FR Quest:Soccer Star: Power Game  

Soccer Star
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To Start: Speak to Coach Golden Leg Eddie in Wilds North.
Coach Golden Leg Eddie says,"So Kiddo, those Goalbusters just won't give up! They want to play another game.

We gotta be strong on the offense this time. Steal the ball to win the game! "

Coach "Golden Leg Eddie" wants you to beat the Goalbusters in a Power Game.
Membership is required to begin this quest. This quest will advance the Soccer Star job.

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Note on Start Mob Name

The correct name is Coach "Golden Leg" Eddie. We removed the quotes so our media page will show the image.

Soccer Star: Achieve Level 5 Soccer Star
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Goal Time!
October 2, 2009
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This page last modified 2010-02-02 07:13:20.