Spell details for Raise II  

Jobs/Level:Red Mage, lvl 95
Scholar, lvl 70
White Mage, lvl 56
MP cost:150
Scroll:Scroll of Raise II
Reuse:60 Seconds
Cast time:14 seconds
Target Type:Single
Description:Revives target from KO.

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price if raise 2.
# Jul 15 2007 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
Hmmm bought this from ah on fairy for 7k... got to love ffxi for at least trying to get rid of rmt...
# Jun 08 2007 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
Since the update a lot has changed r1 now gives 50%exp back so r2 must be more but not sure still need to test that one second price drop means r2 is a lot cheaper to get hold of third before update r2 did nothing for anyone below 50 but i can confirm that has changed as i raised my link friend 48 and he got the full exp back from r2 i forgot what he got back but it was what every r2 gives you.These post need to be updated and test out as a lot of the info just wont add up anymore i am trying to do tests my self but not many ppl are willing to die for you lol :).

No matter how good you are as whm there will always going to be the odd misshap in prtys eg:i was trio with 2 bst they pulled and fought i healed when they lost charm or had to get another pet then near end of fight i would nuke.Fighting undead whm rules lol.Any way we did realy well np till one of the bst got agro while trying to charm and then pet he tryed to charm failed by that time i try to pull mob away with buffs up got hate for a while and it was ok but then stoneskin fell and bam i was dead then bst 1 dead and bst 2 fell after that point being sometime no matter how good you think you are things can go wrong.

Edited, Jun 8th 2007 6:26am by ragnarockw
# May 02 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
Raise I- 25% back
Raise II-75% back
Raise III-99% back

I have been testing raise I,II,III for awhile, so heres the break down to stop the board spam...

Raise I is 25% lvl 50+
Raise II is 75% lvl 55+
Raise III is 99% lvl 55+

For people who need to argue this, please, get a White Mage that has all 3 and check it out.

Also 300k for Raise II, listen people, how many times does a whm come out to valkurm dunes and Raise because they are bored, I personally Tip people when they raise me, between 2-10k depending on my mood, hell if you get a Teleport-altep you are in the middle of Jeuno shouting <Teleport-Altep> <Do you have it> <Reward> 2k </invite> <Thank you>

so you get the teleport, and that 2k was a tip, bloody hell tip your whm's so they can buy their spells, And as far as farming at 53.... 2 words, Jeuno and Teleports (and warp)
raise 2
# Jul 16 2006 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
is there any npc that sells this spell..?
dunno if anyone mentioned this but...
# Jun 24 2006 at 11:07 PM Rating: Default
Not to add more fire to flames, but I wanted to do my own testing with Raise and Raise II. I convinced my lvl 22 friend to die a few times to test out the Xp loss, and this is what I got:

Initial Xp@lvl22: 4,353
XP after dying and raised: 4,041
XP after dying again and raised II'd: 3,729

Simple math shows he lost 312 each time (I think he had a bed in his MH, which makes it less than the listed experience site linked)

No these numbers were not made up, and this was just tested on March 3, 2005. This isn't to say that this has always been the case, as I haven't tested it in the past. I'm not saying one way or the other, but I'm tending to believe the information on the listed site below. Feel free to make your own tests and see if it collaborates or refutes this, because I'm tired of listening to heresays and speculations.
RaiseII wont return any more exp unless the player is at a certain lvl... 50+ i think i dont remember for sure.
# Mar 06 2006 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
Ok Just hit lvl 56 Great!I think,So I go to buy the scroll......went from 150k to 400k Damn! not enough money so now I'm farming (which isn't easy for a whm) Here's my plan after I buy it...When I see the guy that got my 400k laying dead somewhere...I'll let him know that just this once I have to charge for raise ....400k to be exact :)
RE: prices
# May 06 2006 at 5:35 PM Rating: Default
RE: prices
# Apr 08 2006 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
Haha!! great stuff I love it
R2 prices
# Oct 23 2005 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
Ok I am so glad im on Shiva R2 is only going for 40k ~~~ just looked since i just Dinged 53whm :) ~~~ I could not see spending 300K on a spell that never gets used upon you. I finally got my Light Staff to help my pt and Unlike most whms who run at the sign of trouble i stay with my pts until the end and usually end up dieing first to save the rest of the pt. I dont knwo how many countless times in CN that I was the only one in pt who died and we had to wait for raise when i didnt have time to recast Reraise since we had an awesoem pt. But they didnt mind waitn gfor Raise since i kinda gave up my life for theirs. lol

