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#1 Aug 25 2016 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
1,282 posts
I am currently in the process of reinstalling XI after a long absence, and as this may take a while I was hoping some of you old veterans could answer some of my questions regarding the current incarnation of the game.

1. What are your go too XI resources?
I used to be quite reliant on FFXIclopedia, however it seems pretty outdated nowadays, with lots of dead links and blank pages. Are there any better maintained resources still around? Or is this just a sign of the times and XI's shrinking community?

2. Most populous servers?
I appreciate that the community is not what it once was, and as none of my original friends still play the game I figured it may be worth starting fresh on a new server. Are there still any servers still with decent size populations out there that are regarded as being more active than the others?

3. The Social Scene?
Alternatively are there any decent sized and active social Linkshells still around? Any recommendations? The whole end game/event linkshell scene is not something I can reliably commit too anymore.

4. Alter Ego's - Limitations?
The big difference between now, and back when I used to play is that I have many more commitments, and much less playing time. As such the Alter Ego's were a big selling point in coming back, as I will still (hopefully) be able to make progress and catch at my own pace, without having to rely too heavily on other players. I am curious however as to their limitations? I hear the AI can be a bit hit or miss, but what about restrictions? Are there any areas, missions, battlefields, events where they cannot be called?

5. The Auction House - Healthy or Stagnant?
I am curious as to how active the crafting scene and AH is nowadays? Will I struggle to re-equip my old jobs? Specifically my lower levelled ones? I think the last time I returned after a hiatus, I had to rely on conquest and campaign points to equip my lower levelled characters, I dont imagine things have gotten any better?

Thanks in advance, I am sure I will have more questions before I finish the download (My connection is awfully slow today, not the best way to return to an MMORPG!).

Edited, Aug 25th 2016 1:35pm by GenryuOfBahamut
Retired from FFXI ....but for how long this time?
#2 Aug 25 2016 at 8:06 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
I'll try to answer what I can here..

1. What are your go too XI resources?

FFXIclopedia is still excellent though not always up to date on recent developments. If what you're looking for is from 2014 or before, you'll reliably find it here, otherwise a Google search usually turns up a reddit thread or two. Or of course you can ask questions here. We've got a couple really smart people bopping around Zam still.

2. Most populous servers?

Not Bismarck Smiley: bah My understanding is that Asura is probably the most populous server for NA players, though someone feel free to correct me on that one.

4. Alter Ego's - Limitations?

I haven't encountered a story mission (battlefield or not) that hasn't allowed trusts yet. What I don't know is whether or not you can use them in capped battlefields like BCNMs. I suspect you probably can, but I haven't personally tested this.

As for their effectiveness, they're pretty good. The AI is non-amazing, but basically for anything that you need a party of people that are basically doing their jobs but don't need to be amazing, trusts work fine. The biggest limitations on them are how closely they follow your movement and the requirement to be engaged with a mob in order for them to take action at all. If you put your weapon away, they stop doing things immediately.

5. The Auction House - Healthy or Stagnant?

Bismarck's AH is ok, not great. Most players are concentrated at level 99 at this point, so most of the economy is concentrated there. People occasionally sell things for lower levels but not reliably so. This may be different on busier servers.

That being said, Sparks of Eminence largely fill the gaps while leveling. You won't be able to buy a hauby or anything like that from them, but you should generally not have to worry about being 50 levels behind on gear all the time.

Edited, Aug 25th 2016 9:10am by Callinon
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#3 Aug 25 2016 at 9:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
1. What are your go too XI resources?

BGWiki from everything from abyssea onwards, scattered bits of info usually on their forums/ffxiah after version updates.

Pretty much what Callion said for answers to other questions.

Edited, Aug 25th 2016 11:05am by Szabo
#4 Aug 25 2016 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
1,282 posts
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I must have clocked up around 8 years of playtime on and off, and yet I feel like a complete and overwhelmed beginner looking at the game right now!

