fr quest:Gold Pinwheels  

Free Realms
To Start: Speak to Sizzlebottom in Seaside.
Sizzlebottom says,"You got stickers? You want a gold pinwheel? Ten stickers each.

Why am I collecting stickers? Heh heh heh...I don't want to spoil the secret yet! "

Sizzlebottom is collecting Seaside Stickers for a secret prank. He's willing to trade one of his fireworks, a Gold Pinwheel, for ten stickers.

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The reward is a one-charge, single-use firework.

Seaside Summer Splash
Quest Series

This article refers to items, events, personae and activities only available in-game during the Seaside Summer Splash celebration, which ran from July 3 to July 15, 2009. (Introduced in 2009)

This page last modified 2010-02-11 08:43:38.