Edited, Sep 4th 2006 at 9:29pm EDT by Kartia
raise EXP
# Jul 26 2005 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
898 posts
I'm pretty sure that Raise give 25% back, R2 gives 75%, and R3 gives 99% back, if you do some math with the exp you'd lose at 25, 50, and 75 you'll find that with the raises going in the right order you'll only have lots the same EXP each time
Raise II pricing....
# Jul 21 2005 at 6:09 AM Rating: Excellent
I've got a beef people.
On ramuh this spell sells for bout 300k give or take a few gil.
Now i hate to break it to you but there in absolutly no way i am ever gonna pay that kinda gil for this. It is insane that people expect whm's to pay that for a spell that doesn't even do anything for a whm. Unless i get lucky in a quest some day i'll save my gil for RERAISE II, and the rest of you will have to suffer if you should need a raise. These types of spells should be given out to whm's for cheep if not free. Do peeps pay ME to raise THEM...No. So why should I pay huge gil to save YOU some extra xp...just terrible.
RE: Raise II pricing....
# Sep 06 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
602 posts
2x post -.-

Edited, Tue Sep 6 03:11:23 2005
RE: Raise II pricing....
# Sep 06 2005 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
602 posts
Because, what are you gonna do when a guy gets pissed cuz you ***** up in an XP PT and dont have R2? You're gonna lose out on members in the PT and your reputation will go down.

BTW, are you having trouble understanding what a WHM's job entails? They HELP people.
RE: Raise II pricing....
# Oct 21 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
you are kidding right ?how the hell you gonna ***** up on this lvl ? are you some ****** and just buy your char ? then you got bad luck .. it is indeed very very low to sell that spell for like 300 k if whm.. have nothing on it .. it is stupid and not logic why not first reraise II ?
and that bcnm i like dc ... for whm is that >>> dead ... come on be reasonable ..300 k is way over it i don't give either that kind money ... or they py for raiseII .. i don't mind .. and ... i never ***** up till know so ... don't count on it ..
RE: Raise II pricing....
# Sep 25 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
115 posts
I am not sure what its like on other servers, but I rarely see a WHM that is willing to die to save a melee, but I see lots of melee that are willing to die to save the mages. Don't the WHMs atleast owe it to the melee who sacrifice thier lives to atleast minimize their losses?

Second thing, if everyone had the mentallity that you do not need these scrolls and other items that make you a better player, then who would ever save up to buy a haub or a SH? Better yet, who would even farm for gil to buy those fancy pieces of equip? Why don't mages and non-tanking jobs just run around in thier beginning RSE equip? They do this so that they and their party members can prosper and minimize losses and maximize gains. Everyone in this game is reliant on one another.

If everyone was that cheap, then this whole game would be filled with noobs that are running around getting killed left right and center in what they started with.
RE: Raise II pricing....
# Nov 12 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
I just wanted to say i would always die first over anyone in my prty true sometimes i cant save them in time but not very often but i always have my 2h rdy and dont mind dieing to save them after all you can get the exp back np and the prty respect you more for doing it.
Raise II Do you have it? Gilgamesh server
# Jun 12 2005 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
I know this is a looooong shot but i'm heading to 56 soon and looking for this scroll to buy soon, or is there a bcnm/nm that drops this??
My limited testing
# Mar 04 2005 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
221 posts
Not to add more fire to flames, but I wanted to do my own testing with Raise and Raise II. I convinced my lvl 22 friend to die a few times to test out the Xp loss, and this is what I got:

Initial Xp@lvl22: 4,353
XP after dying and raised: 4,041
XP after dying again and raised II'd: 3,729

Simple math shows he lost 312 each time (I think he had a bed in his MH, which makes it less than the listed experience site linked)

No these numbers were not made up, and this was just tested on March 3, 2005. This isn't to say that this has always been the case, as I haven't tested it in the past. I'm not saying one way or the other, but I'm tending to believe the information on the listed site below. Feel free to make your own tests and see if it collaborates or refutes this, because I'm tired of listening to heresays and speculations.


