show up in phase 3.

Gaming: Played some Destiny. Bro just likes to give me the run around. w/e

RL: It was cold, and wet. Went out Saturday night for dinner. Played WoW rest of the time :D Was nice to have the house all to myself this weekend, but the house is hoarder level of junk in the basement. In the basement is where all the fun "bar" stuff is, so I didn't bother having friends over.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#12 Jan 12 2015 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
Got to 97 last night before logging off. I completely cleared Gorgrond, all quests, bonus objectives, and rares, and almost all of the treasures. I'm only a few quests into Talador. It's looking like I'll have all of Spires and Nagrand to do at 100, so that should be somcme nice gold.

My jewelcrafting and enchanting are coming along, although neither of them are high enough to be impactrful. I am also short on recipes.
#13 Jan 12 2015 at 1:13 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
It was, as I expected, a very quiet weekend.

WoW: OK, I didn't get the enchant or the pet from MC. I managed to force myself through it a second time for the achievement and mount on my other account, but there was no way I could make myself do more than that -- especially given RNG and the drop rate. Really, would it have killed them to put slightly better loot in the rest of the instance, or to make the run back from a death a bit less annoying?

In contrast, I had fun with the new LFR and Grimrail Depot. I do wish, however, that we weren't going to be forced into heroics for the Legendary quest chain, and chunks of the Inn quests. Our PUGs don't seem to be as bad as yours are, but they're still PUGs. I feel like someone on the design staff needs to use a dictionary to understand "savage" is not a synonym for "annoying". While they're at it, 5,000 gold isn't the obstacle it once was -- but it is still way too high for some of the minor things they've priced at that level.

RL: I got hit with a mild virus or flu, and that didn't make the MC run any more palatable. I had next to no energy, aching muscles and a mild fever.

It is 0300 here, and the aspirin is starting to kick in. I'm going to check garrisons and try to get a bit more sleep. Good luck, everyone!
#14 Jan 12 2015 at 4:53 PM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
It was a busy weekend, play all of maybe an hour all weekend long.

RL - friday was dinner with a friend and relaxing. Saturday was birth of 2nd grandchild and babysitting the first one. Sunday was more babysitting and watching some NFL games, not too much going on.

WoW- ran a few instances with my paladin and hit 88 or close to 89 last night, will keep trudging for 90 and trying to farm the triceratops mount, I wants it ....
#15 Jan 16 2015 at 6:57 AM Rating: Excellent
WoW: DK hit 100 the other night, but he is at iLv598. I can't even run heroics. So this weekend's goal is to get him geared, and hopefully into LFR. If this all works out right, then starting next Tuesday I'll be DPSing as a DK rather than my Hunter.
Raiding: We are still 6/7. That Imp fight, phase 3, blows. We are also for sure 1/7 Heroic, we are going to try others this weekend (or so I hope).

RL: I dunno.

Other gaming: My bro has decided Tuesdays and Thursdays work best for him. I told him he needs to sit down in his not busy, yet somehow busy day, of no work and all play, and decided on other nights to play Destiny. As I raid (in WoW) on them days.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#16 Jan 19 2015 at 6:54 AM Rating: Excellent
DK is now iLv 631. He is good to go for normals.
Raiding: still 6/7. Imp sucks. We did manage to get him to phase 4...and it almost looked like we were going to beat him, and then DPS started dropping. Sunday is our optional raid day, so we had to pug. In the end it just didn't work out. We are still 1/7 on Heroic. [H]Butcher is a DPS/Heals check.

Nothing else happened.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#17 Jan 19 2015 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Nothing really changed since I'm on winter break, so I didn't post actual goals.

WOW: I'm trying to stay focused on one account. I log onto the other one (the one with my older characters) to empty the garrison's resources. Whatever has been making the rounds has left me weak as a kitten, I think I've been sleeping something like 14 hours a day, but in 3-4 hour blocks. I managed to make one set of LFR runs and that was it. RNG did not want to give me loot. On the other hand, I had great luck leveling my Shaman from 93 to 96, a couple of followers came in at epic and several quest rewards did too. All told, not a bad weekend.

RL: It wasn't a pretty weekend. I found myself having to get up to rest from the CPAP going full out, doing garrisons, and falling back over.

Stay safe and have fun! Hopefully I'll be a bit more interesting next weekend.
#18 Jan 20 2015 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
1,700 posts
Was out sick friday so had no real goals...

RL - things are looking stressful at work so will be working more than I care to so that deadlines are met. R&R'ed and was sick part of the weekend, visited my newest granddaughter the other part of the weekend, yesterday was a seminar /yay!

WoW - took my hunter to 95 with my wife and she decided her shaman under performed so she started leveling her warlock and hit 90 last night, now I have to boost a character to level with her, thinking druid. Took my paladin to 97.4 and clearing out instances, its slow gearing up and it seems like there are way too many rise/wash/repeat quest. Every chain is go here and speak to this dude, kill x mobs, plant x bombs, collect x items, turn in and move to the next area and do the same thing over again. Starting to get worn out on questing ... Garrison's are interesting but not what I was expecting, overall I am happy with the expansion but it seems like a long haul from 95-97, i'm expecting 97-100 to be longer ...

This week - will be swamped with work and will try to motivate myself to keep leveling and play my new character with my wife.
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