Edited, Aug 25th 2016 3:11pm by GenryuOfBahamut
Retired from FFXI ....but for how long this time?
#5 Aug 25 2016 at 9:40 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
I know how you feel. I'd stopped playing shortly after WotG came out and picked the game up again for a little while about 3 years ago, and then again a few months ago.

Besides having to remember how to dress myself and write macros, just trying to wrap my brain around all the new systems was pretty overwhelming.

I recommend you focus on these things to start with, get familiar with them because they're super important. Learn the rest as you go:
The alter-ego trust system
Records of Eminence
Fields/Grounds of Valor

For a returning player, those are probably the most important things to learn about. Also make sure you're poking absolutely every home point, Survival Guide, and geomagnetic fount (for much later) you see at least once. You can teleport between all these things once you've touched them once.

Crystals can be stored at Ephemeral Moogles in every crafting guild up to 5000 of each (one type at a time), and battlefield seals of all types can be stored with Shami in Port Jeuno.

Your mog wardrobes are available for equipping with macros. Any /equip command in a macro will search the wardrobes for matching gear just as if it were in your inventory.

That's probably it for stuff you'll want to know going in. The rest can be learned as needed. If you have questions, feel free to ask here.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#6 Aug 25 2016 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
1,282 posts
I wondered what the Mog Wardrobes were, when I reactivated my characters on my SE account, I noticed the option of activating Mog Wardrobes 3&4, I assumed it was just additional mog house storage space that you had to pay real money for.

The Macro element looks super cool though, despite having gobbie bags, mog sacks and satchels I always found myself low on inventory space.
Retired from FFXI ....but for how long this time?
#7 Aug 25 2016 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
My thoughts on wardrobes 3 and 4 are

A: I object to a subscription game making you subscribe to bank space. This is something FFXIV does too and it's a horrible thing to do to players who are already paying a monthly fee to play
B: At the same time they probably eliminate a real need to have mules specifically to hold gear

I would pass on them for right now if I were you. At least until you know what your real gear storage needs are. For me, I considered picking them up and deactivating my two gear mules, except that having 14 extra AH slots is way too good especially when low level gear moves so slowly (which is most of what I'm selling).
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#8 Aug 25 2016 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
1,282 posts
Out of curiosity what are the more desirable jobs nowadays? Has the newer content affected the pecking order in anyway? (Heck I know next to nothing about Geo and Rune)

I ask because over the years and different stages of the games evolution, jobs have continually fallen in and out of favour (Some by very large degrees). I was a career BST back when it was possibly the least popular job and getting into a party was next to impossible, only to see it surge in popularity just before I quit and become the job almost everyone seemed to have levelled. I remember SAM, considered by many to be a mediocre DD in the early years suddenly becoming the bandwagon DD job over night after the big 2hander acc+damage update several years ago, only for the job to fall back down the pecking order a few years later when Abyssea and the crazy crit Atma's came out. BLM suffered a similar fate, and fell out of favour during the ToAU years and in most cased was forced into solo levelling on beastmen pets, only to make a strong resurgence in desirability later on during the abyssea years. I think almost every job has been bumped up, or knocked down the pecking order at some point over the years.

It would be interesting to see how the game has evolved whilst I was away and know what jobs are now considered hot and what are considered not.

Edited, Aug 25th 2016 4:38pm by GenryuOfBahamut
Retired from FFXI ....but for how long this time?
#9 Aug 25 2016 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
1,282 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
My thoughts on wardrobes 3 and 4 are

A: I object to a subscription game making you subscribe to bank space. This is something FFXIV does too and it's a horrible thing to do to players who are already paying a monthly fee to play
B: At the same time they probably eliminate a real need to have mules specifically to hold gear

I would pass on them for right now if I were you. At least until you know what your real gear storage needs are. For me, I considered picking them up and deactivating my two gear mules, except that having 14 extra AH slots is way too good especially when low level gear moves so slowly (which is most of what I'm selling).