Edited, Fri Mar 4 04:02:45 2005
RE: My limited testing
# Apr 27 2005 at 12:12 AM Rating: Default
My Two Cents Worth

RDM 13/WHM6 died twice at this level - Raise I limited damage to 300 exp each time.

just died again >.< and raise II damage just 200

hmmmm made a difference for me

BTW Noble Bed and 10 White Jars

Vallor Sylph WHM59/BLM30/WAR15/RDM13

"Why is there never enough time to do the job right, but always enough time to do it over?"
RE: My limited testing
# Mar 16 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
Ok if you read the thread under Raise I you see people explain that raise II has no speacial effect on players under the lvl 50.
Not trying to step on toes or anything just pointing it out.
# Feb 28 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
i was in an exp pt and died twice once i lost 1000 exp cause i got a raise I by a high lvl smn and i heard if u have ice stuff in ur mog house u lose less exp. is that true?
RE: Raise
# Feb 28 2005 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
Actually beds help with the exp loss as well as mog safe storage. Start with a bronze bed wait til sunday update get a mohagany bed wait til update again and finally get a noble bed. with the right amount of fame the moggle with have a quest on sunday after update for +10 hog house storage. As far as elements go Beds are Lightning and if your mog house is too far in one elemental you may not get the mogchantment foe experience points. (exp room full of rusty buckets would give you fishing mogchantment even with bed, and you can only have onekey item mogchantment)
On Experience Post 51
# Jan 16 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Excellent
195 posts
Other than this link, I'm yet to see concrete proof, other than the words of others. So until I can see calculations and loss based on raise II and raise III, I choose to believe what is in this link.

As a WHM, just cause I won't use a raise II on you before 51 doesn't mean I'm lazy. I'd rather spend the otherwise wasted MP helping others around you o.O

In any event, if someone would like to present evidence that disproves the calculations done on that site, I would like to see it, not read it.

Thank you.


Edited, Sun Jan 16 16:54:55 2005
Spell Cost
# Dec 15 2004 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
283 posts
It is very possible that Raise II can cost 127 MP, if your sub is Blm and you have it leveled. Which will mean you will have Conserve MP activated. Which occasionally reduces the cost of spells. By how much? Unknown. But you could cast and recast Raise II and watch the difference in the amount of MP that is used each time.
the cost of spells
# Nov 21 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
Raise I - 150 MP
Raise II - 200 MP
Raise III - 250 MP

thats what i heard from a buddy when he was giving my pt a PL, super good exp by the way.
but its not 127 mp =D
no offence, but i think... but dont know, i think it might be 95% exp gain'd back, but ill know when i get Raise III or Reraise III.
# Nov 09 2004 at 9:27 PM Rating: Excellent
i came here looking for somthing but cant find more info so ... for all u whms that like to know its droped by a strong mob that needs 70+ to kill it or a bcnm 50 in giddeus drop 1/3 chest i was lucky and picked the medium 1 good luck all and rate me up im feelin bored with a decent haha
# Nov 09 2004 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
how true it is 50% and 3 is 75% which idiot said 99.9% u stupid noob i would beleive that if you had a noble bed that deducts exp loss btw bronze / mahogany / noble / royal beds deduct exp loss which is y its costly >"< as for royal bed not sure but i think it came out with expansion that you lose 75% if u die and HP and the material is jack crap somthing bout 1-10 mil gil worth maybe .... i would say .... death

royal is a rumor but the others are true so u high lv noobs at least take out ur damn bed b4 u say raise 3 gives u o.1% loss /slap

hope this helps the rest of u coz i did some testing hehe was stupid ... wasted bcnm orb on lv 7 rdm got raise 2 and i dont see the crap coz i took out my noble bed or id lose 50% when i HP
RE: -.-;
# Nov 13 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
you werent lvl 7 you were lvl 6 i saw u ;P
hehe threndal here buddy :D
Raise II for all levels
# Nov 02 2004 at 9:04 PM Rating: Default
198 posts
That is correct. Raise II and III will give back XP to any level. The difference is that you notice it more post 50.

