FR Quest:Camp Troubles  

Free Realms

To Start: Speak to Counselor Edmond in Greenwood Forest.
Counselor Edmond says,"*sigh* I know people are here for fun and games, but we've been having some troubles.

Campers are reporting sightings of a big scary monster they call, Bigfoot.

I want to try talking to it, but no one knows where it is. See if you can find Bigfoot's lair. "

Bigfoot has been scaring off many campers. However, it is very elusive, and none of the counselors have been able to find it. See if you can find its lair.
This is an Errand quest.  Membership is required to begin this quest.

  1. Find Bigfoot's Lair
  2. Return to Counselor Edmond
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Follow the quest marker to some trees southwest of Edmond, where you will get your update.

Closing Remarks

Counselor Edmond says, "The foot prints lead to a copse of trees. That must be where Bigfoot hides out!"

Meet and Greet Summer Camp
Quest Series
Confronting Bigfoot
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This article refers to items, events, personae and activities only available in-game during the Summer Camp event.
In 2010, Summer Camp is scheduled to run from June 3rd through July 7th. (Introduced in 2010)

This page last modified 2010-06-04 17:02:15.