Yeah I had no real intention of purchasing them, at least not now. I pretty much hold your sentiments on the subject.
Retired from FFXI ....but for how long this time?
#10 Aug 25 2016 at 1:57 PM Rating: Excellent
562 posts
GenryuOfBahamut wrote:
Out of curiosity what are the more desirable jobs nowadays? Has the newer content affected the pecking order in anyway? (Heck I know next to nothing about Geo and Rune)

I ask because over the years and different stages of the games evolution, jobs have continually fallen in and out of favour (Some by very large degrees). I was a career BST back when it was possibly the least popular job and getting into a party was next to impossible, only to see it surge in popularity just before I quit and become the job almost everyone seemed to have levelled. I remember SAM, considered by many to be a mediocre DD in the early years suddenly becoming the bandwagon DD job over night after the big 2hander acc+damage update several years ago, only for the job to fall back down the pecking order a few years later when Abyssea and the crazy crit Atma's came out. BLM suffered a similar fate, and fell out of favour during the ToAU years and in most cased was forced into solo levelling on beastmen pets, only to make a strong resurgence in desirability later on during the abyssea years. I think almost every job has been bumped up, or knocked down the pecking order at some point over the years.

It would be interesting to see how the game has evolved whilst I was away and know what jobs are now considered hot and what are considered not.

Edited, Aug 25th 2016 4:38pm by GenryuOfBahamut

Job popularity is always difficult to answer, in particular when generalizing and not talking about specific content. But, I'll try to give a little insight.

PLD does a lot of the tanking now, with some content being well suited to RUN, and a good PUP tank can be absolutely amazing in some conditions. However, as always, gear for a tank makes a huge difference.

A lot of mid-to-high level content can be beaten relatively easily by using a tank, a SCH to create skillchains, and a squad of BLMs to magic burst off those chains. As always, good gear makes a huge difference in this. For that setup, the SCH is the one who can get away with lesser gear most easily, as making the SCs is driven by job abilities and timers. That said, a well geared and played SCH will do better.

Melee jobs.... they can all do decently now. BLU can be an absolute beast, as can SAM, WAR, THF, DNC and DRG. DRK and MNK I don't see as much of these days. As it has always been, gear makes a huge difference for these jobs.

Support, GEO is probably the most popular these days, and probably takes the least work to be functional. COR has a decent level of demand, but BRD and RDM aren't the golden children that they once were.

This of course isn't an exhaustive list, and cases can be made for every job. It is, in the end, always situational and highly dependent on gear and player experience. If you want an easy route into higher level content, so that you can build up other jobs, I'd suggest either GEO or SCH (with some practice making skill chains).
Renatus (Titan)
"We are Dragoons, and to make short work of foppish cavalry is our bread and butter."
-Bob Shaftoe, The System of the World
#11 Aug 25 2016 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
1,282 posts
My apologies, I am being a pain in the *** now with my endless questions (I blame the long download, which is keeping me restless, I still have 9 hours to go!), but one more thing has piqued my interest. I have noticed a few screenshots of people running around with TP values in the 4 figure numbers. What is going on there then?

How much was the cap raised by?
Do you need to somehow unlock this new TP cap via quests/merit points or somthing? Or is it available from the get go?
Is TP still gained at the same rate as before? I imagine it would take quite a while to reach 1k+ under the old mechanics.

Again my apologies for the million and one questions, it is just that seeing someone with that much TP blew my mind a little,

RenatusofTitan wrote:

Job popularity is always difficult to answer, in particular when generalizing and not talking about specific content. But, I'll try to give a little insight.

PLD does a lot of the tanking now, with some content being well suited to RUN, and a good PUP tank can be absolutely amazing in some conditions. However, as always, gear for a tank makes a huge difference.

A lot of mid-to-high level content can be beaten relatively easily by using a tank, a SCH to create skillchains, and a squad of BLMs to magic burst off those chains. As always, good gear makes a huge difference in this. For that setup, the SCH is the one who can get away with lesser gear most easily, as making the SCs is driven by job abilities and timers. That said, a well geared and played SCH will do better.