At 1k xp you lose 100 xp. 75% of that isn't much. But at 50k you would lose 5k xp. Now 75% of that is a lot. But that doesn't mean the spell didn't work.
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 02 2004 at 2:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) raise 2 is not 50+ it is a myth. it started when some whm were to lazy to cast it on lower lvls. when my friend plvl my bst at lvl 44 he raise 2 me and i got 75% xp back raise 3 on the other hand did not work at 44. dont believe me get a lvl 44 job die and have a friend cast raise 2. if u r unwilling to do that then shut the f#%@ up.
# Sep 16 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
And you are (were) full of crap because Raise 2 only restores 75% to people lvl 50+

Edited, Thu Sep 16 17:57:03 2004
RE: Ha.
# Sep 22 2004 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
I have no idea where this myth originated. Maybe it was ONCE true, and has been updated out of existence. However, at this point in time, raise2 gives back 75% of the death exp loss on ANYBODY, below or above lvl 50. Raise 3 also affects anyone. (at 99% savings)

I was raise2-ed by a friend several times in my mid-40s, raise3ed by a random 75whm, and more recently (post 50) raise3-ed again during a brd AF2 run. All the times, I received the same exp savings as would be expected from the spell. (I was paying attention because I had heard these rumors of raise2 50+).

So, just to clarify and repeat, raise2 affects, at the very least lvl 42+, and raise 3 at the very least 48+ (and 56+).
it's 75%
# Jul 06 2004 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
i just had this cast on me, it is 75% back
pirates attacked the ship and i stupidly tried to help at lvl 35 -_-
umm wrong
# Jul 05 2004 at 3:03 AM Rating: Good
Raise I- 25% back
Raise II-75% back
Raise III-99% back

check all the guides...trust me.. plus i know people who self tested this. and it worked EXP loss calculated to around these figures.

Edited, Mon Jul 5 04:05:00 2004
# Apr 30 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
(Raise I) MP cost: 127
and (Raise II) MP cost: 127?

r u sure?
is this a typo?
RE: ???
# May 16 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
1,453 posts
It's an error. Raise II costs 200MP to cast, and the casting time is identical to Raise I.

Edited, Sun May 16 20:07:31 2004
RE: ???
# Jun 02 2004 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
2,137 posts
I believe the casting time is a tad bit longer for Raise II. I've never actually timed it, but this is what I've noticed.
Level restrictions
# Apr 21 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
I heard from some other people that you need to be lvl 50+ in order for the exp regain to take affect.

Eg. Raise II on a level 10 won't have any affect with exp loss.
RE: Level restrictions
# Aug 11 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
I hear this too, even heard one person say 55+. So what's the official line?? lol What is the actual limit restriction? Has anyone tested this or is it the assumed rumor.
RE: Level restrictions
# Sep 22 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
I'm not sure how many people want to test this. At 50+ you're talking about losing 1000+ experience, minus whatever the actual return happens to be. When I get high enough to cast the spell, I'll have to "forget" to heal some people and test it on them... muwahahaha! ^_^
RE: Level restrictions
# Jul 26 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
all the ppl in my LS said that u have to be at least 51 for the effects of R2 and R3 to work on u...can anyone verify?
Coffer item
# Mar 09 2004 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
762 posts
I heard this item can be found as a coffer item in either Kuftal Tunnel or Quicksand Caves... can anyone verify?
Also drops off High Priest in Castle Oztroja
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