Melee jobs.... they can all do decently now. BLU can be an absolute beast, as can SAM, WAR, THF, DNC and DRG. DRK and MNK I don't see as much of these days. As it has always been, gear makes a huge difference for these jobs.

Support, GEO is probably the most popular these days, and probably takes the least work to be functional. COR has a decent level of demand, but BRD and RDM aren't the golden children that they once were.

This of course isn't an exhaustive list, and cases can be made for every job. It is, in the end, always situational and highly dependent on gear and player experience. If you want an easy route into higher level content, so that you can build up other jobs, I'd suggest either GEO or SCH (with some practice making skill chains).

Thanks that was an interesting read, I am not really planning to do much in the way of higher level group activity, I was just a little curious as to the current lay of the land.

Edited, Aug 25th 2016 9:16pm by GenryuOfBahamut
Retired from FFXI ....but for how long this time?
#12 Aug 25 2016 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
How much was the cap raised by?
Do you need to somehow unlock this new TP cap via quests/merit points or somthing? Or is it available from the get go?
Is TP still gained at the same rate as before? I imagine it would take quite a while to reach 1k+ under the old mechanics.

TP values were raised by x10 for everything.. You build x10 TP and weaponskills cost x10 TP. I think this was so they could make DNC abilities more granular in their cost, but I don't actually know what the reason is.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#13 Aug 25 2016 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
1,282 posts
Ah, so basically nothing really changed in the way of weapon skilling, other than how the TP value is displayed?
Retired from FFXI ....but for how long this time?
#14 Aug 25 2016 at 3:58 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Pretty much yeah.

TP gain values can be more granular now... that's about it. Weaponskills still cost at least 1000 TP to use.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#15 Aug 25 2016 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
74 posts
Good to know you can store crystals... I have been selling them to NPC along with pretty much everything else because nothing sells on the AH for a price or rate I care about.

1. BGwiki and ffxi wiki but often one or the other is out dated.

2/3. I started over on Asura and in a week have not had a /see all return anything under 1k players. Time of does not matter. Lots of social stuff especially since you can pick up linkshells from NPCs in the major cities. NPC will tell you what the linkshells they hold are for... new players/end game/trading...

4. I am still not sure what they and can't be used for... seems sometimes they can and sometimes they can't for mission stuff. Most mission stuff doesn't have level cap anymore so you can just outlevel and destroy those. I think they can't be used for most BCNM but I could be wrong on that.

5. AH is meh at low levels but then you don't need much from the AH at low levels. Sparks pretty much cover the important stuff (weapons). Ammo/ninja tools can be bought from moogles unlocked with the RoV stuff. Decent prices as well so that helps. NM are not camped anymore it seems either so if you really want a drop that isn't going to be useful for long you can do that with little trouble. I was running to Bastok and killed Stray mary and leaping lizzy 4ish minutes apart. I also got a monster signa running around birdville. Drops are basically worthless.

The FFXI servers still suck for downloads so nothing has changed there....
#16 Aug 25 2016 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
1,282 posts
Rochetm wrote:
Lots of social stuff especially since you can pick up linkshells from NPCs in the major cities. NPC will tell you what the linkshells they hold are for... new players/end game/trading...

That is a pretty cool mechanic, I assume LS leaders register their LS at the NPC at allow auto joining?

Rochetm wrote:
Sparks pretty much cover the important stuff (weapons). Ammo/ninja tools can be bought from moogles unlocked with the RoV stuff. Decent prices as well so that helps.

Sparks? I'll need to look into those, do they work similar to conquest points, imperial standing, allied notes etc?

Edited, Aug 26th 2016 1:26am by GenryuOfBahamut
Retired from FFXI ....but for how long this time?
#17 Aug 25 2016 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
74 posts
From what I understand you give pearls to the NPCs you want to hand out for you.... you can have two linkshells equiped at once as well which is handy.

Sparks are from RoEs. These are a combination of something like achievements for doing things AND some daily/repeatable. You get Sparks which are a currency, EXP and Unity accolades(long story on those). I really enjoy the system because it opens some extra options and reasons do do things you don't "have" to do like hunting useless NMs.
#18 Aug 25 2016 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
1,282 posts
Ok this one has me scratching my head, I have just finally logged in for the first time in forever and almost had a heart attack. Why has all my augmented gear lost its enchantments? Every piece of augmented gear I owned, be it magian weapons, or quest rewards such as the Desultor Tassets are just plain old base items now :(

Also whilst reacquinting myself with my mog house, I noticed a few new menu's including one for item sets. Is this what I think it is? Can we finally legitimately macro in full gear swaps using a single macro? Or have I misunderstood the point?

Finally I decided to wander over the the AH and have a gander at some of the newer items. Some of the lv119 gear was quite reasonably priced and way better than anything I own myself, and so I invested an a couple of weapons, only I cannot seem to equip them. Am I missing something, is there an additional requirement to equiping the level 100+ gear that I am unaware of? On later inspection I noticed the Items say 'All races SU1', I assume it is somthing to do with this, what is SU1?

Edited, Aug 26th 2016 4:25am by GenryuOfBahamut
Retired from FFXI ....but for how long this time?
#19 Aug 25 2016 at 10:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
Your augments is still there, you just need to press the - on num keypad to see them.

Full gear swaps but the windower one is better, the macro would like
/equipset 1
/ma "cure" <stal>
/equipset 2

You need to spend job points in order to use them. Job Points is similar to merit points, but you can only spend them on the job you obtain them with.
After spending certain amounts of job points you will unlock gifts as a bonus, su1 requirement is spending 50 job points and su2 is 100 job points.
Most jobs' 100 and 1200 gifts are very job defining like new spells and etc

Start with eminent gear from Records of Eminence from sparks until better gear.
#20 Aug 25 2016 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
1,282 posts
Bloody hell, you are right! I'd have never thought to press " - " Thanks for clearing that up.

As for the gear swaps, what is the difference between the vanilla swaps and the Windowers?

EDIT: I can't believe Alla censored the word 'H.e.l.l' haha!

Edited, Aug 26th 2016 5:10am by GenryuOfBahamut
Retired from FFXI ....but for how long this time?
#21 Aug 25 2016 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
A bit faster, but also a bit more versatile if you delve into the LUA script systems.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#22 Aug 26 2016 at 2:50 AM Rating: Good
1,282 posts
Well I finally seem to be back up and running, macros have all been rewritten (Could have swore I'd saved them to the server) and I have begun working on both trust and Records of Eminence.

Final question before I just go and jump in at the deep end and engross myself in FFXI for the rest of the day. Are there any stand out Alter Ego's who I should be prioritising right now?

Seriha wrote:
A bit faster, but also a bit more versatile if you delve into the LUA script systems.

I'll give it a miss then, sounds like you need to know what you are doing to get the most out of it.

Edited, Aug 26th 2016 8:53am by GenryuOfBahamut
Retired from FFXI ....but for how long this time?
#23 Aug 26 2016 at 3:32 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
When it comes to the LUA stuff, yeah. There's a lower tech alternative where you can do txt files with various in-game commands, but it can't get readily as conditional. Pragmatically, the in-game macroset system has some advantages over it, but that also fails in the limits of set you can make. One of the bigger advantages you can derive of Windower outside of this, though, is setting more macro buttons beyond the game's default.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#24 Aug 26 2016 at 5:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
GenryuOfBahamut wrote:

Final question before I just go and jump in at the deep end and engross myself in FFXI for the rest of the day. Are there any stand out Alter Ego's who I should be prioritising right now

Assuming you're talking the ones from login campaign. Brygid(defense), Star Sybil(mab), and Kuyin(acc) are passive geomancer buff type that might be useful later on when you're able to summon more from doing Rhapsodies of Vana'diel missions. Karaha is a decent whm that uses barspells until you join Apururu or Yoran's unity for their trust. Ullegore, Robel, and D. Shanotto might be worth it for low level lvling as they're blms, the rest is up to you eventually gotta collect them all.
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